


New U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions may disagree about whether there is a shortage of skilled IT workers in America, as he has asserted at hearings over the past two years, but talk to most CISOs and they will confirm that when it comes to cybersecurity talent in particular, the skills shortage is very real.

“有一点毫无疑问,”约翰Masserini,CISO说,在股票衍生品在普林斯顿,新泽西州marketMIAX选项“我们已经有两个位置,现在开了三个月,”安全运营中心的分析师和安全工程师的职位。纽约市和费城 - - 该公司的两大都市区之间的位置,使网络安全人才的竞争尤其困难,他说。同时,该公司的安全的工作量不断增加。“我已经知道,到今年年底,我将有一对夫妇更开口,”他说。

网络安全失业率下降到零在九月,根据研究公司网络安全风险投资公司。网络安全工作者的全球需求预计到2019年达到600万,150万名合格的安全专业人士的预计不足。超过组织今天说的一半(57%),寻找并招募有才华的IT安全人员用正确的技能是“显著”或“重大”的挑战,根据Osterman Research的为Trustwave的调查。新的白宫政府可能使查找网络安全人才更加强硬。

特朗普政府打算加强国家的网络安全,但同时它的希望清理整顿全国的H-1B签证计划, a huge source for bringing specialized IT talent to the U.S. The administration has floated the idea of replacing the current lottery system for issuing H-1B visas with a merit system, in an effort to recruit only the “best and brightest” talent for the most in-demand IT skills and to keep well-paying IT jobs in American hands.



