How to get a job in IT services

If you're expert in an industry, a technology or even just a specific application, there's probably a job waiting for you at an IT services provider.


一个在公司IT部门工作的潜在不满的是不断地提醒,“这是不是我们的业务,它是在这里服务的业务。”还有一种选择,当然:你可以得到一份工作在IT服务,在信息技术the business.

在IT服务方面的工作是密切相关的IT咨询(一个领域,我们covered previously), with a few key differences. Although some companies offer both IT consulting and IT services, and both types of businesses are looking to hire highly skilled IT professionals, there's a distinct difference between the two, sources say. That difference is essentially the difference between strategy and tactics: An IT consulting firm plans new systems, while an IT services provider maintains systems after they're deployed.


"A consulting company will design the structure and the governance, while the execution and maintenance goes to the services firm," says Kanak Rajan, a partner in the talent practice of human resources consulting firm美世


这两个领域提供了看好就业前景,以“一个令人难以置信的未来,”玛赫纳兹Javid,在基于西雅图的高级副总裁的人才收购和整合说Avanade的, a provider of both IT consulting and IT services. "They are two sides of the same coin," she says. "One requires the other."

好消息?就业潜力的红色IT服务热。根据May 2016 report从劳工统计局的美国局,高技术服务业就业占了不断增加的总高科技就业一杯羹。1994年,IT服务工作代表的高技术岗位38.8%。这一数字已增长到52.6%,2014年,2010年以来每年都在增加后,根据BLS的。即使是2013 BLS报告,其中用于预测从2011年到2020年呈现增长态势。

And compensation looks good as well. According to计算机世界2016 IT Salary Survey在计算机服务/咨询领域的补偿平均为软件工程师106100 $,项目经理121000 $和VP-中级职称145700 $。




“你得在那里,世界将会是你不能得到其他地方的一个全新的视野,”达文波特多娜塔的,基于宾夕法尼亚州的全球人才获取在蓝钟,副总裁说:Unisys, which has a large services operation. "You're solving problems for companies doing business in multiple regions, with a variety of maturity models. You're pulling together diverse teams, stretching yourself professionally and personally. It's intellectually challenging and rewarding."

可以肯定,所谓“多种成熟度模型”涵盖了大量的地面。如果你是一名IT专业人员的技术,对采用曲线的下降斜率深厚的专业知识 - 大型机,例如 - IT服务可以延长你的职业生涯的方式。

But it's just as likely that you'll be in demand if you have cutting-edge skills in areas such as mobile, DevOps or software as a service: Companies often find that they can get expertise in new specialties more quickly by contracting with a services provider than they could if they tried to hire people themselves.



人才收购的为前副总裁迈克尔·怀斯说,“咨询公司借给自己在不同的方向被拉到”,因为他们专注于前沿的工作要求苛刻的时间表Xerox目前人才在倡导Intel。In contrast, services firms "work on road maps, so the work is more stable," he says.


Variety is often cited as a benefit of working in IT services, but if you prefer to specialize and work in depth in a particular area, that's also an option, says Rajesh Ahuja, global head of recruitment for印孚瑟斯,一家跨国系统集成,应用软件开发和产品工程公司,总部设在印度班加罗尔。


玛赫纳兹javid avanade.jpg Avanade的


施乐,例如,有2000个多家企业单位专注于特定行业或行业子段。据怀斯,施乐员工可以,例如,专门从事交通运输行业作为一个整体或深入到运输的窄方面,成为专家,比方说,toll-tag information collection。如这些选项可以在许多行业和亚专科相乘。

尚未在深奥的学科的专家?不是一个问题。有在IT服务学习机会无数,因为你被其他专家所包围。“在Avanade公司,我们有几百个志同道合的人,谁分享学习,交流思想,并建立自己的集体知识的社区,” Javid说。建立这样的社区是员工,谁可以把他们的职业发展的目的都至关重要,而对于公司本身,它可以依靠经验丰富的员工,以帮助培训其他人。



"We are driven by client requirements," says Infosys's Ahuja, "so it's not always easy to choose what you want to do. We have to match individual needs to client needs, and the timing may not always work out."


