想象一下5000万短的铜线 - 不超过指数手指的尖端 - 漂浮在空间中,创造了可以用于发送消息和进行其他空间通信研究的天线带的金额。
这将描述20世纪60年代的ERA项目空间针或项目West Ford,因为它有时被称为美国宇航局和马萨诸塞州技术研究所最后一次在1963年进行,这将数百万这些铜毛的爆破变成了太空。
From NASA: "A post-mission investigation concluded that only 25-45% of the planned 480 million dipoles dispersed properly. The others were believed to have remained in clumps, which were later discovered by the U.S. Space Surveillance Network (SSN). Although still strongly affected by solar radiation pressure, these clumps did not decay as rapidly as the individual needles. Today, 46 clumps remain in Earth orbit. Only nine of the clumps are currently in orbits with perigees below 2000km. Data collected during observations in the mid-1990s suggest that a moderate population of small debris resides in orbits above 2500km. It has been suggested that these debris represent small clumps of needles from the first Project West Ford mission in 1961. Eventually, only seven small debris (0.06 - 0.6 m radar cross-section), which are believed to be associated with the experiment, were cataloged by the SSN. All are still in orbit."
当它在轨道上推出两个地图集Agena发动车辆时 - 百万毛状铜线形成了偶极天线的带,美国宇航局写道。麻省理工学院的林肯实验室随后通过营地公园和Millstone在马萨诸塞州韦斯特福德之间的轨道铜针送到海岸的喧嚣(为Project West Ford)。一个名为Haystack的跟踪系统是项目针和其他实验的最先进的雷达。据1964年奉献的纽斯纳介绍,干草堆是仅定期进行雷达天文学研究的三个大型天线之一。
NASA说,虽然卫星的出现避免了对Pearing Gerres的Projets Gerres的需求。
美国宇航局注意到,在国际政策中仍然可以在国际政策中找到更重要的遗产,包括联合国第一个主要的外层空间活动,在进行一个可能导致“潜在有害干涉活动的实验”之前要求国际磋商其他缔约国在和平探索和使用外层空间。“遵循第一个项目West Ford特派团失败,国际科学工会国际委员会(ICSU)的太空研究委员会(ICSU)设立了潜在有害影响的空间实验磋商组。该集团在当今在太空(PEDAS)的潜在环境不受欢迎的活动中演变为今天的轨道碎片的讨论之家。