足球竞猜app软件网络世界卢卡斯·米瑞恩 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 星期五,2020年6月26日15:50:47 -0700 星期五,2020年6月26日15:50:47 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 区块链/物联网整合加速,达到“最佳点” 2019年12月11日星期三03:00:00 -0800 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian 物联网和blockchain可能是天作之合,但它仍然需要5至10年扭结制定了前后两种技术可以充分发挥其潜力,根据Gartner的。https://www.computerworld.com/article/3489503/blockchainiot-integration-accelerates-hits-a-sweet-spot-for-the-two-technologies.html 对Optane persistent memory有希望吗? 2019年10月1日星期二11:26:00 -0700 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian <文章> <节类= “页”>

第一公布的时,3D XPOINT存储器在很大程度上看作是一个高速缓存技术来加速在PC中的SSD或硬盘驱动器的性能。

作为“第一个新的存储器类”在容积出货在几十年里, 3D XPOINT被称赞为“革命”通过它的创作者 - 英特尔与美光 - 因为这取决于它提供10X NAND闪存和性能的应用“ 1,000倍” 的耐力。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3452398/storage-trends-what-are-the-best-uses-for-optane.html 存储趋势:什么是最好的用途Optane? 星期四,2019年9月26日12时26分零零秒-0700 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian 虽然3D XPoint内存已经作为Optane从英特尔推出两年,它还没有发现很大的吸引力,但一个新的服务器DIMM和即将发布的Micron产品可能会改变这一点。https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3441417/storage-trends-whats-the-best-uses-for-optane-aka-3d-xpoint-memory.html FinOps服务宗旨,以应对云计算的财务管理 周五,2019年3月1日03:00:00 -0800 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian

当公司使用的2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心朝向消费为基础的云花固定成本的,他们不得不考虑改变他们的金融运行模式。阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3345969/finops-services-aim-to-tackle-cloud-financial-management.html IDG内幕 微软的DNA存储技术可能适合企业 2017年5月30日星期二03:00:00 -0700 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian

Microsoft has apparently firmed up its plans for a DNA-based storage device that it expects to be commercially available within about three years.

The software giant originally unveiled its research into DNA as an archival storage medium last year; it described the technology being able to store the amount of data in "a big data center compressed into a few sugar cubes. Or all the publicly accessible data on the Internet slipped into a shoebox.

"That is the promise of DNA storage -- once scientists are able to scale the technology and overcome a series of technical hurdles," the company said in a 2016 blog post.

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Linux基金会开发工具构建blockchain商业网络 星期二,2017年5月9日五点01分00秒-0700 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian

The Linux Foundation announced a new software project under its Hyperledger open consortium aimed at creating a collaboration tool for building blockchain business networks -- or smart contracts -- and their deployment across a distributed ledger.

The new project, called Hyperleder Composer, is a modeling language based on JavaScript and with REST API support, that allows non-developers and developers to model their business network. The language also supports modeling of relationships and data validation rules.

For example, all blockchain business networks share certain elements, such as assets, participants, identities, transactions, and registries. With existing blockchain or distributed ledger technologies, it can be difficult for organizations to take a blockchain business use case and map the concepts into running code.

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FAQ:什么是区块链?它如何帮助企业? 周一,2017年4月24日四时50分00秒-0700 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian

Blockchain sounds like a way to keep boats anchored, which isn't a bad analogy, considering what the technology purports to do.

While some IT experts herald it as a groundbreaking way of creating a distributed, unchangeable record of transactions, others question the nascent technology's usefulness in the enterprise, which has traditionally relied on centrally-administered databases to secure digital records.

Even so, companies are moving fast to try and figure out how they can use it to save time and money. And IT vendors are responding to customers calls for info, with some already looking to include it as part of their services.

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区块链:“过度炒作”的流行词还是真正的企业解决方案? 星期三,2017年4月19日5时46分零零秒-0700 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian <本文> <节课=“页面”>


正如集市斗争如何最好地部署分布式总账技术, IT vendors are beginning to test it in their products -- in some cases, as a reaction to  customer inquiries rather than a proactive move.

"It's a very hot topic right now," said Zulfikar Ramzan, CTO of RSA Security, a subsidiary of the Dell EMC Infrastructure Solutions Group. "We are definitely getting a lot of inbound inquiries around blockchain and its implication within enterprise environments. I think it's driven largely by the fact that when there's a new technology out there, to some degree people want to be buzzword compliant with the latest and greatest."

