Bloatware: What it is and how to get rid of it

Is your new Windows system laden with unnecessary -- or even harmful -- software? Here's a rundown of what to look for and how (or if) you can uninstall it.

当您购买新的Windows PC时,您期望它会变得干净,苗条,启动快速,并在您需要的情况下快速浏览工作。

啊,如果只是这种情况。事实是,大多数Windows PC的开始都比应有的速度要慢,但使用不必要的预加载软件堵塞。该软件被称为Bloatware(或较少的免费术语),有许多不同的形式。大多数膨胀软件并不危险,但是它可以减慢您的系统并占用硬盘上的空间。

How muchdoes膨胀软件降低了您的电脑?很难说,但是有一些迹象表明它会产生相当大的影响。Microsoft出售了它所谓的线签名PC, computers that are free of third-party software. According to the product page, on average, the Signature PCs start up 104% faster, shut down 35% faster and have 28 minutes more battery life than the same laptops with bloatware.


新PC =附加组件


通常,在Windows机器上,您会遇到两种预装的软件:在更老式的桌面接口和在面向触摸的平板电脑模式下运行的应用程序运行的应用程序。我发现后者不那么侵入性,因为它们是瓷砖可见的 - 因此,发现和卸载它们并不需要太多深入的挖掘。预装已安装的桌面应用程序可能很难找到,尤其是对于较少的技术用户而言,他们甚至可能没有意识到自己有不需要的软件,直到它激活并弹出屏幕。

Within those two categories, there are a number of different types.


试用器件是您可以在一定时间内免费使用的软件,但是如果您想在此之后使用它,则必须支付费用 - 例如30天或六个月。最常见的试用器件之一是公司制造的安全软件McAfeeNorton

这种类型的软件的优势是它是前期的 - 实际上,它必须是,因为软件公司希望您使用它,然后希望购买它。实际上,PC制造商宣传其计算机随附的试用器件并不少见,假设许多人会认为这是一个好处。另一个优点是,这种类型的附加组件通常很容易卸载。

Utilities and useful apps


PC vendors often also pre-install full versions of specialized third-party software. For example,Cyberlink Media Suite,一种常见的附加组件,具有一组用于创建视频,编辑照片,播放DVD和其他媒体,燃烧媒体等的工具。网络链接也使PowerDVDsoftware that you'll sometimes find on Dell PCs.Nero, a tool for burning CDs and DVDs, is another popular one.

In some instances you can uninstall the software, and in other instances you can't. Whether you consider such add-ons to be a bonus or needless bloat depends on how likely you are to use them. Note that in many cases, these utilities duplicate functionality that's already present in the Windows OS.


最后,有一个广告软件,这是一种特别讨厌的膨胀软件,仅通过网站或通过直接在计算机屏幕上出现的弹出窗口向用户泵送广告。广告软件比刺激您和/或放慢速度的PC可能更糟糕 - 它也可以监视您,或者将系统暴露于其他危险中。

情况会好转 - 还是更糟?

Several months ago, theSuperfish ad-injection programthat was preinstalled on some Lenovo laptops also opened a serious security hole in people's systems. Superfish not only delivered ads to people when they browsed the Web, it also made systems susceptible to "man-in-the-middle" attacks by hackers that could spy on communications between a computer and websites that should have been secure but that Superfish rendered vulnerable.

More recently, Lenovo was embroiled inanother bloatware-related brouhaha。发现其某些笔记本电脑中的BIOS固件也可以自动下载各种联想软件和服务,即使在机器上完成了清洁的Windows安装。这导致了漏洞安全。此后,联想从6月后运送的PC的BIOS固件中取出了该工具,并发布了删除软件的BIOS更新。

Analysts agree that this type of attack has been a problem -- and remains one. But they disagree about whether things are getting better or worse.

安全公司Tripwire的安全分析师Ken Westin牢牢地在“ Get-Bet”营地中。他说:“超级鱼类给这个问题带来了很多宣传,并给了Bloatware一个不好的名字,尤其是在企业中。”“公司不想向安全漏洞开放,并且他们对用膨胀软件购买计算机的保证。因此,供应商将被迫缩回他们预先安装的机器上的东西。”

但是,他补充说明:“如果您从像Office Depot这样的大众市场零售商购买Windows PC,那么您仍然会在上面找到膨胀软件,因为普通消费者仍然没有调整过这个问题。但是专业迎合例如的零售商不太可能出售带有膨胀软件的PC。”

J. Gold Associates分析师公司的Jack Gold认为,出于经济原因,膨胀软件问题越来越严重,而不是更好。

他说:“基本问题是Windows PC是一项非常低利润的业务,尤其是在低端,供应商将尽一切努力增加收入。”“软件制造商付钱给他们将膨胀软件放在PC上。没有人会告诉您涉及多少钱,但我估计它可能高达每台机器20美元。如果您出售一台$ 300的计算机,每台机器20美元是很多额外的收入。因此,我认为无休止的是膨胀软件。”

He agrees with Westin that computers sold at mass-market retailers will likely have more bloatware on them than those sold at specialty retailers.

至于PC制造商对这个问题的评价,答案并不多。我与HP,Dell,Lenovo和Acer接触,他们都不会和我谈谈。但是,2015年2月28日,联想发布了新闻稿发布新闻稿that said, "Our standard image will only include the operating system and related software, software required to make hardware work well (for example, when we include unique hardware in our devices, like a 3D camera), security software and Lenovo applications."

Uninstalling bloatware

So what to do about bloatware on your PC?

In some cases you can remove it simply by uninstalling it. A good strategy when you get a new system is to check it for software before you install any applications of your own and uninstall any programs you know you won't want. (If you're not sure whether you want it or not -- even after doing a bit of research -- then simply note its existence so that you can go back and remove it later if you want to.)

另一方面,大多数用户无法做任何事情。例如,一段时间以来,三星用名为SW Update的预装软件出售其系统,该软件旨在处理Windows,驱动程序和相关软件的更新。但是,SW更新中的一个小程序称为disable_windowsupdate.exe阻止Windows更新正常工作 - 无法删除。2015年6月26日,三星changed the software允许Windows更新正常工作。

如果您的系统上有肿胀的软件,无法轻易卸载 - 或者您怀疑系统上有膨胀软件并不明显 - 有许多工具可能能够将其删除。你。以下是我发现最有用的。

(Note: If you're trying to scan your system for bloatware -- rather than simply trying to eliminate a specific program -- it's a good idea to use more than one of these applications, because any individual one may not find every single piece of bloatware.)

The PC Decrapifier


The software first takes several minutes to analyze your system. After that, it categorizes what it finds into three categories: Recommended, Questionable and Everything Else. Recommended lists software that it recommends you uninstall; Questionable lists software youmight想卸载;其他所有内容都列出了几乎没有或根本没有信息的软件。


The PC Decrapifier reports its results using three categories: Recommended, Questionable and Everything Else.

Each lists the name of the file, the type (Application or Startup) and the percentage of PC Decrapifier users who end up uninstalling it. So in essence, The PC Decrapifier relies on the wisdom of its users to determine what is bloatware and what isn't. You then check the box next to each application you want to uninstall and the application does the rest.


结果?PC DeStrapifier是一个有用的工具,但是如果您想安全起见,请准备自己进行一些研究。

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