Businesses eye cloud for big data deployments



As 2016 draws to a close, a new study suggests big data is growing in maturity and surging in the cloud.

AtScale, which specializes in BI on Hadoop using OLAP-like cubes, recently conducted a survey of more than 2,550 big data professionals at 1,400 companies across 77 countries. The survey was conducted in conjunction with Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR, Cognizant, Trifacta and Tableau.


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“受访者在本次调查的成熟是一个关键的考虑因素,”托马斯·斯莫尔,大数据分析行业分析师和作家的书"Disruptive Analytics,"在一份声明中说,星期三。“五分之一的受访者有超过100个节点和他们的74%都在生产,表明了两位数的增长年同期。”


“有许多人在使用大数据在过去一年中明确激增云,什么是也许有趣的是,受访者更有可能取得实实在在的价值时,他们的数据在云中,” AtScale CTO和联合说-founder马特·贝尔德。


“Hadoop是吓坏难”,增加了CEO和AtScale的创始人戴夫·马里亚尼。“这真的很难部署,这真的很难管理。我看到了很多的客户很喜欢不必担心管理他们的Hadoop集群。如果能够弹性地规模,而不仅仅是增加新的节点,但也缩小他们,并使用对象存储作为持久层做到这一点,这是一个完全不同的概念比-PREM Hadoop的“。

[ Related:在校园里大数据]




ETL和数据科学大数据workl仍受欢迎oads, but business intelligence (BI), which was already trending upward last year, has become the predominant workload with 75 percent of respondents using or planning to use BI on big data. And that's not slowing down any time soon if the indications are correct. Fully 97 percent of respondents said they would do as much oremore with big data over the next three months.

While there has been a lot of hype around Spark, the survey found that 42 percent of organizations use Spark for educational purposes but have no real project using Spark as of yet. A third of respondents say Spark is primarily in development today, while 25 percent say they have deployed Spark in development and production.




When it comes to concerns around big data, accessibility, security and governance have become the fastest growing areas of concern year-over year, with worries related to governance growing the most at 21 percent.



