寻找IBM Verse

基于新的云的消息传递系统,您可能从未听说过IBM Connect的存在感觉

寻找IBM Verse电子邮件
Bob Brown / NetworkWorld

It’s been almost exactly 10 months since IBM formally launched its analytics-infused messaging system called Verse, and while the company’s announcement of “software for a new way to work” initially generated a relatively positive blast of press and analyst coverage, buzz about the cloud-first product has dwindled since. So I went in search of signs of excitement, or even signs of life, for Verse at theIBM Connect会议本周在奥兰多。

这是公平地说,IBM在IBM连接营销方面没有与Vere完全相同,而是推动关于社会业务和数字体验的更广泛的信息。Though a fresh press release touting the company’s “growing social business momentum” does mention Verse a few times and even cites one of IBM’s Connections Cloud customers –- a professional services and telesales company called Flex Contact Center -- that is now rolling out Verse to 11,000 employees worldwide. What’s more, the integrated mail and calendaring technology was the subject of numerous sessions, from “Going Mobile with IBM Verse” to “Boom – Deploying IBM Verse and Connections Cloud at IBM.”


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IBM Verse云的邮件系统

IBM需要一段时间才能到达诗歌(如此,缩写“匡威”)在演出中,这一天踢出了那一天,通过充电/疲惫地脱颖而出Natgeo电视节目主持人Jason Silva和一个有趣的再循环TED @ IBM谈论为什么计算设备需要有一种幽默感。事实上,活动中的第一个重要提及诗歌中的一个看似无穷无尽的演示中的一个似乎是担心的IBM人员假装成为客户。

在展示邮件的主页期间,在邮件,日历,社交网络和通知的统一视图中,IBM客户体验执行Chris Crummey - 造型稀有组合口袋广场/ iPhone案例 - 员工员员们伸出协议,加速共享内容。他还展示了诗歌的日历技术如何使用Watson Powered Smarts向他建议他应该参加哪些冲突的会议(UH,其中最多的人在org图表中的最多人)和监听电子邮件。此外,Crummey证明了如何拍摄VERSE日历快照,以便离线访问它。

诗歌IBM. Bob Brown / NetworkWorld

IBM的Chris Crummey在IBM Connect的社交业务演示期间通过他的手机与同事同步

Also during the opening sessions, Enterprise Social Solutions GM Jeff Schick dropped a bombshell -- well, OK, whatever the thing is that’s slightly less than a bombshell –-that IBM would be providing Verse as an on-premises upgrade to its Domino “Next” social business application platform during the second half of 2016. Yes, if you haven't been paying attention, both the Domino server and Notes client -- formerly the stars of IBM Connect predecessor Lotusphere -- do live. The thinking goes that there's still demand for on-premises products by those organizations perhaps still not quite comfortable with putting everyting in the cloud as well as those not allowed to do so because of governance rules.

Schick是自2006年以来的一部分IBM的协作业务,是IBM Connections社会商业网络平台的父亲,在后续采访中扩展了Vere。

他吹嘘它是第一个具有用于离线使用的加密本地商店的基于Web的邮件。它也是第一个使用true的消息系统面位搜索Schick说,基于Apache Solr引擎,可以提供高级信息的信息。Verse也可以帮助用户可视化所有这些人都获得CC:ED发送给您的消息。


托斯卡纳 Bob Brown / NetworkWorld

IBM Enterprise Solutions GM Jeff Schick揭示了Toscana,这是一个可以衡量诗歌和其他企业社交工具的对话引擎



IBM Verse路线图


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