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The Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu once wrote, "What is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy."

The automobile industry needs to follow Sun Tzu's advice to secure increasingly connected vehicles from hackers, according to experts.


"If you hack into my car's head unit and change the radio station, I don't care. I can live with that," said Charlie Miller, one of the security expertswho this week demonstrated他们可以破解 - 和远程控制 - 克莱斯勒吉普车。

“如果你能侵入我的头单元,使我的胸罩kes not work, then that's a different story. Let's stop the attack after they're already in," Miller said.

It's called operational security, and the auto industry -- even the banking industry -- has been slow to adopt it, according to Egil Juliussen, a senior analyst and research director for IHS Automotive. "They assume hackers can't get through their perimeter security, which is not true," Juliussen said. "That's a basic principle for security."

当Miller和Chris Valasek展示他们如何破解周边安全性并进入早期型号克莱斯勒Jeep的Uconnect Head单元时,本周,汽车行业叫醒了叫醒服务,也称为信息娱乐系统。以前,黑客只能通过物理连接到汽车的车载诊断(OBD-II)端口来违反车辆的内部计算机总线。


IHS auto-control diagram IHS Automotive

This diagram shows more than a dozen wireless access points to a vehicle's head unit and controller area network (CAN).

All modern vehicles have a CAN, which acts as a computer superhighway to the vehicle's various electronically controlled components. Once on the CAN, Miller and Valasek discovered which electronic messages controlled various systems, and they were able to send messages to remotely control the brakes, transmission, acceleration and other vital components.

As cars become more connected to other vehicles, surrounding infrastructure and to manufacturers and their parts suppliers, the ability to breach a vehicle's security will only become easier.


And, as autonomous functionality -- even fully self-driving cars -- emerge, it will mean that protecting computer systems from attack will become more crucial.


据Nate Cardozo说,一个带有电子前沿基金会的律师,“消费者不知道数据正在共享。例如,拍摄福特同步。在其服务条款中,它表示它正在收集位置数据和呼叫数据如果您使用SYNC来指示电子邮件。“

Sync is Ford's current Microsoft Windows-based telematics or head unit system. The company is changing over to a QNX-software based system this year.

Miller and fellow hacker Chris Valasek shared their year-long efforts with Chrysler, which issued a software patch to fix the security hole in the head unit. Vehicle owners must download the patch onto a USB drive and then update the vehicle's software with that.





Once past a firewall, hackers can make computers imitate any other computer on a network, and that means they can control the systems through electronic messaging. That's basically what Miller and Valasek did: They had the head unit pretend to be the electronic control unit (ECU) for the brakes, the transmission and other systems.


Carmakers are far behind the security curve, not only because vehicles have an average six-year development cycle, but also because they haven't taken the potential security problem seriously.

“汽车工业已经slow to do anything。I did my first presentation [at an auto industry conference] five years ago and they said this very interesting, but we don't need it yet," Juliussen said.

For example, in response the hack on Chrysler's UConnect head unit, Ford issued a statement claiming its communications and entertainment systems feature a different architecture than what was hacked. "Our vehicles have a hardware based built-in firewall that separates the vehicle control network from the communications and entertainment network," Ford stated.

Ford declined further comment and didn't say whether its Sync head unit and coming QNX-based unit can detect errant messages that could indicate a cyber security breach has occurred -- and then shut it down.

Miller said he can imagine a more secure method, such as using cryptography or encrypted messaging within a vehicle's CAN, to make it more difficult to hack.

But, if an attacker has physical access to a car, they can get access to the firmware on various computer chips and figure out what the encryption keys are, Miller said. "Every car isn't going to have a different key," he said, referring to the fact that once one car is hacked, all the models are vulnerable.

A detection system versus a better firewall


For example, Isreal-basedArgus Cyber Security Ltd.is a start-up that sells detection software for the connected car industry. Argus's Deep Packet Inspection algorithm scans all traffic in a vehicle's network, identifies abnormal transmissions and enables real-time response to threats.

米勒和Juliussen相信一个分层的应用程序roach to security. Hardware-based encryption with cyber attack detection is the most promising for securing the future of the connected automobile, they say.


Ethernet is joined by about a half-dozen other in-vehicle communication protocols, such as LIN (Local Interconnect Network), MOST (Media Oriented Systems Transport) and FlexRay -- aimed at increasing bandwidth to and from the car as vehicle monitoring systems become more sophisticated.

分析师预测,车辆到基础设施(V2I)和车辆到零售(V2R)将是接下来的汽车市场最占据的汽车市场中最多主导地位的两个。根据Abi Research的说法,到2030年,超过45900万辆的车辆将支持V2I和4.06亿的人将支持V2R。

其他人倡导不同的安全方法。软件安全公司Symantec技术战略副总裁Ken Schneider相信数字证书 - 计算机系统之间的数字握手 - 将成为提供隐私的关键,同时也允许收集关键的驱动数据。这些数据将有助于地方政府和汽车制造商改善整体交通状况;个人驾驶经验可以使用来自车辆的内部计算机的数据。




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