
Jason Zander is corporate VP at Microsoft overseeing Azure sales and engineering

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这部分只是我们的经验,我们已经建立了在过去的几十年中,作为一个企业的公司。我们预计,我们将有可预见的未来的混合景观。显然,很多是要进入公共云,我们清楚看到这一点。同时还有场景,人们只需要能够满足。试想一下,你的工厂车间:如果有人削减你和云之间的光缆你会失去$ 15,000第二,如果你的生产线已关闭。你不能有。

混合动力,对我们来说,就是你将需要有,所以我们在这一天,从一个投资的解决方案的一流的一部分。这方面最好的例子就是我们在Azure中堆栈的工作,有一个一致的云计算环境的能力,本地以及公共云和找出我怎么充分利用双方并创建两个最好的可能组合的能力。我们也把产品变成真理之类的SQL Server和其他环境。这不是这么多,我们只是套结的东西放在一起,就像我们实际上已经取得了非常深刻的R&d投资,以确保该混合世界是你可以真正兑现,并得到了很多的价值出来的一天之一。



We found there were two key elements to it: One was the software. We try to make sure you have software that can really deliver a cloud pattern, not just VM automation, but an actual cloud pattern with containers and PaaS and all the rest of the things you expect in a cloud. The other piece is hardware and getting that right, making sure it can handle the new cloud patterns. We put those two things together and that is what Azure Stack represents. You’ve also seen from usProject Olympus and some of the work we’ve done with the Open Compute Project。这些都是也是同样的策略,以确保那种融合的硬件/软件解决方案,我们正在做的东西,我们可以并存的产业份额,并带动规模的一部分。


我们已经按我们所说的技术预览版2,which we announced at our Ignite Conference a few months ago. That’s out there right now. The hardware along with that is also out there being tested and we have a lot of early adopters that are giving us the beta feedback on top of that. Basically our goal is to get those things in place, take that feedback and continue on the Technical Preview track to make sure we’re meeting all those requirements. We’re targeting this upcoming calendar year.

It seems that some companies are coming to a realization that the public cloud is not a good fit for the workloads they have migrated there. I wrote a story recently aboutGitLab, which announced it is exiting the public cloud因为他们觉得自己可以更有效地在基础设施,他们控制运行其数据库应用程序。这是一个趋势?你见过客户去到公共云,然后拔出插头于它的成本或性能的原因有利于运行在自己的数据中心的应用程序?2020欧洲杯预赛

I would say historically for people looking at that, if they’re getting to a very, very large volume then I’m certainly aware of companies that like to really do the customization. What I would say is we doubled the number of compute configurations or VM types that we’ve had just in 2016 alone and that was in direct response to requests – people say ‘Hey, I’d like to have something with more CPU and less RAM, that would be great for gaming.’ Some workloads just can’t use a generic VM.

The N-series with GPUs (Graphic Processing Units) is the most recent example that we’ve brought out. The FPGA work that we’ve announced is another. You’re starting to see more and more types of workloads that need something specialized and I think the public cloud will definitely handle it. That’s not to say that there won’t always be somebody who’s really just hyper-optimizing.


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