足球竞猜app软件网络世界亚当·伯特伦 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 孙,2020年8月9日18时04分34秒-0700 孙,2020年8月9日18时04分34秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 回顾:SaltStack将devops调到高档 星期三,2017年3月22日4时56分00秒-0700 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦

管理大量服务器——或者甚至是几十台服务器(如果它们经常变化的话)的唯一合理和有效的方法是通过自动化。必须学习和掌握自动化工具,因此它们需要大量的前期成本,但是从长远来看,它们极大地减少了管理负担。也许最重要的是,它们为防止致命的“胖手指”错误提供了一条坚固的防线,即使是最先进的云计算运营商也在努力避免这种错误。< / p > < p > < >强易用性。配置管理使用SaltStack很简单。因为Salt使用YAML配置格式,所以可以快速而轻松地编写状态。YAML状态描述结构良好,可读性强。对Mako、JSON、Wempy和Jinja的支持允许开发人员扩展Salt的功能。内置模块的可用性使得配置和管理状态变得很容易。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3183691 / review-saltstack-shifts-devops-into-high-gear。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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了解Bash在Windows上的强大功能 星期一,2017年3月13日5时59分零零秒-0700 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

微软Windows可能是桌面上的统治力的球员,但快速增长的开源软件市场,特别是对管理和开发工具,有利于明确的Linux。且不说手机市场,Android使用Linux的变种。If you’re a developer on Windows, the drumbeat to get hip to Linux capabilities keeps getting louder.

Over the years, Microsoft has introduced various workarounds for using Linux capabilities on Windows, such as PowerShell with SSH and Cygwin and MSYS. Running Linux inside a virtual machine is another option. But VMs consume a significant amount of resources and don’t provide a first-class Linux experience, as you can’t edit local files or get full access to local drives, for example.

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Windows管理员必须拥有devops工具 2016年12月19日星期一05:00:00 -0800 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦 < a href = " /文章/ 3151792 / must-have-devops-tools-for-windows-admins。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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评论:Ansible节目牛肉 2016年9月14日星期三05:26:00 -0700 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦

当配置管理市场被Puppet和Chef主导的时候,一个叫做Ansible的开源项目出现了,它用一种更简单的方法来自动化IT环境。Ansible是一个易于学习的无代理系统,很快就为自己赢得了声誉。不久,项目背后的开发者成立了一家公司,提供商业支持。这家公司——最初名为AnsibleWorks,后来更名为Ansible——在2015年10月被开源领军企业红帽公司收购。 Ansible提供了构建和运行Docker容器、在集群中编排容器和管理Docker镜像的模块。从可操作的剧本而不是dockerfile中构建Docker图像有很多优点。当您从Dockerfile构建映像时,应用程序或环境只能部署在Docker容器中。但是,当您使用Ansible playbook构建映像时,可以很容易地在任何基础设施上复制环境——裸机、云实例、虚拟机或Vagrant。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3119780 / review-ansible-shows-the-beef。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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回顾:厨师12启动devops 2016年8月17日星期三06:04:00 -0700 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦


厨师的客户一般都安装在使用MSI软件包的Windows机器。如今,一些特定的资源到Windows附带厨师外的开箱。例如: 要全面阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3108454/review-chef-12-fires-up-devops.html IDG内幕 Windows管理员必备的Azure自动化技巧 2016年7月18日星期一05:09:00 -0700 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦

任何使用云计算的组织都希望利用基础设施自动化的力量。不管你是访问Amazon Web services、Microsoft Azure或任何其他云服务。将重复执行的任务自动化将节省大量的劳动和减少人为错误。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3096275 / essential-azure-automation-tricks-for-windows-admins。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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职业转型:从ops到devops 星期四,2016年3月3日5点31分00秒-0800 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦

Long ago, in a IT operations model far, far away, businesses built their data centers. Rows and rows of server racks humming away in closets tangled with cables -- that was IT’s lifeblood. It was a time when virtualization meant that thing a couple of gung-ho admins toyed with on an old HP DL360 server destined for the garbage bin.

Our days as ops admins consisted of unboxing pallets of servers, heaving them into the closest server rack, and struggling to get the rails aligned just right. Then we'd pop in the manufacturer's CD, install the OS, drivers, and load it onto the network. Only then would we return to the cooler confines of our desks to remote desktop or SSH into the server to install the required software and configure the settings necessary to meet developers’ application specs.

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9个devops忍者的隐藏天赋 星期一,2016年1月25日06:00:00 -0800 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦

Devops is all about culture, with groups of teams working in concert toward a common goal. But as opposed to some workplace cultures, there are certain traits and talents all devops team members must have in common. You could be the best software developer or system administrator in the world, but if you don't possess "devops talents" you'll soon find that you stick out like a sore thumb and any devops shop worth its salt will likely give you the boot.

High-performing devops shops fire on all cylinders, with each team member committed to the overall mission. When one team member doesn't inherently believe in the mission, they can soon find themselves holding up the pipeline and becoming the bottleneck in what would otherwise be a successful deployment strategy.

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7个迹象表明你做错了devops 周一,2015年12月7日5点14分○○秒-0800 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

的DevOps是一个变革的风气,许多公司正在把他们的优势。如同任何铰链上的文化,但是,它可能是太容易了一些工具拼凑,在新工艺洒,并说自己是DEVOPS燃料组织。毕竟,说你的公司拥抱DEVOPS并定期做法DevOps的技术是时下的流行,它可以作为伟大的公关带来了很大的人才团队。But in truth, many companies -- and technical recruiters -- that are proclaiming their devotion to devops from the hilltops aren’t really devops organizations.

Here we take a look at some of the most common misconceptions and flawed implementations of devops. Chances are, your company has fallen prey to at least one of them. That doesn’t necessarily mean you aren't practicing devops. It simply means you have a ways to go before your company can fulfill the promise. Devops isn't an award or title you can achieve. It's a philosophy, culture, and way of approaching the task of shipping code.

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开始使用Windows PowerShell DSC 2015年11月25日星期三05:15:00 -0800 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦 < a href = " /文章/ 3008852 / get-started-with-windows-powershell-dsc。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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PowerShell的强大:基本技巧的Windows管理员会喜欢 2015年11月5日星期四04:25:00 -0800 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦

PowerShell can be a daunting tool to master for Windows admins used to working with the GUI. But as I discussed in our hands-on PowerShell intros for Windows Server and Exchange admins, adding even a little PowerShell into your daily mix can save a ton of effort.

Here, I’m going to concentrate on some of the fundamentals of PowerShell as a language to help you take your PowerShell skills to the next level. I won't cover technology-specific topics like how to manage Active Directory, Exchange, or IIS, nor will I cover specific PowerShell cmdlets. Instead, I will drill into the semantics of the language to show a few key techniques that you can put into your scripts today. Follow along and let's make your PowerShell scripts the best they can be.

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PowerShell的强大:为Exchange管理员的介绍 2015年10月22日星期四06:24:00 -0700 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦

Managing Exchange can be a significant time sink, and you may be surprised to find that much of the time spent administering Exchange is pure waste -- unless, that is, you’re already tapping PowerShell.

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PowerShell的强大功能:Windows服务器管理员简介 2015年10月12日星期一05:59:00 -0700 亚当·伯特伦 亚当·伯特伦

直到最近,Windows NT系统管理员和开发人员之间存在明确的划分。你永远不会赶上系统管理员编写一行代码,你永远不会赶上开发商带来了一个服务器。任何一方都不敢越过这条线在Windows环境。如今,随着DEVOPS运动像野火一样蔓延,该线路将被逐渐消失。

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