问与答:Microsoft Hybrid-Cloud Push承诺为IT带来好处,最终用户,Pocketbook


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Microsoft Windows Server and System Center副总裁Brad Anderson本周在该公司的用户会议上进行了Keynot,本周在2013年北美技术专业,在两个小时的时间内开放了一个新版本的平台,最著名的Windows Server,SQL Server,SQL Server,SQL Server,SQL Server,SQL Server,SQL Server,SQL Server,视觉工作室和系统中心,鼓励商业使用云服务。



有关的:新服务加强Microsoft Azure作为关键企业云管理系统

费用:Microsoft对Azure Web服务的大修定价

安德森(Anderson)与网络世界高级编辑蒂足球竞猜app软件姆·格林(Tim Greene)坐下来讨论这些问题和其他问题。这是成绩单:




The first thing I would say is the hybrid services that we’ve built – so things like backup, disaster recovery, high availability, the ability to take advantage of a service provider or of Windows Azure to provide you those kinds of assets are the kind of capabilities really with only a couple of clicks of a mouse is something that no one in the industry has done to date.

我要指出的第二件事是,他们的用户要求每个IT组织在更实时的供稿中向他们提供更多数据,以使他们能够从中获得见解。And so the things we demonstrated in terms of being able to have rich visualization for your data that really allows IT but more importantly the business leaders – everyone from the CXOs down to the individual who’s leading a marketing campaign to get insights out of all the data that’s being generated by these applications and Web sites – that simplicity and I think that ease of understanding what is happening can differentiate your business or better serve your customers is world-class and Microsoft is unique in doing that.


让我们来谈谈恢复经理。从字面上看,这是可以上升并说我将使用Hyper-V复制功能从数据中心复制所有虚拟机的能力(让我们使用Azure)进入Azure数据中心。2020欧洲杯预赛So now I have a full replica, full fault tolerance, and I can either do an unplanned or a planned recovery, which gives me that confidence, gives me that net below me that my services that I’m offering to the corporation or to my customers is always going to be available. Again that is just literally a handful of clicks of the mouse and it’s very, very easy to do. I think that’s a big value that shows off those capabilities.

让我们谈谈它的消费化。我遇到的每个组织都想了解我们可以做些什么来帮助他们提高这些消费化和带来自己的趋势。他们中的大多数都使用System Center Configuration Manager来进行PC管理,我们谈论的是使用Windows Intune进行云优化的系统中心配置管理器,现在提供了基于云的移动设备管理解决方案,该解决方案与您的配置管理器集成在一起安慰。因此,就简单性而言,易用性以获得巨大的价值。您可以只使用您现在使用的工具,并在其PC,Windows设备,Apple设备和Android设备上启用用户。

我将重点关注的第三个是我们在存储中所做的创新,并且通过Windows Server和System Center中的软件,我们正在为行业标准的成本效益硬件提供高度可用的扩展存储。我们展示了分层的存储和重复数据删除功能,过去您确实必须购买昂贵的硬件,这些硬件需要大量设置,需要做很多配置。我认为我们今天用大概10或12次点击了鼠标,以成本和经济方程式提供了所有这些价值,这是闻所未闻的,因为它们仅基于具有成本效益的硬件。



爱它。首先,让我们谈谈使用户能够使用其选择的设备并从世界任何地方工作。With the combination we’ve done of Systems Center and Window InTune, I as a user now, I can work on a PC, I can work on a Surface or Windows tablet, I can work on an Apple tablet, an Android tablet and I will have a consistent experience across all of those.

我认为第二件事确实围绕着简单性和力量,即通过Excel暴露的SQL的一部分自助服务(BI)工具集。能够获取无限量的数据,各种数据集,将所有这些数据集中在一起,然后将其带入它的丰富可视化,使我能够沉迷其中。I can experiment, I can ask questions and I can literally sit there in a very visual experience, experiment and form hypotheses and theories and learn about what is happening in my infrastructure if I’m IT or if I’m operating a business what’s happening in that business and how I can differentiate and improve.


