Using the Linux fold command to make text more readable


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这Linux折叠根据您提供的论点,将文字行并将其分解为块。没有争论,折叠will break lines at 80 characters.

这first example below uses a single-line text file that includes indications of character positions. First, we count the number of characters and lines in the file using theWC -LandWC -L命令:



$ cat wide_text .........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7.........8.........9........10........11........12........13........14........15........16........17........18........19........20........21........22........23........24........25

这n we use the折叠command to break the file into separate lines:

$ fold wide_text ......... 1 ......... 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................5 ................................................ 7 ......... 8 ....................................................................................................。..... 16 ........ 17 ...............................................................................................................................................................21 ........ 22 ........................................................................................................... 25

在上面的示例中,将250个字符线传递给折叠命令,并生成四行文本 - 三个具有80个字符的文本,其余10个字符。


$ fold -c50 wide_text .........1.........2.........3.........4.........5 .........6.........7.........8.........9........10 ........11........12........13........14........15 ........16........17........18........19........20 ........21........22........23........24........25

Folding the text and creating a new file in one step is easy:

$ fold -c50 wide_text folded_text $ wc -l folded_text;wc -c folded_text 5 folded_text 255 folded_text

如您所见,folded_text文件包含五行文本和255个字符。你也可以折叠lines by bytes instead of characters using the-b当有用时选项。在某些情况下,这会改变输出。



#!/bin/bash # check for an argument if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "file: " read file else file=$1 fi # make sure the file exists or exit if [ ! -f $file ]; then echo "ERROR: cannot find $file" exit 1 fi $ count characters in each line while read line; do echo $line | wc -c done < $file


$ chars-per-line lorem_ipsum |头-6 7 137 149 153 154 35

如果我们将此文件分解为80个字符行,我们可能会使用以下几个世纪的旧“ Lorem Ipsum”文本看到类似的示例:

$ fold lorem_ipsum lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,insectetur adipiscing elit,sed do eiusmod permure i ncididunt ut ut labore et dolore magna aliqua。UT Enim ad Minim veniam,Quis Nostru D练习Ullamco Laboris nisi ut equip equip exe ea compocoto compocate。Duis Aut e Irure Dolor在velledenderit中发出了Velit velit ese ese cillum dolore eu fugiat n ulla Pariatur。除了sint occaecat cupidatat non Proident,在culpa qui quartia deserunt mollit anim and Manderum中晒太阳。

As you can see from the example above, breaking text files at a fixed position won't likely be a good choice since it would probably break some words into two pieces.

当我们添加-s(break at spaces) option, we get a much more useful rendering of the text:

$ fold -s lorem_ipsum lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,insectetur adipiscing elit,sed do eiusmod eriusmod terme ristidunt ut ut labore et dolore magna aliqua。UT Enim ad Minim veniam,Quis Nostrud练习Ullamco Laboris nisi ut equip equip ex ea Commodo Reactation。duis aute irure dolor in prechenderit in Voluptate velit esse sepe cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla Pariatur。除了sint occaecat cupidatat non Proident,在culpa qui quartia deserunt mollit anim and Manderum中晒太阳。

Note: Text files will be a little larger when folded with the折叠命令是因为它们将包含更多的newline(马车返回)字符。



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