足球竞猜app软件Frank Kobuszewski //m.banksfrench.com en - us 太阳,2020年10月18日15时05分52秒-0700 太阳,2020年10月18日15时05分52秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 思科的2960-XR交换机:一个负担得起的、未被充分利用的选项 2018年12月17日星期一07:32:00 -0800 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski <本文> <节课=“页面”>


其它开关的兄弟姐妹的2960-XR系列交换机提供容易设备初始启用,配置,监控和故障排除。这些全网管交换机可以提供先进的2层和第3层的功能,以及增强型以太网供电(PoE +)电源可选电源。开关提供增强的应用可视性,网络可靠性,以及网络弹性该继续使它成为一个伟大的网络选择。

由于2960-XR交换机是2960-X系列的一部分,用户将熟悉开关端口数和类型,的PoE +的相同的水平,并且相同的堆叠模块/功能。但一定要阅读,因为我有更多的说关于堆叠。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3328856/ciscos-2960-xr-switch-line-an-affordable-under-utilized-option.html 对中国的关税导致新的数据中心设备价格上涨2020欧洲杯预赛 2018年11月06日星期二06:05:00 -0800 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

As if the end of the year doesn’t present enough challenges for IT professionals, now there is the added concern coming from the Trump administration regarding the tariffs that were imposed on China back on Sept. 24.

Companies including Cisco, Dell, HPE, and Juniper Networks all called for networking and server equipment to be dropped from the tariff regulations, but they were unable to persuade the U.S. government to do that.

“By raising the cost of networking products, the proposed duties would impede the development and adoption of cloud-based services and infrastructure,” the group told trade regulators before the tariff was imposed, according to Reuters.

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基础设施生命周期成本:ITAD和TPM如何为您省钱 2018年10月12日星期五08:36:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

I was recently reading some responses to a question posted on the Spiceworks community forum that asked, “How do you dispose of old hard drives?" While there were some typically humorous responses, such as use them as target practice, smash them with a hammer, or drill a hole through them, I assume those comments were in jest. If not, those respondents are missing out on a great opportunity to get money back for their used equipment.

It also reminds me of the need for safe, secure IT asset disposition (ITAD) services. It’s imperative to find an ITAD provider that offers data sanitization and destruction services that protect your company’s data integrity and privacy, handles your gear in an environmentally responsible way, and can also save your company money.

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硬件生命周期方法,以节省资金,保证网络的可靠性 2018年9月06日星期四08:07:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski <本文> <节课=“页面”>


然而,在缩减预算和要求,首席信息官,IT专业人员上升,购房者是有压力,做多的同时降低成本,这些天。如何才能做到这一点。 <抛开类= “fakesidebar”> [阅读也:的如何规划​​软件定义的数据中心网络]

具有正确的方法当涉及到网络硬件和数据中心布线是一个功能强大的方法,使您的IT组织能够做更多的事情,同时优化您的预算。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3301869/hardware-life-cycle-approaches-to-save-money-ensure-network-reliability.html 当涉及到IP桌面电话,二级市场是要走的路 2018年8月15日星期三07:32:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

As I sit at my desk and stare at the phone in front of me, I think back to a time when “experts” predicted desk phones would no longer be needed.

Well, those experts were certainly wrong. Instead, we have several options in desk phones — so many, in fact, that you may feel you need directory assistance just to get started. You're left wondering if you should go with an old favorite or try a newer model. And you're likely concerned about Cisco's announced end-of-sale and end-of-life dates for the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7945, 7965, 7975, and 7916. Are they still a good value, and will they still be available in the secondary market?

Or maybe you're wondering if you should go with the Cisco 8800 Series models that came out a few years ago that were supposed to eventually replace the whole 7900 Series. Can you afford all the bells and whistles that go with the 8800 series?

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想要负担得起的SDN产品?检查第二市场 星期五,2018年6月29日03:00:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

Frankly (no pun intended), I have to admit that I’m growing increasingly frustrated with certain trends in networking.

For example, it’s not that I don’t like the dream or idea of software-defined networking (SDN) — it’s not that I don’t think it’s superior to the older way of setting up or monitoring a network. It’s just that I’m becoming increasingly concerned that small- to medium-size enterprises (SMEs) won’t be able to keep up. And the media that follows this trend isn’t really brining to light the extreme cost of some of these systems.

Pricewise, many of the product lines are intended for large networks. There's no way that a smaller company could even begin to afford them. For example, one trainer told me that a certain SDN product was scaled to start at 500 site deployments!!

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您订购的五金已经准备好了。你要配电缆吗? 2018年6月5日星期二07:11:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski <文章> <节类= “网页”>

在先前的博客文章, 5个大理由购买翻新Cisco设备,我谈到的五个基本事实要记住当你考虑如何与Cisco的硬件解决方案进行


布线! <抛开类=“fakesidebar“> <强> [读取也:入门在接地基于意图联网]

似乎布线可以在事后进行。当然,你刚才所用的新的和二手硬件,其中每个使得您的基础架构最合理,并创建一个独特的和潜在的改变游戏规则的机会,在您的投资价值最大化的混合解决方案。 要完整地阅读这篇文章,请点击此处 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3278052/your-hardware-order-is-ready-do-you-want-cables-with-that.html 思科的千兆技术如何提高网络速度 2018年5月16日星期三06:20:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

If you remember, in a previous Switch IT Up blog post I referenced Wireless AC and Wave 2 — some of the things that we could expect and some of the problems we could run up against. Things like having enough bandwidth to our APs to support a 6.8 gig connection.

