Wi-Fi 6e短缺使企业延迟升级直到Wi-Fi 7 Gear Ships

由于供应链困境使Wi-Fi 6e装备难以找到,因此企业选择延迟升级,直到明年年底可以使用Wi-Fi 7。

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市场研究员Dell'oro Group说,Wi-Fi 6e接入点的供应链问题非常糟糕,以至于企业跳过了该版本的无线技术,并等到Wi-Fi 7设备明年下半年开始发货。

Wi-Fi 6e通过添加6GHz频段(5.925 GHz至7.125 GHz),目前,与2.4GHz和5GHz频段相比,流量和延迟少得多,Wi-Fi 6.额外的带宽使6E成为对延迟敏感应用程序的逻辑选择。


Tam Dell’Oro, CEO of the company, attributes the shortage to a combination of pandemic manufacturing shutdowns and high demand for migrating to Wi-Fi 6. “The feedback that I'm hearing is enterprises have been sweating their assets, and there's a significant need to upgrade and advance the infrastructure. It's all coming together at the same time,” she said.

她说,在与Juniper Networks和Cisco等供应商的高级管理人员交谈的过程中,所有人都说他们的客户认识到6e产品被推迟了。因此,他们现在正在订购Wi-Fi 6。Wi-Fi 7直到2023年底才能发货。
