微软的Exchange日历问题 - 当前的一个视角(月/ 2014)



  1. 微软的Exchange(2003年和2007年当时)曾与时间同步和消息同步跟踪的日历约会的问题。有效当日历约会被多个用户或设备的修改,交易所没有申请的顺序变化所做的更改。交易所的早期版本没有预料到的多个authoratative写入一个对象,其方式与多个代表和移动devicess世界都在相似的时间相同的预约进行更改
  2. 通过手机厂商的ActiveSync实现(苹果是最明显的移动服务提供商)有错误,其中的ActiveSync将举行上同步连接,而不是释放,或同步没有正确时间戳,或者一个众所周知的缺陷,其中移动用户谁拒绝一个单一的定期会议将对整个定期约会之后删除等从苹果这些错误ActiveSync中是最常见的失约和重复约会的根本原因。
  3. 日历委托是我在日历损坏和问题中发现的第三个问题,在这3个问题中,没有一个热修复程序或补丁来解决这个问题。由于组织的日历委托现在工作在多个端点上,其中Exec有3-4个设备,Exec管理员有3-4个设备,我们看到最近出现了一系列的日历问题。

我写了一篇关于压延问题的更新后几个月我的第一个博客帖子有关键更新。这是现在在哪里的情况来看相对于解决腐败日历和日历在Microsoft Exchange中的问题2014更新...

THE SOLUTIONSOLVING后端问题 - #1有关组织正在经历着仍然在旧版本的Exchange日历的问题,转移到Exchange的最新版本(或移动到Office 365)已经消除了“后端”作为问题。然而,我所看到的是做局部迁移,以及将problemsome约会迈进新environment.I've看到组织与Exchange 2007或2010的旋转起来的Exchange 2013服务器组织,以及把高管和exec管理员在新服务器上,但仍然遇到问题压延。你是在Exchange 2013(或Office 365),这一事实是解决方案的一部分只。首先,日历问题仍然#2(设备)和3号(用户)的影响,所以移动用户最新的Exchange / Office 365的唯一地址的3个问题1。其次,对于组织运动只是一些用户到新的服务器,如果在其他用户组织仍然是一个旧的Exchange 2007/2010服务器,谁从发送定期约会出一个iPad的版本越野车的人上其Exchange 2007邮箱进行到exec在Exchange 2013,任命依然会坚持到iPad和Exchange 2007的日历腐败问题如果发送者删除“这周会”在他们的车iPad的定期约会,它将删除任命的所有其他出现为好。我们看到越来越这些实例较少为iPad / iPhone的错误是2岁前固定的(是的iOS 4.3或更早版本),但令人吃惊的是多少次,我们进入的环境,并找人仍然sync'g交易所与iOS 4.x版的iOS虽然是7.x的这些日子......除了用户和设备的问题,对“品牌新的Exchange 2013环境”,另一个问题是,一旦日历约会已损坏,它会一直损坏。 As the Exec's mailbox (with old corrupted calendar appointments) is migrated to a shiny new Exchange 2013 server, that mailbox still retains the older corrupt appointments. Example, if a recurring appointment got corrupt and deleted all future instances of the appointment, and then that appointment is migrated to Exchange 2013, Exchange 2013 won't mysteriously re-insert in the recurring appointment meetings. This is one of the most frustrating things in isolating this problem as corrupt appointments remain corrupt.What we have found works best is to jot down any time an appointment is wrong and then fix it by sending out a completely new appointment / recurring appointment to replace the old one. And not simply update/resend the old appointment, I mean create a brand new appointment. That new appointment will not bring along the problemsome issues.BUT, this is where the chicken and egg comes in to play... The org that simply tried to solve this problem by moving just a handful of Execs/Admins to the latest Exchange but did nothing to address other users in the org, to address old versions of endpoint clients, nor address user interactions will only find the problem pops up again. The sequence to solve this problem has been:


具体到Microsoft Exchange的版本,我们发现,当组织将Exchange 2013的最新版本加入到Exchange中,或者将他们的电子邮件转移到云中的Microsoft Office 365时,日历损坏的“后端”问题已经得到了解决。微软补丁和更新交换2007年和2010年解决尽可能对消息和日历同步,但是微软Exchange 2013的重构(和Office 365, 2013年建立在交换)最小化队列时间和和解消息写时间,这样有更少的延迟和更少的变化,后端是写日历预约的顺序和日历腐败挑战的一部分。

  1. 教育用户/高管/ Exec的管理员,代表第一(并要求他们在他们的方法勤快,尽管问题仍然会从旧的东西在日历中挥之不去的突然出现,保持一个干净的例程)
  2. 确保端点被更新,没有旧的设备或有bug的OS/iOS版本
  3. 升级到云中的最新版本的Exchange的Office 365的或

