

Rasberry Pi Roundup.
Thinkstock / Rasberry Pi


魔术镜子 - 来自微软?

覆盆子1 覆盆子PI基金会官方博客

The magic mirror is a popular Raspberry Pi project, combining relative ease of construction with a pretty eye-catching result – who wouldn’t want a mirror that shows you the weather, your appointments and maybe the news when you look into it in the morning?

现在微软正在进入该行为,使用自己的软件制作一个版本,该版本展示了公司托管的Web应用程序平台和认知服务API - 它的代码是所有开源,当然是GitHub上可用。从本质上讲,微软镜子的唯一部分是面部识别,允许设备仅为给定用户激活,以及用于控制它的Web应用程序,它在剥离的IOT版本的Windows 10上运行。

毫无疑问,虽然大多数功能都已经在那里了。然而,通过Snazzy Web App而不是Linux命令行来修补它的能力是有吸引力的。

Micro:Bit Sale

就像那样,我们完全从覆盆子PI上脱离了。While there are a lot of small hobbyist computers out there – everything from the Arduino to the BananaBoard – the BBC Micro:Bit is the closest to the Raspberry Pi in terms of pricing and feature sets, and it’s finally available for pre-orders in the U.K. as of this week. (The project went through months of delays, having been originally slated for late 2015.)

Micro:位与PI不相同,当然 - 这是一件事的电池操作,它的设计更加强调传感器外围设备而不是纯单板计算。此外,您可以通过Web和蓝牙接口编程钻头,而不是通过连接键盘直接进行编程。


Android Pi Buzz继续

There’s no shortage of operating systems officially available for the Raspberry Pi – and with a little ingenuity, you can probably crowbar a number of unofficial ones on there as well – but the news that Android is coming to the Pi has a lot of people pretty excited.

CNET的泰勒马丁有洗衣列表的被抽水的理由列表对于Raspberry PI的官方Android支持,其中许多评论员对Reddit的评论者呼应,特别是对覆盆子PI很快用作Android电视盒的想法的特别热情。



FullPageos是开发人员Guy Sheffer的Brainchild,是一种基于开源铬浏览器的剥离操作系统,让用户将PIS设置为显示板的驱动程序,而无需手动为任务配置浏览器。便利。

(H T:救生圈


