足球竞猜app软件网络世界 //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 周五,2020年4月10日21时31分30秒-0700 周五,2020年4月10日21时31分30秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 人工智能将如何用于管理5G网络 星期二,2020年4月7日21:00:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Telco infrastructure provider Nokia launched a new service aimed at helping operators use artificial intelligence and automation to better manage their 5G networks and avoid network and service-level failures.

"Traditional network and service management approaches are no longer sustainable," Nokia said in a press release announcing its AVA 5G Cognitive Operations. The new framework, pitched at communications service providers (formerly called mobile network operators), relies on virtualization and network slicing to improve wireless network performance.

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神经计算应该基于昆虫的大脑,而不是人类的大脑 星期二,2020年3月31日三时16分零零秒-0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


“这是非常令人印象深刻的是一只蜜蜂可以在5英里飞,然后记住它回家的路上,有思想的针头大小,”詹姆斯·马歇尔教授,谢菲尔德大学,经其在报告多个报纸引述说:演示马歇尔在二月美国协会为科学大会的进步作出。 <抛开类=“fakesidebar”> [通过注册网络世界通讯获取定期的见解。]

“这对我来说很有意义,我们应该尝试足球竞猜app软件和[自治系统]模仿蜜蜂的大脑,无人驾驶飞机和无人驾驶汽车。” 要阅读此一rticle完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3534528/neural-computing-should-be-based-on-insect-brains-not-human-ones.html 研究人员表示,电子产品应该通过出汗来降温 2020年3月18日星期三14:39:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Computing devices should sweat when they get too hot, say scientists at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, where they have developed a materials application they claim will cool down devices more efficiently and in smaller form-factors than existing fans.

It’s “a coating for electronics that releases water vapor to dissipate heat from running devices,” the team explain in a news release. “Mammals sweat to regulate body temperature,” so should electronics, they believe.

The group’s focus has been on studying porous materials that can absorb moisture from the environment and then release water vapor when warmed. MIL-101(Cr) checks the boxes, they say. The material is a metal organic framework, or MOF, which is a sorbent, a material that stores large amounts of water. The higher the water capacity one has, the greater the dissipation of heat when it's warmed.

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“人工智能无处不在”的物联网芯片来自Arm 周一,2020年3月16日十五点19分00秒-0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Silicon microchip maker Arm is working on a new semiconductor design that it says will enable machine learning, at scale, on small sensor devices. Arm has completed testing of the technology and expects to bring it to market next year.

Artificial intelligence, implemented locally on "billions and ultimately trillions" of devices is coming, the company says in a press release. Arm Holdings, owned by Japanese conglomerate Softbank, says its partners have shipped more than 160 billion Arm-based chips to date, and that 45 million of its microprocessor designs are being placed within electronics every day.

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中国汽车巨头吉利计划建立一个私人卫星网络来支持自动驾驶汽车 2020年3月4日星期三21:04:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”> 什么是真实演变成一个移动技术公司和自主车大量投资需要添加到其生态系统的大型汽车制造商?Probably connectivity, and that’s likely why Chinese car giant Geely says it will be building its own satellite data network.

A need for “highly accurate, autonomous driving solutions,” is part of what’s driving the strategy, the company says in a press release. Geely – the largest car maker in China and whose assets include Volvo and a stake in Lotus – has begun building a test facility in Taizhou City where it will develop satellite models, the company says.

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海水和湿度激发了新的发电方式 2020年3月3日星期二21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”> 未来的电力供应危机的方法可行 - 通过在数据使用一个全球性的增加,部分的刺激 - 是推动研究人员发挥创意的摆新的和修改的方式来产生和储存能量 进行中的项目包括使用海水电池。敛环境湿度;海量储水系统水电;和太阳能电池板在晚上的工作。这里还有一些细节: 基于海水 电池海水将提供“超级电池”,南丹麦大学的说。研究人员有一直在研究如何使用钠,其是在海水中丰富,如在电池的替代锂。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3529893/seawater-humidity-inspire-new-ways-to-generate-power.html 离无电池设备更近了 2020年2月26日星期三21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”> 不需要电源,物联网传感器可即将到来。来自加州大学圣地亚哥分校的大学的研究人员声称,他们已经找到了如何优化基于实验室的模块到这样的程度,一个Wi-Fi无线电,物联网用于与网络通信,很快就可以使用至5000倍少能量并且仍然拥有足够的带宽来发送视频。 被利用的技术利用反向散射的优势。这是寄生在使用日常环境中固有的无线电信号的方式。在这种情况下,现有的Wi-Fi传输芯片捎带发送其数据。This method of sending data is power-light, because the carrier needed for the radio transmission is already created—it doesn’t need new energy for the message to be sent.

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一个$ Zeo售价399即转换大脑信号转换成数字命令 2020年2月18日(星期二)21:05:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Scientists have long envisioned brain-sensing technology that can translate thoughts into digital commands, eliminating the need for computer-input devices like a keyboard and mouse. One company is preparing to ship its latest contribution to the effort: a $399 development package for a noninvasive, AI-based, brain-computer interface.