不亚于大多数机构单位我跑地说,他们是他们的某些用户使用的是最新版本,不可避免地,当我们做了现场评估和检查交易所ActiveSync的日志中,我们发现各种连接到Exchange设备。最常见的是,我们找到了Exec的有一些老的iPad,他们的孩子偶尔使用这些天,每个人都忘了这仍然是注册到Exchange,而当设备被连接到无线网络,一下子该系统同步与Exchange和我们”见过插入腐败设备到电子邮件和日历约会。检查Exchange ActiveSync的日志,它会显示哪些设备连接和客户端操作系统的版本使用。任何的iOS 4.x版确实需要更新,很坦率地说什么的iOS V5.x中应该更新too.I没有看到它往往这些天,但任何人在苹果机上运行的Entourage电子邮件应该升级到Office 2011年初。Entourage中的版本很快损坏,日历,因为Entourage中没有公认的图形和附件的日历约会,从而剥离出来,并更新了预约。这一权利腐败插入任何/所有立即日历约会。但是同时我们确实发现Mac用户正在运行Office 2011,再次,有老系统Exec的家里都有自己的配偶使用这些天主要用于上网冲浪出现这种情况还是有在其上运行的Entourage的旧副本,每一个现在然后该系统同步和腐败日历。检查同步将确定连接到Exchange的终端设备相关的Exchange日志,确保你真正了解其客户终端的版本(移动和桌面)都连接到Exchange.SOLVING的用户问题 - #3The用户键解决问题压延交换。 As I've related it in previous blog posts, the analogy I use is if we all shared a complex word processing document with lots of fonts, formatting, embedded graphics, special margins and borders and some of use Word 2013, some use Word Perfect, some use WordPad, some use Word 2007, some use Google docs, would ANYONE wonder why the document somehow lost its formatting, fonts got screwed up, margins got screwed up? Every time you open that word processing document with a different word processor, you can assume "something" in that document will get screwed up.THAT is what is happening with calendars, plain and simple. Calendar appointments commonly have embedded fonts and graphics (yes, your auto-signature at the bottom with the company logo, or the "please be green" graphic is part of the calendar appointment). Recurring appointments, to this day, are foreign to a lot of calendar apps on mobile phones that simply think of an appointment as a single event, even prior to iOS 4.3, Apple didn't recognize recurring appointments properly. So every time users open up, edit, change, decline an appointment from one device or another, they are effectively "editing" the appointment with a different calendar software program, no different than someone opening up a word processing document that doesn't support graphics, which strips out the stuff it doesn't understand, and saves the information with the edited (missing) information.SO, the request to users, especially those with delegates, is to minimize the number of different client endpoints (and different types of endpoints) in use. If the Exec is using Outlook 2013, then the Exec Admin should run Outlook 2013. For accepting and declining appointments, if the Exec Admin is in charge of the calendar, then the Exec Admin should always accept and decline appointments, try to have the Exec themselves refrain from also accepting and declining appointments.Regarding this last point, when the Exec declines, and the Exec Admin accepts the appointment, which one is it? You'd think it goes sequential, so if the Exec declines and THEN the Exec Admin accepts, that Exchange should ignore the 1st request, but wait, what if you first decline an appointment and later you realize you can attend the meeting and you accept, then the subsequent change should take affect.But the challenge is what if the Exec declines from their phone, but is in a fringe area and there's no signal. The Exec Admin accepts from their desktop, so the acccept is registered as the current state. The Exec's phone comes into signal range and the decline is processed, but Exchange sees the time of the decline as occurring BEFORE the accept, so Exchange ignores that change because it proceeds the decline, but wait, didn't we state that the last request should take place? THIS is why calendaring is not a perfect science, and to confuse the matter even further, Microsoft and Apple have changed the behavior back and forth (and back and forth again) with varying versions of Exchange, iPhone/iPads, patches/updates, etc. One version of iPad against one version of Exchange will have a different experience that another version of iPad against another version of Exchange.End of the day, the only thing that we've seen that has addressed this problem is to:

解决课题的客户端软件/设备故障问题 - #2

与后端更新到Exchange(或Office 365)的最新版本,确保所有端点设备使用的是最新版本的客户端软件。不管是最新的Outlook 2013与服务更新的Windows,或者最新的Office 2011为苹果机,或适用于iPhone / ipad公司最新的iOS,或者最新的Android /三星/等更新设备。


  1. 保持日历接受/拒绝只有1个用户。如果exec管理员负责日历,都接受和下降是由个人只是做
  2. 保持日历接受/拒绝只1个系统。使用高连接(在网络上的台式机/笔记本)为将接受/拒绝约会装置。不要使用移动设备来接受,拒绝,编辑,改变约会时超过1人是管理的日历。因为连接不assurred,结果并不一致
  3. 如果你不能保持日历接受/拒绝,只是1个用户和1个高度连接的系统,那么至少尝试确保Exec的/ Exec的管理系统类型是相同的(如果到了紧要关头,保持最新微软Outlook版本在Windows系统上(即:办公室2013适用于Windows))作为默认值。


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