Riverbed CEO talks WAN optimization

In an interview, Kennelly discusses the future of Riverbend and how WAN optimization is like building a private cloud

If you think WAN optimization is a niche market, don't bring it up around Jerry Kennelly. Co-founder, chairman, and CEO of San Francisco-based Riverbed Technology, Inc., Kennelly is a fervent believer that WAN optimization is the foundation for the next generation of IT infrastructure and that Riverbed is poised for a dominant role not only in corporate data centers but in the cloud as well.

公司自2002年成立以来,河床已成为广域网优化的领导者(根据Gartner公司集团,公司),并继续以快速剪辑增长,因为39%的年同比收入扩大其财年第一季度截至6月30日在本批IDG企业首席执行官访谈系列的,肯内利与IDGE首席内容官John Gallant和网络世界高级编辑蒂姆·格林谈到了云计算与Cisco,Riverbed的产品线的扩张,巨大的机会争夺足球竞猜app软件。

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We woke up one morning about six months ago to discover -- wait a minute -- what we're doing is creating private clouds, because what data center consolidation does is the creation of a private cloud. So, in fact, we've actually penetrated the cloud market.

The further implication is that if you have to have our technology to do private clouds, well, guess what, you can't do public clouds without it either. The biggest companies in the world -- the biggest service providers, the biggest systems integrators, the biggest Fortune 100 companies -- are coming to Riverbed to ask us, "How do we do our cloud infrastructure into the future?"


JK:思科是layer two and three of networking, but the action now is less at layer two and three and much more layers four through seven. Cisco's the king of two and three and we're the king of four through seven.



JK:Our big concentration now is the edge of computing, the branch offices where a lot of the workers are. But there's an interesting thing happening with data center consolidation and cloud computing. The old paradigm was the corporate headquarters was where the corporate data center was, and all the branch offices were the edge. What's happening now is the corporate data center is being moved to a cloud somewhere else. It's in Wyoming or Arizona. What that means is that the corporate headquarters is now part of the edge. Having the headquarters join the edge increases our market opportunity.

我们引入了一个大约一年前,被称为Riverbed服务平台(关于Riverbed的Steelhead设备的虚拟服务器环境),它允许你在服务的其他五个软件模块插头,您会在您的分支办公场所的产品。我们正在接近,得到分支机构的一个盒子的梦想的人的能力。你并不需要一个单独的盒子来了运行Windows服务器,还是真的在分支办公室的任何其他服务器。这成为一个非常大的市场的滩头阵地。成单箱您可以在您的安全,您的媒体服务器,媒体流,你的DNS,DHCP,域控制器,打印服务器,您的Microsoft Windows服务器,任何你想要的插件。这成为一个大配套和协同的市场。这就是优势。

然后,我们在数据中心有市场,连接回边缘。2020欧洲杯预赛你必须有一个Steelhead系列在链路的两端。因此,我们有伟大的大honkin'的Steelhead - 其中之一,我们只是介绍,7050 - 即允许在数据中心的大规模的人连接到分公司。2020欧洲杯预赛然后进一步地,涉及用于存储备份和恢复数据中心的连接,以通过WAN,而不是由磁带被发送。2020欧洲杯预赛把它放在一起。我们有优势的市场,我们拥有的数据中心市场,我们有他们之间的连接,然后我们有2020欧洲杯预赛备份和恢复市场。所有可用的河床,刚刚从那个小启动制作的东西走得更快跨越广域网。速度和性能的影响竟然是更为广阔比任何人都梦想回来的时候,我们在2002年出现在现场。

IDGE:Playing that Cisco analogy a little farther, it grew primarily through acquisition. Is that the model for Riverbed?




基本上,我们把一个强大的服务器,在具有大量的处理器,磁盘和内存的广域网链路的两端。你需要所有这些做压缩的魔力,重复数据删除和加速度。路由器和VPN,基本上他们只是很少的CPU,几乎没有任何记忆,磁盘,几乎在所有的任何计算处理器。事实上,支持路由器的盒子并没有任何关系在共同与盒支持网络加速。它更自然地粘在[加速齿轮]路由器,我们做到了这一点。我们宣布,在过去三个月内,与Vyatta的,这使得小型路由器,只是插在Steelhead系列框中伙伴关系。这是更自然的投入,在一个插槽中的Steelhead箱比它试图把一种人为上涨到路由器中的大型服务器。思科有此ISR对话框,在其中他们有一个广域网优化电路板插槽。该公司的集成在该计划的唯一事情是电源和机箱。有没有其他的整合。 It's a completely separate computer that just happens to share the power supply and be wrapped in the same piece of sheet metal. If you made it big enough you could park a Toyota in there and have it be a router, a WAN optimizer and a Toyota garage.



JK:It's two a.m. in a 24-hour day. Most of the estimates for the market are six to eight million branch offices worldwide that are connected by network links. Everyone in the [WAN acceleration] market together has about 250,000 or 300,000 of those in total, so there's a vast amount of market left to come. It's still a young market. Riverbed is nine years old, but if you look at our life-to-date revenue, which is something like a billion and a half, a billion of that all was achieved in just the last three years, we've been on such steep ramp. The functionality and the economics are so attractive that we think the adoption rate ultimately will be much higher. We're not claiming a hundred percent, but it's reasonable to think of 50 to 60 percent adoption rate for this over the next 10 years. That throws off a tremendous amount of revenue.




But there's a second market. Virtual data centers where people are going more cloud, have made dense server farms for their data center, don't really want a foreign appliance in there and just want to run the Steelhead that will connect them out to their branch offices, mounted on their dense blade server infrastructure, their data center in a virtual way. So the virtual Steelhead is for those two markets.



IDGE:Let's talk about that private cloud, though. What's the next phase of growth for cloud and how does that affect your market?

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