
使用思科专有的瘦客户端控制协议(SCCP)或会话发起协议(SIP),思科统一通信管理器可以通过IP基础设施与思科统一通信管理器集成。思科统一也可以通过PIMG (PBX IP媒体网关)或TIMG (TDM IP媒体网关)设备与传统语音邮件解决方案集成。早期版本的Cisco Unity支持用于传统(TDM) PBX集成的Dialogic PCI扩展卡,但思科从Dialogic PCI卡支持Windows 2003服务器操作系统开始就停止了对它们的支持。思科不支持Unity 5。x或7。在Windows 2000服务器上安装。让我们看看如何处理从PSTN到Cisco Unity语音邮件系统的呼叫。从PSTN呼叫思科IP电话的直接向内拨号(DID)电话号码。呼叫在MGCP网关接收,该网关由CUCM控制,CUCM的有效位数与内部缩位5位拨号计划相匹配。CUCM在网关应用的入局呼叫搜索空间(CSS)中对入局呼叫进行数字分析。假设CSS包含了正在拨号的内部电话号码的分区,思科IP电话开始响。 If the IP Phone is busy or not answered, the directory number is configured to forward the call to voicemail. The directory number of the Cisco IP Phone is configured with a voicemail profile. The voicemail profile is associated with a Voice-Mail Pilot Number. The Voice-Mail Pilot Number can include a Calling Search Space (CSS) which needs to have access to the route partition the Hunt Pilot is configured in. The Hunt Pilot is used for call coverage capabilities in CUCM. The hunt pilot in this application will be used to distribute calls to available voice mail ports. The call coverage processing path in CUCM is as follows: Hunt Pilot (HP) > Hunt List > Line Group > Voicemail port. The configuration order is bottom up as described in the next paragraph. Voice mail ports are configured in CUCM and added to a Line Group. The Line Group is configured with a Top Down distribution algorithm which includes the voice mail ports of the primary Unity server. A Hunt List is configured and pointed to the primary unity server Line Group. If the licensed failover feature is used, a second Line Group would be configured with the backup Unity server and added to the Hunt List as a secondary option. The backup Unity server is accessed if the primary Unity server stops answering calls. A Hunt Pilot is configured and pointed to the Hunt List. The technical details of the above two paragraphs, can be summarized as follows: CUCM routes call forward busy (CFB) and call forward no answer (CFNA) conditions to the Cisco Unity server over an IP infrastructure. Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) is used as a signaling protocol from CUCM to Cisco Unity. The Cisco Unity server uses a TSP (TAPI service provider) to convert the Skinny signaling from CUCM to TAPI (Telephony API) and MAPI (Messaging API) calls. TAPI is used to convert SCCP signaling to the information store (IS). The information store (or SQL server database) has all of the configuration date of Cisco Unity (subscribers, call handlers, etc.). The message store (Microsoft Exchange or IBM Informix Database) is responsible for storing voicemail messages. In the next blog, we will delve into more details of the CUCM and Unity integration. References: Unity Install and Upgrade Guides (all versions): http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps2237/prod_installation_guides_list.html Unity Maintain and Operate Guides (all versions): http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps2237/prod_maintenance_guides_list.html TSP Release Notes http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/voice/c_unity/tsp/index.htm TIMG Integration Guide http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/unity/5x/integration/timg/guide/cuinttimg.html PIMG Integration Guide http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/voicesw/ps6789/ps5745/ps2237/product_data_sheet0900aecd80106ee5.html


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