如何仔细检查从Windows 7迁移后的权限


从Windows 7或Server 2008 R2迁移后,确保Windows环境中的所有权限是正确的是值得的。以下是如何检查的方法。


所以我们就在这里,86天4小时17分32秒,计算着Windows 7和Server 2008 R2还有多少天的寿命。当然,除非你得到扩展的安全更新。如果你和我们大多数人一样,你要么正在进行迁移,要么已经完成了从Windows 7和server 2008 R2的迁移。作为这个过程的一部分,你可能为了复制文件、移动数据、迁移服务器而改变了权限。在完成迁移之后,您是否曾经回过头来检查并确保这些权限设置正确?例如,如果您使用了适当的升级,权限可能会从旧的操作系统遗留下来,这可能不是您想要的。所以当你在迁移的时候,想想这些许可或遗留问题。

使用Hyper V时使用Hyper V频道在迁移过程中更改权限,您可能不会更改返回。例如,您可能会通过网络导出超级V虚拟机,并获得权限错误。这是因为Hyper V主机的系统帐户执行了导出,并且在网络共享上的权限并不相同。因此,建议更改这些权限以允许每个系统互相访问。通常,来自SYINTERNALS的PSTOOLS等工具可用于临时改变权限。执行行动,并在项目的最后结束时,他们会将其改为他们所在。我在文章中有更多信息。Get ACL是基本PowerShell命令,为您提供有关资源安全性的信息。它可以是一个文件。它可以是注册表项。 And often if you don't go back and check to see what you've set for permissions, you may come back later on and realize they're not set. What you want them to be. There are many scripts out there on the Web that allow you to do a full NTFS directory effective permissions audit so you can see exactly who is the owner, who has rights, who has access to the files. Yes, that's great for on premise file servers, but what about when you moved to the cloud? We need similar tools, but not the same for when we moved to cloud security. In office 365, you have to focus on where the data is located and where it's shared. For example, on onedrive or SharePoint, you can do sharing auditing, reporting in the Office 365 console, which allows the administrator to generate a list of shared resources to enable this report. You go into that protection.office.com and sign in in the left pane of security compliance center. Then click on search. Click on the audit log search. And under activities you want to click sharing and access request activities to search on these sharing related events. So when the Office 365 security and complaints portal, you want to look for search and under activities, you want to scroll down. Until you see sharing an access request activities and review all the options you have there. And what kind of reports you may need. You could also do a quick query with ViewableByExternalUsers=true and ViewableByAnonymousUsers=true. That gives you a quick and dirty report of who has access to links and other resources inside your SharePoint. Take the time to audit and confirm that how you set up the item is what you want it to be. Accidental access permissions can lead to headlines and security events such as earlier this year when the exposure of eight hundred eighty five million mortgage records at First American Financial Corporation occurred because of misconfiguration was done in their web server. It allowed users of their company to access records that they should not have been able to access. If someone had taken the time to audit the permissions set on the web server, they may have saved themselves of these headlines and these issues. Take the time to review permissions and what you've set to ensure what they are, what you intend them to be. Don't forget to sign up for tech. Talk from IDG on the new YouTube channel for the tech news of the Day. Until next time. This is Susan Bradley for CSO Online.