
Suresh Acharya主管JDA实验室,JDA软件集团50人研究组,供应链和零售软件巨头

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One technology we think will drive the store of the future is the Magic Mirror.  You stand in front of the mirror wearing something you just tried on and say, "How would it look in red?" And the mirror will change the color of what you have on.  Or the magic mirror allows the user to say, "Put this on for me" to see how it will look without you needing to actually find the item in the store and try it on.   It might also tell you, "Sorry, we don't have blue, but this is what you would look like in teal."  It's just fascinating how these technologies are emerging.


说不定你想知道 JDA玩什么扩展供应链空间游戏,所以我们希望机器人与供应链相遇。当你去商店说,“Robot先生,我在找绿色衬衣!只见蓝衬衫。”它综合信息并说:“你说得对,商店里没有绿色衬衣了,但是路前5英里的商店里还有3件,如果你想去那里的话。或者,我的智能显示我下周有一批绿色衬衣来店,如果你想回来的话,或我可以点一件绿色衬衣运回你家。”

认知存储助手机器人已经部署于日本和其他亚洲国家的商店中。 毫无疑问,它很快会到达北美

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