足球竞猜app软件网络世界的盖伦·格鲁曼 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年5月22日星期五22:53:05 -0700 2020年5月22日星期五22:53:05 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 微软计划支持Android工作系统 2016年9月14日星期三05:19:00 -0700 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起

Microsoft announced late Tuesday that it has joined Google's Android for Work program and will support Google's container technology for mobile application management in a future release of Intune, Microsoft's own enterprise mobility management (EMM) server. The Microsoft blog post gave no timeline.

Android for Work, initially released in winter 2015 as part of an Android 5.0 Lollipop update, brought to Android the same level of enterprise-grade protection for mobile apps that had previously been available only to Apple's iOS devices or Samsung's Android devices running Samsung's own Knox technology.

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Office, Outlook, Slack, Handoff:数字工作场所的重生 2016年8月18日星期四05:09:00 -0700 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起

"Office productivity" has meant Microsoft Office and Outlook on a Windows PC for nearly two decades, and most of us take it for granted as part of the technological woodwork. New versions of Office and Outlook long ago outstripped the functionality 99.9 percent of us need, and except for jarring UI changes like the introduction of the Ribbon in 2007, we take new versions in stride.

But the digital office has undergone a fundamental, positive change in the past few years, one that should cause a rethink by users and IT alike.

The rebirth of Microsoft Office is (hopefully) only the start

Five years ago, I would have said that Microsoft Office and Exchange were dying dinosaurs, given Microsoft's active development of crappy mobile versions and continued crippling of the MacOS versions.

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如何直接365个文件从Office 2016办公共享 2016年7月11日星期一04:31 00 -0700 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起

最简单的共享办公文件的方式是来自Office 2016本身。所有的应用程序都允许你共享当前打开的文档,一些平台上的应用程序也允许你共享文件列表中的文件,即使它们当前没有打开。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3093578 / -分享-办公室- 365文件直接从-办公室- 2016。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

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FBI,保持了!如何加密一切 2016年2月26日星期五05:42:00 -0800 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起

The FBI’s inability to crack a terrorist’s iPhone 5c shows the strong protection you can get for your private information on a mobile device. That same encryption is also available on your computer, at least in some cases.

Given the increasing access to personal and corporate data sought by the U.S. government, as well as by other politicians, unscrupulous businesses, and criminal hackers, people should up their game on what they protect. Fortunately, it's not hard to do. (But be sure to back up your data before you encrypt your devices, in case a power failure occurs during the encryption process and makes your data unavailable.)

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工作环境:Outlook、Outlook、原生应用 2016年2月3日星期三04:52:00 -0800 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起

微软正在重新设计它的Outlook客户端和服务器软件,以真正支持它的使命,使它的办公室通信工具无处不在:邮件,日历,人(接触),和笔记组件在Outlook。(我没有包括OneNote,因为它不通过Exchange工作,而是通过仍然未完成OneDrive for Business。)与此同时,微软拥有一个功能差异很大的客户端大集,它可以 < a href = " /文章/ 3029445 / what-works-where-outlook-vs-outlook-vs-native-apps。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

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Windows 10 vs. OS X:哪个系统管理员拥有更多的控制权? 2015年12月1日星期二05:52:00 -0800 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起

现在,几乎所有的东西都可以像移动设备一样进行管理,在操作系统上使用api,确保在所有设备上实现公司政策的覆盖范围和一致性。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3010812 / windows-10-vs-os-x-which-gives-sys-admin-more-control。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

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InfoWorld的2015极客小玩意礼物指南 2015年11月26日星期四03:00:00 -0800 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起 <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >技术礼物你就找不到简单的< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100626165 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/11/2015 -礼品-引导- 00 -介绍- 100626165 - orig.jpg”data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/11/2015 -礼品-引导- 00 -介绍- 100626165 - orig.jpg“alt =“信息世界”的2015客小礼物指南" / > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >送礼假期快到了,世界各地的极客们都在梦想着电子玩具。本着传播节日快乐的精神,InfoWorld推荐了我们为你生活中特别的极客量身定制的礼物赠送季所挑选的最酷的小玩意。< / p > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " / / 3002089 /条信息世界”- 2015 -客-工具-礼物指南。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

回顾:Office 365在协作中失败 2015年11月4日星期三06:11 -0800 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起

