But when it comes to Chevron’s plans for upgrading to fifth-generation or 5G networking, which has the potential to move the equipment’s data exponentially faster, with lower latency, and the bandwidth to connect a million devices per square kilometer vs. 4G’s roughly 1,000 devices per kilometer — Chevron is curious, but not ready to commit just yet.
这是许多公司的一个老生常谈不很了解5G或者它将能够为企业做什么。当无线技术提供商爱立信问1000 C级管理人员约10个壁垒行业在2017年晚期采用5G,62%的受访者认为这是“太早知道真正的好处是什么。”其它最关心的问题包括数据安全和隐私,缺乏标准和终端的端到端一体化的挑战。
So far, 5G providers have been touting trials that prove the technology’s performance, such as AT&T’s first data transfer over millimeter wave using standards-based, production equipment in September, and Verizon’s breakthrough with Nokia handing off a signal seamlessly to a vehicle traveling between two radio sectors in August. They remain tight-lipped, however, about trials they’re working on with enterprise customers that could demonstrate 5G’s benefits for enterprises. Instead, many wireless providers are looking for enterprises to come to them with their wireless wish lists and pain points, so that they can develop tailored 5G use cases.