Excel是世界各地大多数人在研究数字和财务和这些类型的作品时使用的工具。What we’ve done is we’ve added a couple of add-ons to Excel – one’s called GeoTracker, one’s called PowerPivot – and this all in-memory capability that allows you first and foremost to take incredible amounts of data – we demonstrated for example a billion rows of data inside of Excel and being able to in sub-second be able to experiment and wallow in that data to get insights. The other thing we’ve done is we’ve now also attached that with capabilities coming down from Bing, and that’s what gives us the ability to take a look at data in the context of location. We demonstrated the ability to take a look at the individuals attending TechEd, where they’re from, what their titles are but seeing in a very visual way modeled on top of a map of the Earth and then be able to experiment or drill down into it. OK let’s take a look at the people coming here from Sweden or the people coming from Miami but giving that very visual capability married with data coming off the Internet, for example data coming from Twitter. It helps me understand what is happening and how I can customize the sessions here to the attendees.


这是Microsoft深入了解的地方,这一切都始于我们在Azure内部的学习和我们经营的200个云规模服务。我提到我们从字面上运行了数十万个服务器,每年我们部署了数十万台服务器。因此,对我们来说,仅利用仅仅利用行业标准的硬件来降低复杂性和降低成本的不懈努力是我们在公共云中进行的很多创新,然后是实现前提。从软件定义的网络,在存储中的创新中,我获得了传统上仅来自SAN的所有好处,但在行业标准具有成本效益的硬件上进行的所有好处,从而使我的环境从用户启用和端点保护统一到的能力where I can manage my PCs, all my users’ devices as well as my anti-malware on one common infrastructure – all these things drive savings. All these things also drive agility because they’re integrated and you don’t have to do the work to integrate them. It’s done for you.




我们在我们所说的存储空间中谈论的一件事是分层的插入。我们展示了一个场景,我们看到IOPS的IOPS数量增加了16倍,即每秒输入输出,这实际上是对硬件的性能或容量的衡量。通过使用分层存储,我们有20个磁盘和四个SSD,可提供约360个传统直接存储设备的等效IOPS。这一切只是在存储空间的分层功能中本地构建的。另一件事是重复数据删除。我们在VDI的情况下特别进行了演示,我们都知道,在VDI环境中,第1号成本是存储,因为您将每个VM都复制。但是,由于我们做的那个重复数据删除演示,我们从字面上显示了存储的足迹下降了94%。同样,这引起了VDI部署中最大的组成部分的重大打击。但是,就像我们只是谈论的不仅可以节省成本,而且它给了我的表现,因为我们能够从这些共享块的角度使用缓存的缓存,因此我们实际上看到了实际的VDI设置已启动在重复数据删除环境中运行时,比在标准环境中运行时要快得多。 So savings and performance; it doesn’t get much better than that.



它允许我们做的另一件事是真正了解如何利用这些具有成本效益的行业标准硬件组件。因此,我们在服务的实际结构中进行了很多创新。So again as you think about scaling to hundreds of millions of users, to do that and be cost effective and be cost competitive you want to do that on the lowest cost hardware that you can and I think that’s an innovation that we’ve been able to drive with what we’ve learned in the cloud with our cloud-first principle and then bringing on premises.

我要说的第三件事是该云首次前提的另一个核心部分是开发软件,尝试一下,证明它,在云中战斗,然后将其放在场所中。一个很好的例子就是我们对Windows Azure Pack所做的。使用Windows Azure Pack,我们从字面上带来了诸如高密度网络托管之类的功能,当您进入Azure和Service Bus时使用的门户框架以及服务总线 - 将其作为我们的消息传递系统,以使您的应用程序和服务保持跨度云。所有这些首先在Azure中得到证明,战斗硬化,缩放 - 现在我们将其通过Windows Azure Pack的顶部将其放在Windows Server和System Center的顶部。

Windows Server的Azure Pack和Windows Azure服务之间是否有任何区别,Microsoft去年年底宣布了一堆功能?



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