足球竞猜app软件JD·萨顿 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年4月17日星期五20:58:20 -0700 2020年4月17日星期五20:58:20 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 未来的热门工作 星期一,2017年5月8日03:00:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain “到2025年,地球上大约50%的工作岗位将消失,”未来学家托马斯·弗雷(Thomas Frey)预测,他是达芬奇研究所(DaVinci Institute)智囊团的创始人。


//m.banksfrench.com/article/3193978/hot-jobs-of-the-future.html IDG内幕
12个未来的顶级技术领域 星期一,2017年5月8日03:00:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >最高职位< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100721425 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/05/future -工作- 1 - 100721425 - orig.jpg“data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/05/future -工作- 1 - 100721425 - orig.jpg“alt = "未来的工作1 " data-license = "盖蒂未来的技术工作将包括程序员、分析师、应用程序和系统开发人员、数据库和网络管理员、工程师、设计师、架构师、科学家、研究人员、统计学家、专家、技术人员、技术人员、技术人员、技术人员和技术人员。以下12个领域的项目和系统经理、系统和数据集成商、技术人员和技术支持人员、质量控制人员、培训人员和顾问。(阅读全文:< a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/article/3193978/hot-jobs-of-the-future " target = "平等" >热工作未来的< / >)。< / p > < p类=“jumpTag”> < a href = " /文章/ 3194710/12-top-tech-fields-of-the-future.html #跳”>阅读这篇文章,请点击这里< / > < / p > < /节> < / >的文章//m.banksfrench.com/article/3194710/12-top-tech-fields-of-the-future.html Adobe Flash闪回 星期一,2016年12月5日03:00:00 -0800 JD Sartain JD Sartain <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >插叙< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100696631 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/12/1_intro - 100696631 - orig.jpeg“data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/12/1_intro - 100696631 - orig.jpeg“alt = " Adobe Flash " / > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >记住当网页是静态和无聊的时候。然后出现了Macromedia Flash。突然之间,网页就随着Flash动画跳跃起来。多媒体平台在过去的五年里经历了漫长而缓慢的衰落,但Flash仍然嵌入了许多互联网上最受欢迎的网站。以下是Flash发展史上的一些关键事件。(< a href = " //m.banksfrench.com//m.banksfrench.com/article/3146087/how-to-survive-the-death-of-flash " target = "平等" >阅读完整的Flash的死亡的故事< / >)。< / p > < p类=“jumpTag”> < a href = " / / 3146204 /条an-adobe-flash-flashback.html #跳”>阅读这篇文章,请点击这里< / > < / p > < /节> < / >的文章//m.banksfrench.com/article/3146204/an-adobe-flash-flashback.html 如何在闪电侠死后活下来 星期一,2016年12月5日03:00:00 -0800 JD Sartain JD Sartain < p >七年前,史蒂夫·乔布斯推出了一度< a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/article/2261739/smartphones/flash-on-iphone-hopes-dashed.html " target = "平等" >住所Flash进入一个漫长的,缓慢的死亡螺旋< / >当他宣布Flash不会被安装在任何他的尖端产品,特别是iPad和iPhone。乔布斯认为Flash速度慢、笨重、耗电量大、与触摸屏不兼容,而且存在大量安全问题。


//m.banksfrench.com/article/3146087/how-to-survive-the-death-of-flash.html IDG内幕
为什么是时候开始制定无人机安全策略了 星期一,2016年9月19日02:54:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain 无人驾驶飞机的军事用途大家都很熟悉。你可能听说过亚马逊(Amazon)计划通过无人机向消费者运送商品。据报道,谷歌正在开发提供高速互联网的太阳能无人机。


//m.banksfrench.com/article/3120288/why-its-time-to-start-developing-a-drone-security-strategy.html IDG内幕
你好HaLow: Wi-Fi联盟的新物联网规范指南 星期一,2016年5月23日03:41:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain

The Wi-Fi Alliance recently announced a new IEEE specification, 802.11ah, developed explicitly for the Internet of Things (IoT). Dubbed HaLow (pronounced HAY-Low), it’s aimed at connecting everything in the IoT environment, from smart homes to smart cities to smart cars and any other device that can be connected to a Wi-Fi access point.

Here’s what you need to know about HaLow.

1. What are the potential advantages of HaLow?

First, HaLow operates in the 900-MHz band. This lower part of the spectrum can penetrate walls and other physical barriers, which means better range than the current 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi bands.

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如何对抗僵尸世界末日 星期一,2016年3月21日03:00:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain 您的公司是否受到应用程序膨胀的困扰?你是否有昂贵的、重叠的传统应用程序,当你转向现代的、轻量级的应用程序或云计算时,它们需要退役。你的IT基础设施中是否潜伏着僵尸应用,那些已经没有人使用但仍然存在并包含敏感数据的应用?

(内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com//m.banksfrench.com/article/3044549/how-to-fight-off-a-zombie-app-ocalypse.html IDG内幕 谷歌纤维是怎么回事? 星期三,2015年11月11日11:46:00 -0800 JD Sartain JD Sartain

Let’s face it: when it comes to Internet connectivity, there’s no such thing as “too fast.” And optical fiber is the only choice for connectivity that exceed 1,000 Mbps, aka Gigabit Internet. Optical fiber provides higher bandwidths – download speeds 40 times faster and upload speeds more than 300 times faster than garden variety broadband – and spans much longer distances than electrical cabling. And some companies, such as Bell Labs, Cisco and Comcast are claiming that their new "fiber optic" services (when eventually installed) will be 10 times faster than Google. 

