足球竞猜app软件网络世界黄金杰克 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 星期二,2020年6月18日11:58:43 -0700 星期二,2020年6月18日11:58:43 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 是企业安全坏了吗? 2020年4月21日星期二06:58:00 -0700 杰克金 杰克金 独立终端或单独部署网络安全正在迅速结束——这也是迫切需要的。如果您希望长期保持安全,现在就应该集中精力统一您的安全产品。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3539429/is-enterprise-security-broken.html 冠状病毒:什么公司愿意为我们的新的现实? 星期二,2020年3月17日10:37:00 -0700 杰克金 杰克金 有一类公司已经具备了在完全分布式员工模型中工作的能力。另一个是很难适应大多数员工不得不在家工作。如果这种情况持续超过几周,有些动物将无法存活。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3532822/coronavirus-what-c​​ompanies-are-ready-for-our-new-reality.html 下一代端点安全超越了端点 周四,2020年2月6日13时33分00秒-0800 杰克金 杰克金 人工智能和行为分析是提升设备和后端系统安全级别的关键,也是物联网设备和服务的先决条件。你的供应商是否在朝着正确的方向发展?https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3520793/next-generation-endpoint-security-goes-beyond-the-endpoint.html 为什么多云安全是你的下一个大挑战 星期四,2020年1月16日7时50分零零秒-0800 杰克金 杰克金 公司部署的三到五个不同的云服务的平均水平。随着对安全性和法规遵从性的日益重视,以管理这些不同的系统的能力是至关重要的。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3514669/why-multicloud-security-is-your-next-big-challenge.html 5G会作为一种服务加速边缘计算吗? 2019年12月17日星期二09:29:00 -0800 杰克金 杰克金 使edge计算成为一种服务的关键是网络运营商部署快速、低延迟连接的能力——也就是说,他们需要5G。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3505879/will-5g-accelerate-edge-computing-as-a-service.html IBM计划如何在云计算竞争 2019年12月03日星期二13:22:00 -0800 杰克金 杰克金 IBM希望通过云包(cloud Paks)降低将工作负载转移到云上的复杂性。云包是IBM提供的一系列专门的打包产品,企业可以相对快速地实现。但这就足够了吗?https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3487558/how-ibm-plans-to-compete-in-the-cloud.html 为什么企业计算处于边缘 周一,2019年11月4日六点30分○○秒-0800 杰克金 杰克金 就像在it之前的客户端/服务器和云计算一样,边缘计算将是任何企业it战略的关键组成部分。这就是为什么你需要一个优势战略来保持竞争力。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3451569/why-enterprise-computing-is-living-on-the-edge.html 为什么5G意味着新的商业模式和用户利益 2019年10月17日星期四06:30 -0700 杰克金 杰克金 5G无线技术将带来商业机会,带来超越智能手机的新服务和更好的性能。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3446476/why-5g-means-new-business-models-and-user-benefits.html 不要被5G蒙蔽:为什么你不能忽视Wi-Fi 6 2019年9月6日星期五11:20:00 -0700 杰克金 杰克金 5G对智能手机和其他设备同样重要,但不要忽视同样重要的下一代无线技术——Wi-Fi - 6。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3436781/don-t-be-blinded-by-5g-why-you-can-t-neglect-wi-fi-6.html 企业何时应该转向5G? 2019年8月12日星期一07:04:00 -0700 杰克金 杰克金 也许不是今天,也许不是明天,但最终大家会在5G。然而,抢着来实现它在你的业务之前一定要知道有哪些可用的好处和类型的用户会发现在他们的移动体验真正的改善。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3431537/when-should-enterprises-move-to-5g.html 实现5G的真正挑战是:网络 2019年4月9日星期二08:45:00 -0700 杰克金 杰克金

Everyone seems focused on whether major device makers can ship 5G-ready phones. And indeed they are coming forward with devices (e.g., Samsung, Huawei) based on chip designs from major manufacturers (e.g., Qualcomm, Huawei, Intel).

But while many are focused on the device challenges (such as will Apple’s iPhones use Qualcomm or Intel modems, or design their own?) and the potentially billions of connected “things” expected in the next few years, the devices are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to 5G. The real “below the water line” challenges, the more than 80% of the challenges in making 5G real, are in updating and creating networks that can truly provide all of the variety of services and capabilities that we expect.

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新的计算工作量需要新的芯片技术 2018年12月17日星期一1300:00 -0800 杰克金 杰克金 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在未来两到三年内,我们将看到的新的复杂的处理器爆炸,不仅做通用计算我们通常看到今日(标量和矢量/绘图processing), but also do a significant amount of matrix and spatial data analysis (e.g., augmented reality/virtual reality, visual response systems, artificial intelligence/machine learning, specialized signal processing, communications, autonomous sensors, etc.).

In the past, we expected all newer-generation chips to add features/functions as they were being designed. But that approach is becoming problematic. As we scale Moore’s Law closer to the edge of physical possibility (from 10nm to 7, then 5), it becomes increasingly lengthy and costly to perfect the new processes. What was generally about 12 months between processing improvement steps now is closer to two years, and newer process factories can cost upwards of $10 billion or more.

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大多数企业的事情都是在浪费钱 2018年7月9日星期一11:02:00 -0700 杰克金 杰克金

The Internet of Things (IoT) has captured much attention recently as more devices like wearables, AR/VR headsets and sensor-based products make their way to market. But off-the-shelf consumer-oriented devices are not always what enterprises need. Rather, most companies need a more specialized approach than just deploying things all over the place.

As a result, the more specialized Enterprise of Things (EoT) is becoming a significant part of nearly all companies' plans for the next three to five years. Indeed, we expect EoT to become a top 3 item on most organizations' strategic initiatives in the coming two to three years. EoT will partner with ongoing enterprise cloud and security initiatives as organizations look to transform how they do business and run more efficient and user-responsive operations. But research shows that for many companies currently deploying or planning deployments of EoT, it’s a waste of money.

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事物的企业存在着安全隐患 周一,2018 10:43:00 -0700 5月14日 杰克金 杰克金 <文章> <节类= “页”>


使事情更迫切的是,越来越多的部署EOT设备,预计将在未来两到三年显著增加。(我估计会有一个企业比PC和手机客户端结合在三到四年多的“东西”。) 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3272828/the-enterprise-of-things-troubling-lack-of-security.html 熔化和幽灵的利用:穿越FUD 2018年1月4日星期四14:48:00 -0800 杰克金 杰克金 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

有大量的信息流通有关的电脑芯片从英特尔的新的漏洞和其他人在过去几天公布。其中一些已被准确,有的已经煽情和夸大。There is much technical information with high level of details available for both Meltdown and Spectre, so I won’t get into a lot of technical detail here. Rather, I’ll focus on the higher-level issues affecting business and personal computer users.

+RELATED: Intel’s processor flaw is a virtualization nightmare; Red Hat responds to the Intel processor flaw+

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