

我们对Windows Azure的评估非常激烈经验.我们等啊等,等啊等,等Azure发布后才对它进行评测。之后又宣布了更多内容。我们试着确定Azure.我们最终认为云和Azure是完全不同的东西。当微软还在等待并忙于规划产品路线图时,业界已经形成了Azure现在的样子,它是一个PaaS、开发者平台和IaaS的混合模型。当测试版、“客户技术预览”和“仅限邀请”的项目列表变成了对功能、任何功能的愿望列表时,人们感到越来越沮丧。你可以看到:Azure今天没有工作的VM角色。IaaS在全球各地的数据中心每天都被愉快地实践,但对我们来说是不可能的,因为我2020欧洲杯预赛们只能使用生产的东西。Beta、CTP和其他形式的尚未完成的功能是不允许的。所以IaaS被淘汰了。然后是PaaS看待事物的方式:平台。你可以用Azure做平台。但是没有联邦身份或AD(或其他DS)加入。现在,你甚至不能使用自己的Windows 2003/8许可证,只能使用云计算中专门颁发的许可证。Hyper-V表面上的所有好处都不是真正有用的,因为没有VM角色。看起来多汁吗?是的,它具备了烤鱼的所有特质,还没烤熟,还没烤熟。 No kids, we're not there yet.... yes the signs say destination, but we're not THERE YET. There are arguments that say it has to be rock solid before such a platform can be released. I would heartily agree with that. EC2 has gone down, other cloud platforms have had their problems, and I'm sure Microsoft is sensitive about reliability criticism. Bring it out of the oven when a toothpick comes out clean. I get it. But I'm going to be old and grey before that happens. Microsoft Office 365 "cloud" offering goes off beta, perhaps by the end of the month. We've been waiting for that one for a long time, too. And therein may lay some wisdom. Apple, for all of its misgivings and miss-starts, keeps a near-maniacal lid on what's going on so that the world has great anticipation of their announcements. Microsoft used to have people lining up at COMDEX, breathless for what tidbits and announcements and demos that Bill Gates might have. There was anticipation in product announcements. What happened there would have meteoric effects on the industry, on stocks, on direction. Apple stole that. Now, Azure is long in the tooth and it's not even here. It's a yawner even though when all of the "roadmap" finally goes production, the conversation will have left the building, like Elvis, I mean Steve Jobs. I think Azure's going to be great, if monolithically Microsoft. That's a bit dangerous. The day when Azure was announced, a lot of its features were ephemeral, hazy, like clouds themselves. They're tactile now, but out of reach, just over the horizon. Eternally just over the horizon. The world turns.


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