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这是苏珊·布拉德利在线方案。今天我们要讲的方法,我们可以确定我们有一些柜子上启用我们的机器。但首先一点背景为什么这个话题上来。最近在7月更新的所有服务栈窗口10出来更新与安全的引导功能,解决一个问题可能会导致一些储物柜进入恢复模式,因为竞态条件。知识库文章中你可以看到我们的安全部分的所有服务栈补丁为Windows 10所有回到Windows Server 2012收到服务栈更新来解决这个问题。第一个上来更新5月当杨晨McCarter补丁管理dot org名单确认某些更新是导致这个问题的原因。如果你有柜使你很难修补。在一些机器上启用一些储物柜,它实际上导致系统无法正常启动。你不得不暂停一些储物柜。然后继续安装更新。 Now normally bit locker is a very quiet technology. It cooperates very well with Windows Update. This time it didn't. And it brought up the question in my mind of do we have at our fingertips at a moment's notice ways that we can identify which machines do and do not have bit locker. One of the easiest ways of course is PowerShell.

从PowerShell命令提示符类型和管理C B短跑冲刺状态。

这报告如果系统是加密的。需要一点时间。但它回来的状态。然后回来与他们的支持系统的指示开满加密。一件事要考虑当推出驱动器加密方法来帮助最终用户自我恢复。又不是一些储物柜通常与更新问题,但如果你确实有问题明智的计划所以最终用户有能力回到复苏的关键。有几个方法你可以做到这一点。如果你有一个Azure活动目录你可以钩,它可用在他们的门户。正如你所看到的从帐号windows Active Directory页面。我家电脑是Azure Active Directory加入。 And if I had an issue all I'd have to do is log in with my credentials and I could click here and get that bit locker key. If you don't have Azure Active Directory let's say you just use Microsoft accounts. Those bitlocker recovery keys are automatically uploaded to a Microsoft account site. In fact if you've ever purchased surface devices you may not realize this but if you log in automatically with a Microsoft account those bit locker recovery keys are automatically saved up in the cloud. You go to account at Microsoft dot com slash devices and your bit locker recovery keys are there. You may even have recovery keys from long ago devices. Here I've got some old old surface devices that I don't even have around anymore and still have the bit locker recover key up in the cloud. Bottom line there's many ways to control and manage this bit locker keys. Until the next time this is Susan Bradley for CSO Online.