Chapter 1: Understanding Network Security Principles

Cisco Press

This chapter covers the following topics:


This section explains the need for network security and discusses the elements of a secure network. Additionally, legal and ethical considerations are discussed.





This chapter begins by broadly describing the necessity of network security and what should be in place in a secure network. Legal ramifications are addressed. Also, this chapter walks you through several specific types of attacks that could threaten your network. Finally, you are provided with a list of best-practice recommendations for mitigating such attacks.

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz


表1-1 “Do I Know This Already?” Section-to-Question Mapping






7 to 15

  1. 在哪里对组织的计算机资源大多数攻击而来?

    1. 来自网络

    2. 从内部网络

    3. From universities

    4. 从谁获得对计算机资源的物理访问的入侵者

  2. 什么是网络安全的三个主要目标是什么?(选择三项。)

    1. 保密

    2. Redundancy

    3. 廉正

    4. 可用性

  3. 美国政府的地方分类数据划分成类?(选择三项。)

    1. SBU

    2. Confidential

    3. 秘密

    4. 绝密

  4. 思科定义了三类安全控制措施:行政,物理和技术。这些类别中的单个控件可以进一步分为哪三种特定类型的控件?(选择三项。)

    1. Preventive

    2. Deterrent

    3. 侦探

    4. 反应

  5. 诉讼通常需要三个以下元素中的呈现信息起诉安全违规时的有效论据?(选择三项。)

    1. Audit trail

    2. 动机

    3. 手段

    4. Opportunity

  6. 哪种类型的法律通常涉及的政府机构条例的实施?

    1. 刑法

    2. 侵权法

    3. 行政法规

    4. 民法

  7. Which of the following is a weakness in an information system that an attacker might leverage to gain unauthorized access to the system or data on the system?

    1. Risk

    2. Exploit

    3. Mitigation

    4. 漏洞

  8. What type of hacker attempts to hack telephony systems?

    1. 脚本KIDDY

    2. Hacktivist

    3. Phreaker

    4. 白帽黑客

  9. Which of the following is a method of gaining access to a system that bypasses normal security measures?

    1. 创建一个后门

    2. 发动DoS攻击

    3. Starting a Smurf attack

    4. 开展社会工程

  10. 什么安全设计理念,采用分层的方法来消除单点故障,并提供重叠保护?

    1. AVVID

    2. Defense in Depth

    3. SONA

    4. IINS

  11. 什么是两种类型的IP欺骗攻击?(选择两项。)

    1. Nonblind欺骗

    2. 混杂欺骗

    3. Autonomous spoofing

    4. Blind spoofing

  12. 什么术语指的是电磁干扰(EMI),可以从网络电缆辐射?

    1. 多普勒波

    2. 放射物

    3. 高斯分布

    4. Multimode distortion

  13. 结合时是什么样的完整性的攻击是导致更大的攻击攻击小集合?

    1. 数据diddling

    2. 僵尸网络攻击

    3. 劫持会话

    4. Salami attack

  14. 以下哪项最能说明一个Smurf攻击?

    1. 它ping请求发送到子网,请其提供关于子网发送ping回应是设备到目标系统。

    2. 它在一个无效大小的段发送ping请求。

    3. It intercepts the third step in a TCP three-way handshake to hijack a session.

    4. It uses Trojan horse applications to create a distributed collection of “zombie” computers, which can be used to launch a coordinated DDoS attack.

  15. 以下哪项是思科保护网络的最佳实践的建议?(选择三项。)

    1. Deploy HIPS software on all end-user workstations.

    2. Routinely apply patches to operating systems and applications.

    3. 禁用不必要的服务和端口的主机上。

    4. 需要强密码,并启用密码过期。



This section also explains traffic classification and security controls. You will learn how to respond to a security violation and consider the legal and ethical ramifications of network security.

Why Network Security Is a Necessity








  • 内部的用户已经拥有了网络及其可用资源的知识。

  • Inside users typically have some level of access granted to them because of the nature of their job.

  • 传统的网络安全机制,如入侵防御系统(IPS)和防火墙是针对很多内部网络滥用发起的无效。


由于外部攻击者可能没有网络的深入了解,因为他们不已经拥有访问凭据,他们的攻击都是在本质上更多的技术。例如,攻击者可能执行平扫on a network to identify IP addresses that respond to the series of pings. Then, those IP addresses could be subjected to a端口扫描,其中在这些主机开放的服务被发现。然后,攻击者可以尝试利用已知漏洞在主机上发现的服务的妥协之一。如果攻击者可以控制主机的,他可以使用,作为一个出发点在网络中攻击其他系统。



“2007 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey” is a fascinating document that provides insight into trends in network attacks from 2004 to 2007. A copy of this document can be downloaded from




Incidents in the Past 12 Months (Source: “2007 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey”)

The following is a further sampling of information contained in the survey:

  • The average financial loss from computer crime/security incidents increased from $168,000 in 2006 to $350,424 in 2007.

  • Of the survey respondents who reported one or more attacks, 18 percent of those attacks were “targeted” attacks (that is, an attack not targeting the general population).

  • 2007年的报告之前,病毒是领先的贡献者经济损失七年成一排。然而,在2007年的报告,病毒跌至财务损失的第二大原因,与金融诈骗上升到头号因素。



Attacks on custom applications are not as preventable as attacks on “well-known” applications, which periodically release security patches and updates. Another concern for some organizations is complying with regulatory mandates about protecting company data (for example, customer credit card information).

The Three Primary Goals of Network Security


  • 今天的企业网络都很大,互连与其他网络,并同时运行基于标准的和专有协议。

  • The devices and applications connecting to and using corporate networks are continually increasing in complexity


    • 保密

    • 廉正

    • 可用性


Data confidentiality implies keeping data private. This privacy could entail physically or logically restricting access to sensitive data or encrypting traffic traversing a network. A network that provides confidentiality would do the following, as a few examples:

  • Use network security mechanisms (for example, firewalls and access control lists [ACL]) to prevent unauthorized access to network resources.

  • 需要适当的凭证(例如,用户名和密码)来接入网络特定资源。

  • Encrypt traffic such that an attacker could not decipher any traffic he captured from the network.




  • 修改企业网站的外观

  • Intercepting and altering an e-commerce transaction

  • Modifying financial records that are stored electronically


The availability of data is a measure of the data’s accessibility. For example, if a server were down only five minutes per year, it would have an availability of 99.999 percent (that is, “five nines” of availability).


  • 他可能不正确格式的数据发送到网络设备,从而导致未处理的异常错误。

  • 他可以淹没网络系统,通信或请求过量。这将消耗系统的处理资源和防止系统响应许多合法的请求。这种类型的攻击被称为拒绝服务(DoS)攻击。



Classification Models

Although no single standard exists for data classification, organizations often benefit from examining classification models commonly used by government and many businesses.

Government and Military Classification Model


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