Cybersecurity whistleblowers: Get ready for more

It is not a comfortable topic – virtually all cases involving a cybersecurity whistleblower have ended with a confidential settlement. But experts, and lawyers, say that in an increasingly connected world, those cases are bound to increase


It is not a public problem yet. But according to multiple experts, it will be.

“它”是网络ecurity whistleblower – an employee who sees a flaw, or flaws, in his or her company’s network security, brings the problem to management but gets ignored or punished – marginalized, harassed, demoted or even fired.

And then the worker either goes public or files a complaint with a federal regulatory agency like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Such a scenario is unlikely to end well – almost certainly for the company (if the complaint is credible) and perhaps even for the whistleblower, notwithstanding laws meant to protect them.


[ ALSO ON CSO:Whistleblowers at risk when using US government websites]

“Think about it. If you were someone classified as a whistleblower, it would label you unemployable,” said one expert who declined to speak for attribution.


He has never spoken about it to regulators or other outside authorities either.


“He was told to mind his business and that the organization was dealing with it. It wasn’t, and when he reported it to authorities, he was essentially fired for it,” Schwartz said.



So the predicted increase in cybersecurity whistleblower cases is somewhat speculative at the moment, in part due to secrecy. There are no public cases involving them on record so far, even though most businesses have had an online presence for two decades or even longer.


A second reason for a lack of clarity is that it remains a relatively new legal field. “All federal agencies – not just the SEC – are playing catch-up to align their policies with the seriousness of cybersecurity threats,” Katz said.


Debra Katz, founding partner, Katz, Marshall & Banks

That means there is not much legal history, precedent or even laws that specifically addresses cybersecurity whistleblowers.


Still, attorneys like Katz, who specialize in whistleblower cases, say top management in organizations may need to play catch-up as well, since such cases could lead to damaging breaches or an investigation by a regulatory agency – or both.

And while legal protections may not be explicit for cybersecurity whistleblowers, they exist by implication, experts say. Lance Hayden, managing director at the Berkeley Research Group and a CSO contributor, is one of several who have cited asettlementlast September between the SEC and R.T. Jones Capital Equities Management over charges that the firm’s violation of the “safeguards rule” led to a breach that compromised the information of about 100,000 people.

While the firm did not have to admit to the charges, it agreed to a censure by the SEC and to pay a $75,000 fine.

There was no documented evidence of whistleblower involvement in the case, but Haydenwrote它成为“一种催化剂,”对于SEC专注于网络安全。

He quoted SEC Commissioner Kara Stein saying after the R.T. Jones settlement that the agency intends “ play a much more active role in trying to help companies better protect themselves against an increasing number of cyber security issues …”

达拉斯锤,与祖克曼法律师,编写了国家法律评论,说过the R.T. Jones case indicates that, “cybersecurity issues have become a key enforcement priority for the SEC,” which means that, “in turn, whistleblower tips that touch on cybersecurity may receive additional scrutiny.”

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