The kit will let "users control anything in their digital world by using just their thoughts," NextMind, a commercial spinoff of a cognitive neuroscience lab claims in a press release.

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未来“智能墙”键,物联网 2020年2月10日星期一13:52:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”> 物联网设备设计者拍摄的效率应挖掘潜力,利用建筑物,天线,研究人员说。 环境表面如墙壁可用于拦截和波束信号,这可以增加可靠性和吞吐量对于设备的数据,根据MIT的计算机科学与人工智能实验室( CSAIL )。 研究员在CSAIL已经工作的一个智能表面重复称为RFocus天线阵列。天线,其可以在诸如壁纸片施加,被设计成结合到办公空间和工厂。该无线电广播信号然后可以变得更小和更少的功率密集的。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3519440/future-smart-walls-key-to-iot.html 如何细菌可以运行物联网 2020年1月30日(星期四)21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Biologically created computing devices could one day be as commonplace as today’s microprocessors and microchips, some scientists believe. Consider DNA, the carrier of genetic information and the principal component of chromosomes; it's showing promise as a data storage medium.

A recent study (PDF) suggests taking matters further and using microbes to network and communicate at nanoscale. The potential is highly attractive for the Internet of Things (IoT), where concealability and unobtrusiveness may be needed for the technology to become completely ubiquitous.

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如何打开-RAN可以“白盒” 5G 星期四,2020年1月23日15:41:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

One of Britain’s principal mobile networks, O2, has just announced that it intends to deploy Open Radio Access Network technology (O-RAN) in places.

O-RAN is a wireless industry initiative for designing and building radio network solutions using “a general-purpose, vendor-neutral hardware and software-defined technology,” explains Telecom Infra Project, the body responsible, on its website.

TIP is the trade body that, along with Intel and Vodafone, conceived of the technology alternative – an attempt at toppling the dominance of Ericsson, Huawei and Nokia, which provide almost all mobile telco infrastructure now.

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超越摩尔定律:仿神经计算? 星期二,2020年1月21日5时33分00秒-0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

With the conceivable exhaustion of Moore’s Law – that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years – the search is on for new paths that lead to reliable incremental processing gains over time.

One possibility is that machines inspired by how the brain works could take over, fundamentally shifting computing to a revolutionary new tier, according to an explainer study released this month by Applied Physics Reviews.

“Today’s state-of-the-art computers process roughly as many instructions per second as an insect brain,” say the paper’s authors Jack Kendall, of Rain Neuromorphics, and Suhas Kumar, of Hewlett Packard Labs. The two write that processor architecture must now be completely re-thought if Moore’s law is to be perpetuated, and that replicating the “natural processing system of a [human] brain” is the way forward.

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即时、安全的数据“传送”正在进行中 2020年1月14日星期二11:47:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

使用量子传输已经首次可靠地实现,根据从布里斯托尔大学的科学家与丹麦技术大学即刻发送两个计算机芯片之间的信息,在协作(DTU)。数据没有任何电或物理连接被交换 - 可能影响下一代超安全数据网络的发送方法

隐形传送涉及信息移动瞬时且可靠地。在“星际迷航”系列,虚构的人立刻从一个地方通过传送移动到另一个。在布里斯托尔大学的实验中,数据被立即通过一个单一的量子态使用光粒子,或光子通过跨两个芯片。Importantly, each of the two chips knows the characteristics of the other, because they’re entangled through quantum physics, meaning they therefore share a single physics-based state.

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2020年DIY通信网络的趋势,主要电信公司说 星期四,2020年1月9日15时十七分00秒-0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


该公司是指完全加密网格和对等网络应用程序为,使这些消费级技术“现成的电网,构建自己动手”的链接。目应用也将在灾害其中传统网络失败有用的。 <一边类=“fakesidebar”> [定期获取通过注册网络世界通讯计划的见解。]

“沟通无中足球竞猜app软件央协调网络是吸引人们的原因有很多,而在2020年,我们希望看到更多的走这条路,特别是在冲突的情况下,调动了抗议,并简单地停留在雷达之下”的公司表示在其网站上 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3512648/diy-communications-networks-to-trend-in-2020-says-major-telco.html 研究人员的目标为晶体管,在一个部件计算和存储 周一,2020年1月6日21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


在补习班更多的​​功能到芯片上,允许更大的速度和功率不增加占地面积的能力,是电子设计一个核心目标。为了取得今天的他们,在普渡大学的工程师必须克服晶体管之间的不兼容问题 - 在几乎所有的电子产品中使用的开关和放大机制 - 和铁电RAM。铁电RAM是性能更高的存储器技术;材料引入了非挥发性的,这意味着它保留信息断电时,不像传统的介电层构造的DRAM。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3510638/researchers-aim-to-build-transistors-that-can-compute-and-store-information-in-one-component.html