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英特尔下一代超级Optane ssd电脑将在四月出货 星期一,2017年3月27日13时04分00秒-0700 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian

Intel will begin shipping its next-generation non-volatile Optane memory for PCs beginning April 24.

Intel, which developed the Optane memory with its partner Micron under the name "3D Xpoint," said the new storage will allow PCs to boot twice as fast and increase internal storage performance by 14 times.

Additionally, Intel claims the mass storage devices will launch applications faster. For example, Microsoft Outlook will launch up to 5.8 times faster; games will launch up to 67% faster; and files stored in memory can be located up to four times faster.

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CW @ 50:数据存储从$ 1M变为2美分,每GB(+视频) 2017年3月23日星期四06:12 -0700 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian

When Computerworld was founded in 1967, a 1-megabyte hard drive would have set you back by $1 million.

Today, that same megabyte of capacity on a hard disk drive (HDD) costs (about two cents.

Through those five decades, data storage was seen as little more than a support technology, when in actuality has always been one of five tech pillars -- like processors and software -- underpinning our modern computer systems, said Owen Melroy, vice president of Media Components at Western Digital Corp. (WD).

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新型锂离子电池的发明者回应了怀疑论 星期三,2017年3月22日5时03分00秒-0700 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian <本文> <节课=“页面”>


约翰·古德诺,94,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校工程科克雷尔学院的教授和原来的锂离子电池的共同发明者本周表示,他展示了新电池单元格有至少三倍的能量密度为今天的锂电池供电。 <人物类=“中等‘> <一类=’放大的” href =“http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/03/2013_nissan_leaf_cutaway_2-100680625-orig-100714494-orig.jpg">” <小类= “信用”>知识共享里克。

在一个日产Leaf的锂离子电池。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3183931/inventor-of-new-lithium-ion-battery-responds-to-skepticism.html 更新的汽车技术为中情局的攻击打开了大门 2017年3月10日星期五05:33:00 -0800 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian

The revelation through Wikileaks that the CIA has explored hacking vehicle computer control systems should concern consumers, particularly as more and more cars and trucks roll off assembly lines with autonomous features.

"I think it's a legitimate concern considering all of the computers being added to cars," said Kit Walsh, a staff attorney with the privacy group Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). "There's no reason the CIA or other intelligence agencies or bad actors couldn't use those vulnerabilities to hurt people.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3179452/cias-exploration-of-zero-day-attacks-against-vehicles-isnt-a-first.html 这也是为什么自动驾驶汽车可能从未真正是自驾车 2017年2月23日星期四06:26:00 -0800 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian

It sounds like the beginning of a bar room joke.

Two self-driving cars are headed down the highway when the lead car decides to   speed up to avoid being rear-ended by the second. That car, in turn, slows down to avoid hitting the first. Then a third car suddenly comes between the two, prompting  the slower car to change lanes to avoid and accident.

The problem: There are cars in the lanes on either side of it.

What's an autonomous car to do? The answer is no joke.

The scenario is called "a ripple factor" and it's one of many researchers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) are studying to understand how embedded software could  address a myriad number of unexpected situations that could cause accidents as self-driving vehicles speed toward reality.

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研究人员创造了存储和处理数据的记忆芯片 星期三,2017年1月18日5点33分00秒-0800 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian <文章> <节类=“网页”>



“这是想通过一个微小的翻译,其是具有与人长谈话一个费时费力密集的过程,”阿努邦Chattopadhyay在南洋理工大学(NTU),新加坡的助理教授说。“我们现在能够提高翻译的容量,因此它可以更有效地处理数据。” 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3158893/researchers-create-memory-chips-that-store-and-process-data.html NRAM将在内存技术领域引发一场“圣战” 星期四,2017年1月12日5时47分○○秒-0800 卢卡斯Mearian 卢卡斯Mearian

A non-volatile memory technology based on carbon nanotubes that's poised for commercialization in 2018 is expected to be more disruptive to enterprise storage, servers and consumer electronics than flash memory, according to a new report from BCC Research.

"It is rare to see a technology catch fire after so long in development, but NRAM appears poised to do just that," said BCC research editorial director Kevin Fitzgerald. "In fact, your next smartphone could be a carbon-based lifeform."

The BCC report predicts the overall Nano RAM (NRAM) market will see a compound annual growth rate of 62.5% between 2018 and 2023, with the embedded systems market in which it will be used expected to grow from $4.7 million in 2018 to $217.6 million in 2023. That would represent a combined annual growth rate over those five years of 115.3%.

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