灵活性也适用于当你的工作,而不是法律t where you work, especially if you're employed by a global IT services firm or working for international clients. "You can't assume everybody is going to be available during your 9-to-5 [U.S.] work slot," says Unisys's Davenport. "You may have to be up early for calls to Europe and India and up late for calls to Australia."

Yet another way in which services providers expect IT staffers to be flexible is in their ability to quickly adapt their technical expertise to the unique challenges of clients in a variety of industries.

For instance, you may know cloud services, but you may also need to know that cloud-based financial applications will require strong security. And while you may know mobile devices, you may also need to understand how they're used by both employees and shoppers in retail businesses.

"If you're coming out of an IT role, you may not have had a lot of exposure to business processes. There could be a high learning curve," says Intel's Wise. That's especially true these days, he notes, because advanced technologies are being put to use at almost every type of company and in all kinds of business processes.

Another downside for techies coming out of traditional corporate IT: You may have to work within strict parameters in IT services.

"A services firm, in order to be profitable, needs to create deliverable solutions within a specific requirements," says Davenport. "There's not a lot of time for 'what if?' scenarios and discussions of multiple, elaborate alternatives."



Executives of IT services firms agree with Marc Andreesen's 2011 pronouncement that "software is eating the world。"

"Software skills and the ability to learn software development are very important to us," says Davenport, noting that demand has heavily shifted to programming over the past couple of years. "We used to look for people with [electrical engineering] degrees, but even then, we wanted them to understand system-level programming. The days of our looking for hardware engineers coming out of college are behind us, because that market has become commoditized."





"Most companies still have staffers who are familiar with those old systems," Reed says. "But if they lose the legacy experts, they might bring in a services firm to replace Johnny the Cobol guy."


Reed concurs. "You need the ability to understand what's happening, ask the right questions, document your findings, and provide recommendations back to the business," he says.

毫不奇怪,团队精神和协作也抢手的技能。“成功来源于技能组合,从人具有不同背景,” Javid说。

“有时候最好的解决方案来自于用户体验专家,或者是有人在信息如何被消耗的经验很重要。‘听,听到’客户和同事的输入 - 并能在全球做的,多元文化在规定的期限队。

The ability to collaborate is important in most jobs, but sources stress that in IT services, there are deeper intangibles that must be plumbed. "It helps to have experience working in ambiguous situations, where you have helped identify a problem and worked on the solution," Ahuja says.


“这是一个越来越平的世界,”她说。“信息rmal leadership -- the ability to influence and be a trusted adviser -- is really important to us. Our staff needs to paint a picture of the future for clients. That's not always easy because it requires changing the status quo."


比什么都重要,但是,IT服务管理人员说,他们正在寻找的人谁表现出的适应性和教育自己的意愿的人。即,通过不断增加新的技能 - 学习C ++并没有什么更多的是一种职业,塞达文波特,谁补充说,IT专业服务人员应该“的态度对待自己的学习,因为他们会接近敏捷软件设计”说。IT服务提供商提供员工培训计划,但训练“并不一定是通过正规渠道,”达文波特说。“你可以从YouTube学到很多东西。”

At Avanade, "we want people who know how to write code, but we also are looking for self-learners, people who are passionate about technology, who -- if they don't know something -- they go learn it." Javid says. A thirst for learning, a sense of self-aspiration, is important, she says, adding that adaptability defines success in the IT services industry.

The bottom, says Javid, is this: "If you can move from one location to another, one project to another, and have the ability to learn and adapt and still be relevant to the next client, that's what will differentiate you from others."

编者按:After 40 years in journalism -- 30 of them covering technology -- longtime计算机世界contributor霍华德·鲍德温是laying down his reporter's notebook. We thank him for his工作令人印象深刻的体and wish him well on the next stage of his journey.


This story, "How to get a job in IT services" was originally published by计算机世界

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