So, what can be done about that?

Well, in 2015, Cisco introduced its Catalyst Multigigabit Technology, along with a new group of products, that address that issue and allow users to get more than just that 1 gig speed that most people have in their closets or in their infrastructure. How can users leverage that and still use their preexisting infrastructure rather than having to rip everything out and replace it?

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5个大理由购买翻新Cisco设备 星期四,2018年4月26日10:39:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

It’s a pretty common scenario. You’re considering implementing Cisco hardware in your infrastructure, and you talk to a vendor who pushes a shiny, new, cutting-edge solution on you.

It’s impressive, this bleeding-edge solution — it has all sorts of bells and whistles (whether your business plan can make smart use of them or not) and it comes with a nice, healthy price tag.

So, you’re left with a really difficult question. Should you stretch your already thin budget with a solution that may actually be overkill for your needs? Or do you have options

5 things to consider when buying network hardware

Keep these five factors in mind as you consider how to proceed with your Cisco hardware solutions because that vendor who thinks you should buy new probably doesn’t want you to know them.

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请问思科4000路由器系列重新定义了路由器的传统角色? 2018年3月27日星期二06:14:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

Last month it was Catalyst 9000 switches, and this month its routers. Yes, my project engineering staff have had a surprising amount of inquiries regarding routers.

Routers vital to enterprise networks

When looking at distribution for an enterprise network, well-planned routing is the key to success. Routers can be absolutely vital for networks, as they connect a large amount of worksites within one large, umbrella-like network. At the enterprise level, they provide redundant paths, connect ISPs, and can translate data between different media.

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对思科催化剂9300的请求增加了…意图是什么? 周五,2018年2月16日8时37分00秒-0800 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

My project engineering staff has been getting more and more information requests for Cisco’s new line of Catalyst 9000 switches, especially the 9300 switch. That has me wondering why.

Cisco touts the Catalyst 9300 Series as the next generation of the industry's most widely deployed stackable switching platform that’s built for security, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing. It’s part of a line of network switches that form the foundation for Cisco's Software-Defined Access, its leading enterprise architecture.

One reason for the increased interest could be Cisco’s recently announced new intent-based networking system. Cisco believes that by adopting an intent-based approach, networks will be able to deliver a solution that introduces an onslaught of applications and devices that provide greater efficiency and address new security threats.

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是您思科移动快吧? 2018年1月10日星期三06:49:00 -0800 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski <本文> <节课=“页面”>


思科的溶液来完成,这是Mobility Express, designed to help companies easily set up wireless LAN (WLAN) networks. What exactly is Mobility Express? And is it right for you?

What is Mobility Express?

Mobility Express is the ability to use an access point (AP) as a controller. That means a lightweight network without a controller box. Instead one of the APs on the network acts as the controller. Here is how Cisco describes it:

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Wave 2能处理向我们袭来的无线海啸吗? 2017年11月06日星期一08:52:00 -0800 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

There seems to be a shift in our industry from wireless 802.11n  to 802.11ac, as we have seen large leaps forward in bandwidth and client-saturation handling. With more wireless options in use in the workplace, widespread connectivity continues to rise and wireless requirements are becoming greater and greater.

Now, with Wave 2 becoming more common, is 802.11ac really able to handle the tsunami-like wave of wireless internet requests to meet this growing demand?

There's only one way to find out. We need to step out of the comfort zone provided by past wireless technologies and expand the idea of what wireless is capable of providing to meet these demands.

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国王死了?!见鬼,不! 2017年10月2日星期一07:32:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski

It’s been about a year and a half since I asked the question in this blog, “Is the Cisco 6500 Series invincible?” I believe enough time has passed and that I should revisit that question — especially since people in the industry have been talking, tweeting and writing about the demise of the venerable Catalyst 6500 chassis family for years. 

But don’t worry, the King is not dead because Cisco is having none of that! 

+ Also on Network World: 4 resources to find free Cisco skills and certification labs +

Aside from being a major revenue stream for Cisco, the 6500 chassis family remains a solid platform that the company has made extensible by creating the Catalyst 6800 family. 

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思科6500系列战无不胜吗? 2016年3月29日星期二13:02:00 -0700 弗兰克Kobuszewski 弗兰克Kobuszewski <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在思科6500系列再次证明了自己的时间和时间在网络行业的中流砥柱。思科已经完成与<标题=“思科的” href =“//m.banksfrench.com/article/2160423/lan-wan/major-enhancements-coming-for-cisco-catalyst-6500.html一个值得称道的工作" target="new">continued enhancements to ensure that the industry’s golden child maintains relevance. If this is the case, why do IT professionals still fear its supposedly impending obsolescence and feel pressure to upgrade to newer models? Let’s just say rumors of its demise are greatly exaggerated.

As the industry moves toward 10/40Gig and higher, the need for bandwidth and port density only increases. Software-defined networking (SDN), while certainly worthy of consideration, may not be the best option for all organizations just yet. However, the need for high-speed switching connectivity and robust services remains a concern for the here and now. Enter: The Cisco 6500 Series.

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