如何购买Wi-Fi 6访问点

With more unlicensed wireless spectrum and specifications for MU-MIMO and OFDMA, the Wi-Fi 6 standard promises faster, more reliable networks, but not all vendors meet all the specs.

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无线上网6 has some impressive improvements over its predecessor Wi-Fi 5 including lower latency, faster speeds, higher throughput, and increased range that can make it a better fit to serve both dense clusters of clients and clients running high-bandwidth applications.

As无线上网in generalreplaces wired networks in some enterprises and with the increased use of tablets, laptops, and mobile phones within enterprises, wireless-network responsiveness and versatility are becoming more desirable.无线上网6 (802.11 ax)can help. It can also improve the efficiency of IoT Wi-Fi networks by letting sensors lie idle more of the time so their batteries last longer.

It does this access-point (AP) capabilities thatWi-Fi 5(802.11ac)缺乏,包括能够一次提供多达八个客户而不是四个客户的渠道,并将这些渠道分为较小的细分市场以同时支持更多客户。

除了这些改进之外,全球监管机构还指定了更多的公共射频频段,用于无执照的Wi-Fi使用,从而创建了一种新的变体 -Wi-Fi 6e- 为支持6E标准的每个AP提供更多的带宽。

因此,难怪Wi-Fi 6 Wireless Lan齿轮的销售正在蓬勃发展。根据IDC的数据,Wi-Fi 6单元的运输量从第三季度的Wi-Fi货物的26.7%增加到第四季度的32.2%,然后在第1季度2021年的37.1%,以及IT预测,该日历年为2021年日历年,Wi-fi 6将占所有Wi-Fi货物的50%以上。

根据IDC的说法,2020年按市场份额按市场份额的前五供应商是Cisco,(42.%),,HPE-Aruba(13.5%),Ubiquiti(8.4%),华为(6.2%), andcommscope(4.8%)。Gartner评估在其无线LAN Magic象限的2020年报告中,将四个供应商称为领导者:杜松网络, HPE-Aruba, Cisco, andExtreme Networks。两个,华为和Fortinet被任命为有远见的人。

With the upgrades within the Wi-Fi 6 and standards, it might seem that picking a vendor would be straightforward, but it’s more complicated. As vendors adopt the standards, they are shipping APs that, over time, will support more fully the specifications in the standards. So it’s important to ask vendors whether they have the features you need and which ones are on their product roadmaps.




Wi-Fi 6中的正交频分多访问(OFDMA)将通道分为较小的段,并允许多个设备同时连接,每个设备都以其自己的带宽段(称为资源单元(RU))。这在高密度环境中尤其有益,从而提高了AP到使用者的能力。支持越多的RUS,网络必须允许在给定通道内的Wi-Fi设备之间同时进行交谈的灵活性就越多。RUS的数量取决于它们的大小,这在技术上被称为音调。音调可能与整个频道一样大,并且该频道可能是20MHz,40MHz,80MHz或160 MHz宽。但是,当音调较小时,真正的好处是在频道空间中更多的RU。



多用户多输入,多输出(MU-MIMO)类似于OFDMA,因为它们都支持客户和AP之间的同时双向通信,但它们以不同的方式进行。MU-MIMO可以使用射频多路径技术启用APS与多个客户端之间的通信。Wi-Fi 5中支持它的版本,但功能较少。在Wi-Fi 6中,Mu-Mimo一次最多支持八个客户,而Wi-Fi 5的数字为4。使用Wi-Fi 6,Mu-Mimo是双向的,而在仅在AP到客户端的下行链路上支持它之前。此外,现在在2.4GHz频段中也得到了MU-MIMO,W-FI 6不仅像以前一样,不仅是5GHz频段。访问点支持的流数及其在每个乐队中支持的数量都不同于品牌,因此请务必在产品比较中考虑这一点。


Max channel-width

The larger a channel’s width, the more data can be transmitted on it at once, thus increasing throughput and bandwidth, which is important to performance when using high-bandwidth applications like streaming video. For the relatively narroa spectrum in the 2.4GHz band, you most likely won’t want to use any larger than the legacy 20MHz channel-widths. But for 5GHz and 6GHz (Wi-Fi 6E), it’s feasible to utilize 40MHz or 80MHz channel widths, and maybe even 160MHz, especially with Wi-Fi 6E.

大多数Wi-Fi 6 Enterprise APS都会支持高达80MHz的频道宽度,但是如果您想要160MHz,请记住并非全部支持它,因此请问。

5GHz channel widths


Typically, the number of supported 5GHz channels using legacy 20MHz size varies between 19 and 26, so if that number is important to providing adequate coverage, be sure to ask about it.


Most Wi-Fi 6 APs have two radios, and some have three. Consider what each radio can do. Are they single-band (one for 2.4GHz only and one for 5GHz only), or are they dual-band? Dual band provides the option to turn off 2.4GHz, which is often desirable to avoid interference on the heavily trafficked 2.4GHz range. If you want flexibility, go for dual-band radios.

许多Enterprise AP还带有蓝牙和/或Zigbee在板载板上,用于连接使用这些协议通信的IoT设备。如果您打算通过APS联网此类型的IoT设备,请寻找该支持。

Also consider whether the AP has internal or external antennas. If you need directional, high-gain (for longer ranges) or other special antennas, go with an AP that has external antennas so you can attach the types you need.


请留意Wi-Fi 6E,利用美国和其他地方打开的无限制的6GHz频谱。Wi-Fi 6E设备还有28个40个MHz范围的通道或14个额外的80 MHz范围或另外7个160 MHz范围的通道。除了2.4GHz和5GHz频段提供的现有渠道外,他们还可以使用它们。这可以有助于大大减少干扰并提高Wi-Fi网络的性能,尤其是在拥挤的地区和高密度环境中。如果您需要这种带宽和面部干扰问题,请寻求6GHz的支持。


Although the improved encryption in wireless protected access 3 (WPA3) is separate from the Wi-Fi 6 standard, some vendors are rolling it out with their Wi-Fi 6 APs. In addition to making password cracking more difficult, WPA3 brings individualized encryption so users can’t decrypt each other’s traffic. It also adds optional 192-bit security for even better encryption, which is good for networks carrying highly sensitive data.


Other features

There are many more features and functionality you may want to compare. Most enterprise APs will support the following ones, but you may want to double-check those you’re really interested in:

  • 无线网状支持可以使AP无线连接到网络,而不是提供有线LAN连接。
  • Rogue access-point detection so the APs can be on the lookout for new or non-compliant APs nearby.
  • Spectrum analysis so the APs can be more intelligent, analyzing the whole RF space instead of just detecting Wi-Fi signals.
  • Noise reduction to allow better performance by reducing the effects of noise and interference.
  • 渠道管理和Wi-Fi控制器或AP如何选择频道背后的情报。
  • Roaming functionality and the mechanisms the AP uses to help Wi-Fi clients better roam between the APs.
  • 圈养门户网站,因此您可以在Web浏览器中对用户进行身份验证,也可以以公开访问来显示使用条款和免责声明信息。
  • RADIUS server that can perform user authentication, such as for 802.1X when utilizing the enterprise mode of WPA security.

Finally, when choosing a Wi-Fi vendor, consider your other network gear and what experience your staff has with each vendor you’re considering.可能存在兼容性问题,现有的供应商关系可以缓解向新装备的过渡。此外,一些网络供应商提供了用于管理其其他网络组件的AP的工具。

(Eric Geieris a freelance tech writer and founder of现在提供基于云的Wi-Fi安全服务,Wi-Fi测量师providing RF site surveying, and在现场技术providing general IT services.)


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