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“你得到一个年轻的成年人,年龄在50 ...,那没有比癌症以外的任何疾病,”罗伯特·豪瑟,临床肿瘤学的(ASCO)美国社会质量部门的高级主管。“所以,一旦药物从试验开发,它结束了上并没有大规模评估人口使用。现在,我们只能从所有成年的3%学会肿瘤患者,因为他们只有3%参与药物研发临床试验“。

And, once a clinical trial ends, patients are no longer tracked, Hauser added.

Also hindering advances in personalized medicine is the compartmentalization of healthcare data at hospitals, private practices and even clinical trials.

此外,电子病历使用专有软件,这意味着它们不与其他系统进行通信。从卫电子病历,例如,是否拥有一支由Cerner公司,麦克森或史诗系统本身不共享数据 - 在世界四大EHR厂商。

"We realize the data standards wars and interoperability issues that go on amongst EHR vendors is not something that's going to be overcome in the near future," said Josh Mann, assistant director of Oncology Technology Solutions for the ASCO.

There is, however, an industry-wide effort under way to break the logjam.


2010年3月起,在联邦基金$ 564万份分配给各国发展健康信息交流,这允许通过电子数据转换引擎,让电子健康档案,以通过安全的互联网连接共享信息,共享健康信息。

The federal government has developed the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN), which encompasses a set of standards, web services and policies that enable the secure exchange of health information over the Internet.

Currently, health information exchanges are being adopted at the regional, or at best, state-wide levels. Some of the most significant health information sharing networks are being deployed among healthcare providers themselves or by healthcare non-profits.


Built mainly on open-source software, the ACSO's CancerLinQ project is a "learning health system" that will eventually analyze data from millions of cancer patients via their EHRs. The prototype system ingests de-identified patient data form two dozen oncology practices.

"We architected the system in such as way as to be able to accept any data in any format and then we used machine-learning algorithms to identify what was sent to us," Hauser said.

Once in the database, the data is mapped to a standardized medical vocabulary such as would be contained in the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases (ICD).



Beyond helping an individual patient, big data will allow the healthcare community as a whole detect poor drug interactions quickly. "So this gives us the ability to look at that [common cancer] population and figure out the best dosages and cycles of treatment," Hauser said.


克利夫兰诊所 - 4500张床位的医疗保健系统 - 使用从史诗系统和电子病历的回顾性数据分析SQL事务数据库的EHR,以提高病人的治疗。

"We think first about outcomes: what data can we collect and make available to clinicians so they know how well they're doing in treating their patient," said Dr. C Marin Harris, CIO of Cleveland Clinic.



Cleveland Clinic is working with other state health plans to collect a broader swath of patient data. Along with Ohio's other largest healthcare provider, University Hospitals, Cleveland Clinic is preparing to share data across Ohio's statewide electronic medical records exchange, CliniSync .






“正确的血糖水平的最好办法是知道的what's happening with a patient when they're at home, not when they're in a doctor's office," Harris said.

Also being floated in the heathcare community are scalable, less expensive and more patient-centric community health record banks. Those banks are community organizations that put patients in charge of a comprehensive copy of all their personal, private health information, including both medical records and optional information added by the patient.

The patient explicitly controls who has access to which parts of the information in his or her individual account.



例如,美国陆军对Nuance的龙医疗设备360与它的AHLTA EHR和Essentris,住院系统使用网络版的语音识别软件企业范围的许可证。美国退伍军人管理局也有12,000 Vista的电子病历系统整合Nuance的龙许可证。


Dr. Walker, with the U.S. Army's Surgeon General's Office, uses voice recognition technology as he examines a patient to populate their record. A wide-screen monitor in his exam room allows the patient to view the data as it's being input so any errors can be corrected, he said.


By having a full picture of a patient's lifestyle, doctors are better equipped to help patients avoid the onset of chronic illnesses. Then, once the data is in an EHR, big data analytics engines could offer physicians information about patients who may need to adjust their caloric intake, level of activity or the amount of sleep they get.

"The answer to the obesity problem is not the operating table, but the dinner table, and that's where we need to get to," Walker said. "In this country, we're putting billions of dollars into healthcare and our life expectancies are less than in countries that spend a fraction of what we do.

"We're really doing disease care and not healthcare today," he said.


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