足球竞猜app软件网络世界雷神Olavsrud //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 周五,2020年4月17日13时04分16秒-0700 周五,2020年4月17日13时04分16秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 为什么聪明的合同不能完全自动化 2017年5月9日星期二09:51 -0700 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

Blockchain technology has been generating excitement in the public and private sectors for the past several years for many reasons — a prominent one being support for self-executing contracts commonly referred to as smart contracts. But while smart contracts have the potential to streamline many business processes, full automation isn't likely anytime in the foreseeable future.

"Smart contracts are a combination of some certain binary actions that can be translated into code and some reference to plain language like we have today that is open to litigation if you mess up," says Antonis Papatsaras, CTO of enterprise content management company SpringCM, which specializes in contract workflow automation. "I think it's going to take forever."

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安全即服务模式获得了支持 2017年4月26日星期三10:13:00 -0700 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

With mid-market companies feeling an increasing need to devote time and resources to network security, the security-as-a-service model is gaining traction, according to new research released yesterday by 451 Research.

"The security challenge for mid-tier businesses is multi-dimensional," Daniel Cummins, analyst at 451 Research, said in a statement. "For these businesses, everything seems to be increasing — attack frequency, compliance requirements, complexity, costs and the number of security products that need to be managed. Cloud-based security-as-a-service offers potentially significant advantages in terms of simplicity and access to security that may prove to be less complex and expensive than traditional approaches."

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物联网如何帮助保险公司减轻气候变化的风险 2017年4月12日星期三10:38:00 -0700 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

Insurance companies are on the front lines when it comes to exposure to the financial risks of climate change. The internet of things (IoT) is shaping up to be a key component in mitigating those risks.

"Insurance companies rely upon historical loss records to guide their underwriting and set their prices," Washing Insurance Commission Mike Kreidler and California Insurance Commission Dave Jones wrote in the forward of Insurer Climate Risk Disclosure Survey Report & Scorecard: 2016 Findings & Recommendations by nonprofit organization Ceres. "More and more frequently, the climate is behaving in ways that we can't predict. Weather patterns are shifting, and the severity and breadth of damage are intensifying, resulting in more costly disasters than we've ever seen. There is no basis in historical data for events like Hurricane Sandy, the Joplin, Missouri tornado, the Oso landslide in Washington state and record-breaking landslides in Western states. In 2016 alone, 31 major disaster declarations were reported to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by the end of August."

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为什么谷歌BigQuery擅长BI大数据并发 2017年4月7日星期五10:23:00 -0700 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud //m.banksfrench.com/article/3188301/why-google-bigquery-excels-at-bi-on-big-data-concurrency.html 10个步骤以切穿所述数据管理的复杂性 2017年4月6日星期四14:11 -0700 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

The modern enterprise is data-driven. The capability to quickly access and act upon information has become a key competitive advantage. But business data is often siloed and fragmented. To gain a competitive edge from your information, you need a single view of your data.

Most organizations today have a complicated process for managing their data, one that usually involves multiple data sources of variable structure, ingestion and transformation, loading into an operation database and supporting the business applications that need the data. Analytics, business intelligence (BI) and reporting tools require access to the data, which frequently requires a separate data warehouse or data lake. These layers all need to comply with security protocols, information governance standards and other operational requirements.

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物联网能改变装载操作吗? 周一,2017年4月3日6点31分零零秒-0700 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

Transporting freight operates at a massive scale in the U.S., most of it hauled by trucks that are the lifeblood of the American economy. But the trailers those trucks are hauling typically have a load efficiency of 70 to 75 percent, says Tom Bianculli, CTO of Zebra Technologies. The remaining 25 to 30 percent is air.

But smart environments powered by the internet of things (IoT) can change that, Bianculli says. Zebra's new SmartPack Trailer offering, announced at ProMat 2017 in Chicago today, uses sensors on the dock doors of distribution facilities, which peer into each trailer using a combination of 3D depth-sensing technology and a conventional megapixel camera.

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2019年9大信息安全威胁 2017年3月28日星期二12:33:00 -0700 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

The information security threat landscape is constantly evolving. To help you navigate the terrain, each year the Information Security Forum (ISF) — a nonprofit association that researches and analyzes security and risk management issues on behalf of its members — puts out its Threat Horizon report to provide members with a forward-looking view of the biggest security threats over a two-year period. What follows are the nine biggest threats on the horizon through 2019 that your organization may have to manage and mitigate.

Theme 1: Disruption from an over-reliance on fragile connectivity

Organizations today depend of instant and uninterrupted connectivity, smart physical devices and trustworthy people. But that dependence makes them vulnerable to attacks on core internet infrastructure, devices used in daily business and key people with access to mission-critical information.

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Adobe瞄准客户体验,与微软合作 2017年3月21日星期二10:53:00 -0700 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

Customer experience is the name of the game at Adobe Summit 2017 in Las Vegas this week. Today the company unveiled its new Experience Cloud offering, along with a new partnership with Microsoft aimed at creating a standard semantic data model for customer experience apps and services.

For years, digital marketers have measured digital interactions to gather customer data in an effort to optimize customer interactions in real-time by doing things like personalizing landing pages and targeting display ads. The new Adobe Experience Cloud brings together Adobe Marketing Cloud, Adobe Advertising Cloud and Adobe Analytics Cloud in an effort to take the technology Adobe has developed for digital marketers and extend it to all the areas that touch on customer experience, like optimizing and personalizing customer support or building products.

