
公司的长期董事长放弃了前赛门铁克首席执行官John Thompson的工作

Microsoft联合创始人比尔盖茨将作为董事会主席辞职,并与该公司建议新首席执行官Satya Nadella的公司。

微软today said that co-founder Bill Gates will step down as chairman of the board to spend his time with the company advising the new CEO, Satya Nadella.

The change is historic. "This is a milestone, an indication of not only a changing of the guard in Microsoft, but also a change in the technology business between the past and the future," said Patrick Moorhead, principal analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy. Gates has been Microsoft's one and only chairman.

“过去意味着个人电脑上软件,未来是abo血型ut mobile devices where most of the processing is happening in the cloud, and where the client moves to online app stores," Moorhead explained.

Gates' new title will be "Founder and Technology Advisor," and he will remain on the board of directors, Microsoft said Tuesday. In his place as chairman, Microsoft has selected John Thompson, a former CEO of security firm Symantec and the director who led the CEO-search committee. Thompson joined the board two years ago.


“盖茨是关键”,“Forrester Research的分析师Cited Schadler断言。“这两个[Nadella和Gates]一起去。时机不是巧合。”

The move doesn't mean that Gates is returning full-time, but he will be significantly increasing his involvement.

“我很激动,那个萨蒂亚要求我加强,大大增加了我与公司一起度过的时间,”盖茨在一个short video微软发布在其网站上。“我会有三分之一的时间可以与产品组会面。它会融合在下一轮的产品中,共同努力。”



Early in the hunt for a new chief executives, some pundits called for Gates' prodigal return to the company, a move Gates repeatedly spurned. In an interview two weeks ago, Gates again said his focus would remain on his philanthropic work with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. "My full-time work will be the foundation for the rest of my life," Gates said then. "I'm not going to change, although I'll help out [at Microsoft] part time."

通过协助Nadella,谁named CEO today,盖茨将履行这一承诺。

Gates, 58, has been Microsoft's sole chairman since its birth 39 years ago. He co-founded the company with Paul Allen, who left the firm in 2000, and is now best known as the owner of the Seattle Seahawks. The Seahawks won the Super Bowl on Sunday, beating the Denver Broncos 43-8, for the team's first Vince Lombardi Trophy.






"Think about Nadella, he's never run a big company," said Schadler. "He needs coaching from the board and the continuity of the current leadership to be credible. Gates can help him in talking to investors and setting strategy. And by keeping Gates, Nadella keeps Ballmer and the board on his side."

Moorhead disagreed, saying that while Gates was "at his core a product guy," Nadella would turn to Thompson for the kind of coaching Schadler mentioned.



Moorhead认为,虽然微软的消费计划 - Windows 8说 - 已经做得很好,但他们的步伐太慢了,无法逆转后退的潮流。根据引用汤普森的报道,这是鲍尔默被推出的主要原因。

"Gates will be Nadella's consigliore," Moorhead said, using the label for an organized crime boss's counselor. "He'll be Nadella's advice guy. But Thompson is his boss."

For his part, Gates welcomed Nadella to the small family of Microsoft CEOs. "Satya's got the right background to lead the company during this era," Gates said.



GREGG Keizercovers Microsoft, security issues, Apple, Web browsers and general technology breaking news for Computerworld. Follow Gregg on Twitter at@gkeizer., 上Google+or subscribe to格雷格的RSS饲料。His email address isgkeizer@computerworld.com.

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This story, "Bill Gates steps aside as chairman, becomes Nadella's consigliore" was originally published byComputerworld.


