
Ethernet protocol connects LANs, WANs, Internet, cloud, IoT devices, Wi-Fi systems into one seamless global communications network

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Its ability to work within almost any environment has led to its universal adoption around the world. This is especially true because it allows organizations to use the same Ethernet protocol in their local area network (LAN) and their wide-area network (WAN). That means that it works well in data centers, in private or internal company networks, for internet applications and almost anything in between. It can even support the most complex forms of networking, like virtual private networks (VPNs) and软件定义的网络部署。




而且,由于LAN上的计算机通常共享单个连接,因此以太网是围绕CSMA/CD的原理或使用Collision检测的载体 - 固定多访问构建的。基本上,协议确保在发送任何帧之前未使用该行。如今,这与网络初期相比,这一点远不如建立网络,因为设备通常通过开关或节点与网络有自己的私人连接。而且,由于现在使用完整的双工作用以太网,因此发送和接收渠道也完全分开,因此实际上不会在旅途中发生碰撞。

Other than when encountering a collision situation, there is no error correction in Ethernet, so communications need to rely on advanced protocols to ensure that everything is being transmitted perfectly. However, Ethernet still provides the basis for most internet and digital communications, and also integrates easily with most higher-level protocols, so that is almost never an issue these days.


You can’t talk about Ethernet without also talking about cables, since Ethernet is designed for wired networking. And as such, simplifying the cables the protocol uses also helped to push the standard into widespread adoption.

这original standard had Ethernet working with coaxial cable, the kind that is used to support cable television. Coaxial cable is robust and capable of carrying a lot of bandwidth over its thick internal copper wire. But there are tradeoffs. Coax is heavy, difficult to work with, not very flexible and also expensive. That is one reason why most home cable TV installations require a special technician to set them up, while home networking usually doesn’t.

Ditching coaxial, Ethernet switched over to the use of the twisted pair cables which still drive wired networking today. Twisted pair cables used with Ethernet are inexpensive to deploy and also quite flexible, meaning that they can be snaked around corners, inside walls, over ceiling tiles or almost anywhere else to connect servers, routers, hubs, devices and endpoints.



这longtime standard for Ethernet cables is called Category 5, which is commonly referred to as Cat 5. The Cat 5 standard has been in use since 2001. A normal Ethernet cable supports speeds up to 100 Mb/sec. While the primary function of the cables is to support Ethernet networking, they also work with many telephone and video applications.


Who invented Ethernet?

原始的以太网标准是由Xerox Parc工程师于1973年创建的罗伯特·梅特卡夫(Robert Metcalfe)andDavid Boggs,,,,and was inspired by a project being conducted at the University of Hawaii, called ALOHAnet. Primitive by today’s standards, it could only achieve 2.94 Mb/sec in raw speed, but it was one of the first times that computers were actually linked into a network.


As part of that agreement, Xerox dropped its trademark of the Ethernet name, allowing any company to use Ethernet with its products. Bandwidth and throughput was also increased to 10 Mb/sec, which was more than enough to handle most networking tasks at the time, with room to spare. All of that helped Ethernet to become the dominant standard worldwide.


这simplicity of the Ethernet standard as well as its ability to support faster speeds while also remaining backwards compatible has allowed the protocol to grow alongside many technical advancements. Today, almost any computer or computing device can support speeds up to one gigabit per second. Commonly called Gigabit Ethernet, when you compare its raw speed of 1Gb/sec (which is 1,000 Mbit/s) with the original 10 Mbit/s standard that early Ethernet supported, it’s easy to see how far the protocol has come.


IEEE Ethernet Working Group几年前的200 GB/SEC和400 GB/SEC以太网的批准规格。主要是数据中心,互联网服2020欧洲杯预赛务提供商(ISP)和专业组织Network Operations Centersthat would be most interested in those kinds of speeds. A few cloud service providers and others say they are working with 400 Gb/sec speeds in some capacity, although full adoption of the standard seems to be hung up on certain elements like new cabling requirements (the current Cat 5 and Cat 5e cables don’t support those speeds), backwards compatibility issues for devices and increased power consumption requirements within data centers.

Technically, the specification for 800 Gb/sec Ethernet also exists, but nobody is currently using it outside of a test environment. And the interesting thing about Ethernet is that because it is such an open protocol, there is no reason to think that even the 800 Gb/sec speeds are anywhere near the theoretical maximum.

实际上,正在进行研究以为每秒1.6 trabyte标准的基础设定基础,该标准可以在2023年完成。这样的速度可能只在高度特定的应用中才有用。例如,公司或政府实体可能很快将其网络数据备份到异地位置。如果他们有500保持数据的数据发送,则该过程可以在14分钟内完成。


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