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MapR即将推出物联网分析平台 星期二,2017年3月14日五点26分00秒-0700 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

At Strata + Hadoop World in San Jose, Calif., Tuesday, MapR Technologies took the wraps off a new small footprint edition of its Converged Data Platform geared for capturing, processing and analyzing data from internet of things (IoT) devices at the edge.

MapR Edge, designed to work in conjunction with the core MapR Converged Enterprise Edition, provides local processing, aggregation of insights at the core and the ability to then push intelligence back to the edge.

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欺诈上升为网络犯罪分子涌向在线贷款 周五,2017年2月24日10:07:00 -0800 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud <文章> <节类=“网页”>

网络犯罪变得越来越自动化,组织和比以往联网,根据 ThreatMetrix网络犯罪报告:Q4 2016


<强> [相关: 8个提示,以防范网上金融欺诈威胁 要完全阅读本文中,请按此 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3173998/fraud-rise-as-cybercriminals-flock-to-online-lenders.html 如何制定物联网战略 06:17:00 -0800 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud <本文> <节课=“页面”>

物联网(IOT)可以呈现给企业最大的机会,因为互联网时代的到来,也许这将是更大的。市场研究公司Gartner预计会有对物联网近20十亿设备,到2020年,以及物联网产品和服务供应商将产生$ 300十亿+收入

成功地利用这个机会 - 汇集传感器,连接性,云存储,处理,分析和机器学习转变业务模式和流程 - 需要一个计划

“在我的职业生涯中,我估计和计划数以百计的项目,”约翰·罗斯曼,谁花了四年年启动,然后运行亚马逊的市场业务(其代表了当今销售的所有亚马逊单位的50%以上),写在他的新书的亚马逊的方式对物联网:10个原则每一个领导者,从物联网的世界领先的互联网策略。“我了解到,你开始寻求答案,甚至之前,它必须了解的问题。指导一个团队取得成功的结果在一个复杂的工程,需要的步骤和成果,必要的资源,角色和每一个固有风险和理解依赖性。 “ 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3172524/how-to-develop-an-internet-of-things-strategy.html IBM在私有云上提供机器学习 周五,2017年2月17日07:00:00 -0800 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

IBM is making machine learning technology available in the place where much of the world's enterprise data resides: the z System mainframe.

Today Big Blue announced IBM Machine Learning, a cognitive platform for creating, training and deploying a high volume of analytic models in the private cloud. The platform draws on the core machine learning technology from its Watson Machine Learning service on its Bluemix public cloud offering.

"Our mission is making data simple and accessible to clients," says Rob Thomas, general manager, IBM Analytics. "If you look at the data landscape today, over 90 percent of the data in the world today cannot be Googled. It's neither simple, nor accessible. Most of that data resides behind corporate firewalls in private clouds."

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在AI大胜中,天秤座打败了四个扑克高手 周三,2017年2月1日10:35:00 -0800 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

Marking a major step forward for artificial intelligence (AI), Libratus, an AI developed by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), has resoundingly beaten four of the best heads-up no-limit Texas hold'em poker players in the world in a marathon, 20-day competition.

After 20 days and a collective 120,000 hands played, Libratus closed out the competition Monday leading the pros by a collective $1,766,250 in chips.

"I'm just impressed with the quality of poker Libratus plays," pro player Jason Les, a specialist in heads-up no-limit Texas hold'em like the other three players, said at a press conference yesterday morning. "They made algorithms that play this game better than us. We make a living trying to find vulnerabilities in strategies. That's what we do every day when we play heads-up no-limit. We tried everything we could and it was just too strong."

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一个成功的物联网战略的10个原则 2017年1月30日星期一10:14:00 -0800 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud <本文> <节课=“页面”>

物联网(IOT)提供了一个为企业重写他们的行业规则的机会。潜在的好处是巨大的。据市场调研公司Gartner的数据,就会出现在物联网近20十亿设备,到2020年,以及物联网产品和服务供应商将产生$ 300十亿+收入

通过汇集传感器,连接性,云存储,处理,分析和机器学习,物联网很可能改变了无数的行业,从医疗保健到制造到公用事业,交通,政府等。但是,物联网仍处于初期阶段。10个原则每一个领导者,从物联网的战略的世界领先的互联网亚马逊的方式对物联网的作者说,> 要全面阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3162771/10-principles-of-a-successful-iot-strategy.html 你为何需要一名资料保护主任 星期二,2017年1月24日6点40分○○秒-0800 托尔Olavsrud 托尔Olavsrud

With enforcement of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set to begin on May 25, 2018, organizations that handle any personal data relating to EU residents must begin preparing now, if they haven't already.

Most organizations will need to designate a data protection officer (DPO), says Steve Durbin, managing director of the Information Security Forum (ISF), a global, independent information security body that focuses on cyber security and information risk management.

"The GDPR is putting data protection practices at the forefront of business agendas worldwide," Durbin said in a statement earlier this month. "Its scope is unmatched by any other international law, and we estimate that more than 98 percent of ISF members will be affected by its requirements because they process the personal data of EU residents, or are based in the EU. For most organizations, the next 18 months will be a critical time for their data protection regimes as they determine the applicability of the GDPR and the controls and capabilities they will need to manage their compliance and risk obligations."

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