In the meantime, Google Fiber is the hottest ticket in town, and it's popping up in municipalities all over America. It started in Kansas City during the summer of 2012 -- followed by Austin, Texas and Provo, Utah in 2014. And on the official Google Fiber team blog, director of Fiber Expansion Jill Szuchmacher noted that Google is in the process of designing the San Antonio network, and construction has started in Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham, N.C., and Salt Lake City. 

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10个真实的机器人 星期一,2015年11月2日03:00:00 -0800 JD Sartain JD Sartain <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >机器人到达< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100624828 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/10/real -世界-机器人- 1 - 100624828 - orig.jpg”data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/10/real -世界-机器人- 1 - 100624828 - orig.jpg“alt = "现实世界的机器人从C-3PO到《终结者》再到《星际迷航:数据》,多年来,机器人一直在大屏幕上娱乐我们。但是,与我们在电影中看到的机器人英雄不同的是,真实的机器人有些令人失望,因为技术没有达到好莱坞的大肆宣传的水平。但现在已经不是这样了。机器人已经到来。下面是在现实世界中部署机器人的例子。story.)

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2998890/10-real-world-robots.html 机器人入侵了现实世界 星期一,2015年11月2日03:00:00 -0800 JD Sartain JD Sartain 从C-3PO到《终结者》再到《星际迷航:数据》,多年来,机器人一直在大屏幕上娱乐我们。但是,与我们在电影中看到的机器人英雄不同的是,真实的机器人有些令人失望,因为技术没有达到好莱坞的大肆宣传的水平。但现在已经不是这样了。机器人已经到来。


//m.banksfrench.com/article/2998847/robots-invade-the-real-world.html IDG内幕
量子密码学是否提供了防黑客的安全性? 星期三,2015年9月9日05:05:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain

Untangling hyper-entangled twisted light. 

Photons in the form of a bi-photon frequency comb. 

Quantum-powered random numbers generated by an entropy engine that exploits quantum mechanics. 

Quantum cryptology may be the hottest topic in security these days, but it sure reads like a lot of sci-fi jargon. But what does it mean? 

Bruce Potter, CTO of the KEYW Corporation, defined it to a room full of privacy professionals this past July at the Black Hat conference. He explained that with so much concern regarding the quality of our protective encryption capabilities, this is still a complicated and misunderstood process. Quantum cryptology (and its crypto components) is a mind-bending concept that baffles even the most experienced scientists. Those who try to understand what’s going on are stymied by the diversity, age and code complexity of the various software components. And, while cryptographic core algorithms have been well-studied, other components in enterprise cryptosystems are less understood. It's no wonder this field of science incites so much controversy. 

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101 -管理重要的事情 星期一,2015年8月24日06:26:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain

Prosource Technologies (located in Cincinnati, Ohio) is a managed services provider (MSP) that offers document automation, office equipment and technology solutions. Earlier this year, Prosource acquired another local IT company called Alternative Computer Technology (ACT) that specializes in Internet and network security products and solutions. The acquisition essentially doubled Prosource's revenue and significantly increased its customer base overnight.

While the acquisition of ACT would allow Prosource to expand and improve its portfolio of managed information technology products and services, full integration of the two businesses was not going to be easy. All of the customers had to be migrated into a single Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The accounting software had to be combined. Technicians from both companies would need to work from a single ticketing system in order to effectively manage the combined customers’ networks. Thousands of recurring subscription renewals for security products had to be managed. All of which was a little outside of Prosource’s wheelhouse, so to speak.

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B2B公司是如何重新找回技术巅峰的 2015年7月16日星期四05:46:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain

MSC Industrial Supply -金属加工和维护、维修和运营用品的最大的直接营销和分销商之一-为超过30万客户的超过2000家供应商分销50万多种工业产品。

(内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/2949155/how-a-b2b-company-got-its-tech-groove-back.html IDG内幕 打击网络犯罪的顶级安全工具 星期一,2015年5月18日06:02:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain 网络犯罪是一个巨大的全球威胁,美国企业是头号目标。为了获得如何最好地防御网络攻击的技巧和建议,《网络世界》请安全专家列出了他们认为最有价值的安全工具。足球竞猜app软件


//m.banksfrench.com/article/2922730/top-security-tools-in-the-fight-against-cybercrime.html IDG内幕
必须具备的安全工具 星期一,2015年5月18日06:00:00 -0700 JD Sartain JD Sartain <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >安全工具< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100585623 " src = " https://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/05/security -工具- 1 - 100585623 - gallery.idge.jpg“data-thumb-src = " https://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/05/security -工具- 1 - 100585623 - small.idge.jpg“alt = "安全工具1"/>

足球竞猜app软件Network World要求安全专业人士命名他们的1号,必须的,去的安全工具。我们收到了来自行业分析师、企业安全从业人员、学者和行业协会成员的回复。我们采访的许多专家指出,在安全问题上没有什么灵丹妙药,所以你最好的选择是将这些方法尽可能多地结合起来进行深度防御。阅读全文。
