足球竞猜app软件网络世界大卫·韦尔登 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 星期五,2020年5月22日06:32:36 -0700 星期五,2020年5月22日06:32:36 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 薪酬最高的20个网络安全工程师市场 2017年4月19日星期三05:45:00 -0700 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登 <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
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IT安全专业人员是在大多数就业市场需求量大,但一些大城市地区的比别人好,当涉及到提供顶薪检查。Randstat最近发布的年度IT薪资研究,看了看前45名收入最高的市场,在27个州。以下是排名前20位市场的网络安全工程师,根据媒体报道的工资。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3190893/the-20-highest-paying-markets-for-cyber-security-engineers.html 10大内部安全风险 2017年3月22日星期三04:53:00 -0700 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登 <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >内部威胁< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100714155 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/03/1_threat_intro - 100714155 - orig.jpg“data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/03/1_threat_intro - 100714155 - orig.jpg“alt = " 1威胁”data-license = "盖蒂图片社" / > < p类=“slideCredit”>图像<跨类= >“slideCreditText思想库< / span > < / p > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >去年是有记录以来最糟糕的许多研究都认为,信息安全事件的大部分原因是内部来源。Bomgar公司安全产品管理主管萨姆•埃利奥特(Sam Elliott)表示,主要的嫌疑人是拥有特权用户访问权限的雇员和承包商。埃利奥特警告说,这10名员工可能是你最大的内部安全威胁。< / p > < p class = " jumpTag”> < a href = " /文章/ 3183928 / these-10-people-may-be-your-greatest-inside-security-risks。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3183928/these-10-people-may-be-your-greatest-inside-security-risks.html IT安全专家2017年的收入 周三,2017年2月1日五点33分00秒-0800 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登 <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >持续高需求创纪录的一年之后违反< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100706505 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/01/salary2017 - 100706505 - orig.jpg“data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/01/salary2017 - 100706505 - orig.jpg“alt = " salary2017 " data-license = "盖蒂图片社" / > < p类=“slideCredit”>图像<跨类= >“slideCreditText思想库< / span > < / p > < div去年是数据泄露的最高纪录,大约有1093起数据泄露事件被报道。根据身份盗窃资源中心的数据,这比前一年增加了40%。毫无疑问,信息安全仍然是cio、CISOs和ceo们最关心的问题之一。其结果是对IT安全专业人员的持续高需求。公司高级副总裁蒂姆·赫伯特指出:“IT安全专业人员市场将迎来又一个强劲的年份。”“安全工作是2016年增长最快的IT职业之一。在过去90天里,美国雇主公布了近2.5万个安全岗位的空缺。" < / p > < p class = " jumpTag”> < a href = " / / 3164227 /条是什么——它-安全-优点——收入- 2017。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

IT安全专家的15个最佳就业市场 2016年12月20日星期二12:47:00 -0800 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登 <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
安全作业 图像通过<跨度类= “slideCreditText”>肖像历史

信息技术预算预计不会在新的一年大幅增长,但一个领域,机构继续投资在信息安全。That’s a good thing, when you consider that virtually every organization can now expect to experience a security incident of some kind, says nearly every recent study.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3152508/the-15-best-job-markets-for-it-security-specialists.html 更深入地观察网络攻击对商业的影响 2016年8月24日星期三04:22:00 -0700 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登

Few would dispute that cyberattacks are increasing in frequency and in intensity, and most organizations confirm they have now suffered at least one cyber incident. But do those organizations have a true sense of the full impact on the organization? After all, the direct costs commonly associated with a data breach are far less significant than the “hidden costs” incurred.

Indeed, the “hidden” costs can amount to 90 percent of the total business impact on an organization, and will most likely be experienced two years or more after the event. These are among the findings of a recent study by Deloitte Advisory entitled, “Beneath the Surface of a Cyberattack: A Deeper Look at the Business Impacts.”

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IT在野外实现自动化 2016年2月10日星期三06:18:00 -0800 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登

If Catherine Maras would have one rallying cry for her information technology group, it would no doubt be “Remember Bexar County!” 

That would make perfect sense, as Bexar County, Texas, has as its county seat the city of San Antonio, home of The Alamo. But Maras doesn’t want the region to be just known for its prominent place in history. She wants her staff to think of it as a true center of innovation in digital government, and aiding in the process is the county’s use of IT automation. 

“IT automation is very important in local governments, especially counties with many elected officials responsible for pieces of an overall process,” explains Maras, CIO for the county. “Due to local government set-up or framework, IT automation is needed for citizen transparency and internal sustainability.” 

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优秀CSO候选人需要在简历上写的5件事 2016年1月20日星期三04:30:00 -0800 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登 < a href = " /文章/ 3024427/5-things-that-top-cso-candidates-need-on-a-resume。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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欢迎来到“永远在线”的IT部门 2015年12月21日星期一05:37:00 -0800 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


Still, on-call scheduling software is being used by a growing number of organizations. And it’s not just for frustrated external customers who want to vent at somebody … anybody. Many IT organizations are using the software to match up internal users with much-needed tech expertise in the IT department. 

Those, in fact, are the two most common uses for on-call scheduling software, according to Katherine Jones, a partner in the Talent Information Systems practice at research firm Mercer, in San Mateo, Calif. Basically, any situation that involves somebody having a question or needing assistance is what on-call scheduling software was made for. In the case of IT, it is also helping to usher in the new era of IT-as-a-service.

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Rip和替换:当需要对整个系统进行更换时 星期四,2015年11月19日5时50分零零秒-0800 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登

有句话几乎肯定会让It领导脊背发冷:“Rip and replace.”< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3006769 / rip-and-replace-when-it-pays-to-make-a-total-systems-change。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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公务员的薪水预计会飞涨 周二,二零一五年十月二十○日五点12分○○秒-0700 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登

2015年被许多人称为大数据专业年,数据科学家甚至被一项研究誉为“年度最性感工作”。但2016年可能会成为首席安全官之年,因为另一项新研究显示,公民社会组织的薪酬增长速度快于大多数其他IT工作。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 2995046 / cso-salaries-expected-to-sky-rocket。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

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你最大的安全威胁是内部的吗? 2015年9月24日(星期四)10:58:00 -0700 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


At least that is the conclusion of IT security analyst John McAfee, who noted recently “yes, it is true. Ashley Madison was not hacked – the data was stolen by a woman operating on her own who worked for Avid Life Media.” 

If true, the fact that the Ashley Madison breach was due to an internal, and not external, threat shouldn’t come as too big a surprise. Many IT security studies this year have pointed to the growing threat of insider data theft and corporate breaches. 

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5种方法来增强BYOD策略的安全性 2015年9月22日星期二05:15:00 -0700 大卫·韦尔登 大卫·韦尔登

You’d think after all this time that organizations would have finally gotten BYOD programs pretty much down pat. Don’t bet on it.

A recent study by tyntec reveals that a vast majority of organizations still have inadequate bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies. That’s not very encouraging, considering that 49 percent of workers now use a personal mobile device for work-related tasks and spend a great deal of time on personal devices for their job.

Further, the typical U.S. worker now expects to have nothing less than total access – anywhere, anytime, from any device – to their employer’s networks, finds another study from Dell and Intel. But despite all this demand on the user side, many organizations still wrestle with security, privacy and support issues around BYOD. That is holding many employers back when it comes to giving BYOD an enthusiastic ‘thumbs up’.

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