国防研究机构最近公布了$ 2百万大挑战称为谱协作挑战赛(SC2) and said the primary goal of the contest was to infuse radios with “advanced machine-learning capabilities so they can collectively develop strategies that optimize use of the wireless spectrum in ways not possible with today’s intrinsically inefficient approach of pre-allocating exclusive access to designated frequencies.”
我们面临的挑战,预计利用人工智能和机器学习领域的最新进展显著,并在这些研究领域推动新发展,与其他领域,其中协作决策是非常关键的应用潜力,” DARPA说。
“DARPA Challenges have traditionally rewarded teams that dominate their competitors, but when it comes to making the most of the electromagnetic spectrum, the team that shares most intelligently is going to win,” said SC2 program manager Paul Tilghman of DARPA’s Microsystems Technology Office in a statement. “We want to radically accelerate the development of machine-learning technologies and strategies that will allow on-the-fly sharing of spectrum at machine timescales.”
DARPA表示,将建立什么叫最大-的,其独一无二的无线测试平台 - “的斗兽场” - 这将在和SC2作为评价频谱共享战略,策略和算法为下一代无线系统的国家资产后即成。在“罗马斗兽场”将让研究人员远程与现实,用户定义的RF环境智能广播系统,如一个繁忙的城市街道,战斗设置的无线环境进行大规模试验。