Windows 10浏览器Beatdown:谁有优势?

Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome,与Mozilla Firefox vs. Opera vs. Vivaldi

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Windows 10浏览器Beatdown:谁有优势?

并非所有的Web浏览器都是平等创建的。实际上,如果您在“ Internet Explorer或回家”时代成年,那么您可能会意识到高端浏览器软件范围已经变得多么多样化。

根据来自Windows 10的Windows 10安装网络上的所有Windows流量的大约三分之一。总部位于英国的分析公司Gosquared,随着Microsoft远离Internet Explorer,尽可能快地偏离Internet Explorer,似乎与任何调查Windows 10用户的最佳浏览选项一样好。

关于方法论的一句话 - 我在这里通过三个基准测试(在所有参赛者中都更好的分数都更好 - 请参见下面的图形),以给出广泛的整体表现,并通过将他们每个人用于两项工作,使他们每个人都通过他们的步调。并玩。除了基准之外,接下来是工作记者的主观观点,尽管如此,他们还是进行了大量的网络浏览。五个浏览器 - 请注意,苹果野生动物园不是Win10的真正选择 - 以相反的顺序呈现,这是我最不喜欢的第一个。享受。

浏览器击败比较B NetworkWorld/Jon Gold/Stephen Sauer

#5:Microsoft Edge

我有Microsoft Edge作为辅助浏览器(我的私人Twitter和我的专业Twitter同时开放的超级高科技解决方案是将它们放在两个不同的浏览器窗口中;是的,我知道有一些湿滑的方法do this) and I spent a few frustrating minutes trying to figure out how to uninstall it, before I realized that Edge is embedded firmly into the guts of Windows 10, and that it’s not really something you install and uninstall. In fact, it turns out that you literally can’t get rid of it, even if you really want to.

Getting into a full-fledged examination of user freedom and choice, and the precise philosophical reasons that it’s stupid and invasive to take away users’ control of the software that runs on their own computers isn’t really the point of the article, but I can’t just elide the issue, either. The argument that Edge and Cortana are just so integral to the basic functionality of a desktop OS is silly – if a web browser and a voice/search assistant really are key underpinnings of the entire structure, that’s ridiculous design. If they’re not, stop pretending they are and let me get rid of them.

+也在网络世界上:足球竞猜app软件微软Internet Explorer的视觉历史|

咆哮。我完全意识到这不是Windows 10上的独特问题,并且Microsoft使您可以简单地避免使用Edge和Cortana。(而且,如果我真的想谈论微软和用户选择,我们将在这里又有10,000个字。)

Funnily enough, one of the chief headaches I ran into when using Edge was not Microsoft’s fault, but Google’s – I spend a lot of time in Google’s app ecosystem, and the frequent screenpops that said something like “Hey, you could be doing this exact same thing in Chrome!” got irritating pretty quickly. I get it, Google, but I’ve got this comparative review to write. Back off. (This was a problem when using Firefox, also.)

在基准方面,在我们的比较中,Chrome和其他两个基于Chrome的浏览器旁边并不令人印象深刻,尽管我发现它并没有明显比标准用法中其余的响应率明显较低。该界面是高度的地铁,所有内容都需要 - 简化了菜单,一切看起来有点块状和脱落。如果您喜欢地铁视觉效果和与软件交互的方法,那么您将喜欢Edge。如果您讨厌毒药,您可能不会。就个人而言,我是Metro Agnostic的 - 我认为Edge在视觉上很有吸引力,但是我对菜单在窗户侧面结构的方式并不疯狂。

It’s at the bottom of the rankings not because it’s a bad browser, but because I can’t think why you’d use it instead of the other browsers on the list – the ability to draw on a page with web notes is neat, but sharing is a bit clunky and you have to use Metro apps to do it. The interface is good enough, it’s nice to look at, but I’m going elsewhere for my everyday browsing, thanks.

#4:Google Chrome


确实,安装确实非常快,尽管我不喜欢安装程序中的“使Chrome My默认浏览器”框进行检查 - 原则上比其他任何内容都更重要。There are far more insidious checked-by-default boxes in other web installers – Java’s infamous partnership with the Ask Toolbar is a good example – which, because people have learned to click straight through these things so quickly, amount to an attempt to sneak something past our overloaded attention spans.


像Firefox一样,Chrome似乎保留了设置,扩展甚至历史记录,除非您另行告诉卸载器。Chrome Extensions允许您在浏览器中添加大量新功能,并且特征是易于搜索和安装。

这就是Chrome的全部内容 - 简单。Google的浏览器精简,快速和直观。设置,导入书签和浏览非常容易。因为这就是Google希望您做的。

谷歌’s apparently less interested in making it easy for you to dig down under the hood to change meaningful things about the way Chrome works, however – that’s time you could be spending providing useful ad targeting data to the Great Machine God having a great old time on the internet. Some – admittedly fairly advanced – settings are hidden in the ://flags page, and the main settings tab has the feel of an afterthought.

这也可能是一个内存的猪 - 如果您在任务管理器中查看,您会注意到Chrome一次存在于几个不同的过程中。对于现代浏览器而言,这并不罕见,但是如果您拥有一台没有大型RAM的旧机器,

I was going to say something along the lines of “that’s probably OK for the rank and file of internet users,” but what the heck do I really know about what the average internet user wants, or whether there is even such a thing as an “average internet user?” The bottom line is that Chrome is fast, dependable and easy enough for even deeply untechnical people to get accustomed to. But if you’re a more advanced user who likes to tinker, it can be frustrating.

#3:Mozilla Firefox

Firefox的安装程序比Chrome和Edge不那么努力 - 您对使其成为默认浏览器并不震惊。当您卸载时,它似乎确实会在计算机上的某个地方留下剩余的设置,但是,由于我的书签和以前的安装附加组件在重新安装后重新安装而没有提示。

That said, the experience of using Firefox is closest to what I think of as a more traditional web browser – it’s nicely customizable, there’s a broad library of add-ons, and it just works, in much the way that Chrome does, though it’s easier to dig into the settings in a more granular fashion.

第一眼:Firefox 48


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