多年来,微软一直承诺在Office 365中实现一个引人注目的愿景:一个所有部门都可以使用的生产力和协作工具的公共平台,并有集成策略和访问到Active Directory的额外安全保障。随着时间的推移,微软发布了一份引人注目的路线图,展示了所有组件如何不仅在Windows上工作,而且在OS X、iOS和Android等其他操作系统上工作。< / p > < h3 >文档协作:一段时间等待OneDrive商业< / h3 > < h3 >共享日历:前景团体可以工作,只要运行在Mac(和移动)< / h3 > < h3 >在线会议:商业/ Lync Skype是混乱和缓慢的< / h3 > < h3 >消息传递:没有微软的三款聊天工具适用< / h3 > < h3 >可悲的是,微软还没有提供一个可行的协作平台< / h3 > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " / / 3001412 /条评论-办公室- 365 -失败-协作。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

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iPad对峙:微软Office vs苹果iWork vs谷歌Apps 2015年10月28日星期三06:24:00 -0700 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起 < p >其他鞋下降:苹果最近修订了其iWork套装(页面、数字和主题)利用< a href = " http://www.infoworld.com/article/2986861/ipad/visual-guide-ipad-new-split-screen-multitasking.html " >多画面多任务介绍iPad在iOS 9 < / >选择模型。几周前,微软在其Office 365办公套件(Word、Excel和PowerPoint)中也采用了同样的方法。iWork为Android用户添加了共享支持,但用户只能查看共享文档。iWork共享文件只能在Windows PC或Mac编辑浏览器,或在iOS或通过iWork OS X应用程序。共享办公文档可以在Windows中,编辑OS X, iOS和Android通过本机办公室这些平台上的应用程序或通过PC或Mac上的桌面浏览器。共享应用程序文档可以通过本机编辑在iOS和Android手机应用程序在Windows, Mac OS X,并通过一个浏览器Chrome OS。<强大的>优势:Office和Apps (tie)。< /强> < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 2998832 / ipad-face-off-microsoft-office-vs-apple-iwork-vs-google-apps。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

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思科修复了iOS 9的兼容性问题,阻止了一些vpn 2015年10月23日星期五05:55:00 -0700 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起 <文章> <节类= “页”>

当的iOS 9九月推出,思科针对iOS的AnyConnect VPN客户端停止与某些VPN服务器配置正确工作,防止资源加载。在iOS版9的公测期间,思科提交bug报告与苹果有关出厂时没有一个固定的基于IPv4的分裂tunnneling的iOS 9断裂DNS解析,但iOS的9。所以做的iOS 9.01,9.02,而本周的iOS 9.1。

但在周四,思科发布在App Store中的AnyConnect客户端更新,版本4.0.03016,能解决问题。拆分隧道的VPN重新正常工作,InfoWorld的测试显示。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2996821/cisco-fixes-ios-9-compatibility-issue-that-blocked-some-vpns.html 移动安全:的iOS与Android相比,与黑莓与Windows手机 2015年10月6日星期二05:17:00 -0700 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起 苹果公司的黑莓手机很早以前,iPhone和iPad就把黑莓手机推到了除最高安全环境之外的所有移动设备的公司标准之外。今年早些时候,谷歌的Android平台< a href = " http://www.infoworld.com/article/2882814/smartphones/the-smartphone-wars-whos-winning-where.html " >统治在企业界< / >,有认真的移动管理< a href = " http://www.infoworld.com/article/2889074/mobile-device-management/android-for-work-brings-container-security-to-google-play-apps.html " >名为Android的新努力工作< / >。三星还推出了新版安卓安全套件Knox。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 2989365 / mobile-security-ios-vs-android-vs-blackberry-vs-windows-phone。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

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iOS 9打破了vpn,阻止了很多人访问服务器 星期一,2015年9月21日六时十五分00秒-0700 盖伦格鲁曼发起 盖伦格鲁曼发起

Apple's iOS 9 has several features meant to increase its strong enterprise-grade security. But it also breaks a key security method: VPN connections to some corporate servers. As a result, users won't be able to access some servers over some VPN connections -- but they'll be able to access other servers with no problem.

The bug appeared in iOS 9's beta. It was not fixed in the final version of iOS 9, and it is not fixed in the current beta of iOS 9.1.

Here's what Cisco has reported about the bug:

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