什么是物联网?该internet of things explained

该internet of things (IoT) is a network of connected smart devices providing rich data, but it can also be a security nightmare.

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该IIoT是物联网的特定子集由连接的传感器和仪器仪表在交通,能源机械,工业部门组成。该IIoT包括一些物联网市场中最为成熟的行业,包括早于物联网的绰号一些设备的后裔。IIoT设备往往长住比大多数物联网终端 - 一些留在服务十年或更长时间 - 并因此可以使用传统的,专有协议和标准,因此很难转移到现代平台。(相关报道:What is the industrial internet of things?


物联网设备的移动进入消费空间是更近,但更明显的普通人。连接的设备范围从跟踪我们的行动来支持互联网的温度计(相关报道健身身打扮:IoT offers a way to track COVID-19 via connected thermometers)。也许最突出的物联网产品类别是家庭助手,如Amazon Alexa的或谷歌首页。



IoT and smart cities

智能城市承诺如何公民个人改造与城市环境互动。智能城市技术还在萌芽,但理论上最终将帮助管理交通,公共交通,公用事业,安全,等等。但由于这里的利害关系是如此之高,在安全方面的改进是广泛采用之前必须是可能的。(相关报道:Smart-city IoT isn’t smart enough yet

安全and vulnerabilities


IoT devices, by contrast, are often basic gadgets with stripped-down OSes. They are designed for individual tasks and minimal human interaction, and cannot be patched, monitored or updated. Because many IoT devices are ultimately running a version of Linux under the hood with various network ports available, they make tempting targets for hackers. Perhaps nothing demonstrated this more than the Mirai botnet, which was created by a teenager telnetting into home security cameras and baby monitors that had easy-to-guess default passwords, and which ended up launching one of历史上最大的DDoS攻击

虽然这种情况有所好转,事实是,物联网交易是由大仍然不安全。Enterprise IoT customers can work to improve their IoT security, but vendors need to make IoT devices more secure and easier to keep secure if they're going to be in the field for any length of time. (Related story:7个步骤,加强物联网安全



该ability of IoT devices to track a user's location is a particular privacy concern. Consider the map of spring breakers potentially carrying coronavirus home, for instance. Location data is in theory anonymized, but The New York Times put together an extensive report showing how, for instance, the data could be used to track themovements of individuals who could later be identified by name。另一起事件越线进入运营安全故障:Strava热图,其中包括流行的跑步路线为世界各地的用户Fitbit,意外revealed several secret American military bases


也许最好的方式来描述今天是物联网it's in its awkward teenage years: Big enough to be important, and getting bigger every day, but still immature in many ways. In the短期, we'll hopefully see improved security, more innovation in edge computing tech, and greater collaboration between IT and OT.




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