An exciting class of startups with a focus on enterprise IT are those built on open source foundations, in some cases commercializing and adding value to an already popular open source project.
我们最近强调5这样的开放的面向源公司,and below we introduce you to 5 more. Note that this list only contains companies that have announced funding over the past year or so, and isn't intended to be an all-inclusive compilation. Without further ado…
Funding:$ 50M的新鲜资金,由红杉领导,以及超过$ 80M整体上调
焦点:通过内置的开源的Apache卡夫卡而在LinkedIn,合流提供了一个企业级的流媒体平台设计用于实时制作数据的意义的团队创建。该公司声称在过去一年大幅增长(你知道的,以700%的增长数字傻排序民营企业得到的份额),并已扩大到欧洲,在伦敦总部的办公室。银行使用汇合企业被发现造假,电信公司用它来精确定位网络问题和许多其他应用被启用。CEO和联合创始人杰伊·克雷普斯,在宣布汇合的最新一轮融资,写在博客中说:“我们认为,流媒体平台,代表了基础设施上的真正的新类别” - 如果是这样,也许是时间让你了解它们是什么...
Funding:$ 4200万的资金总额,包括C系列的投资,由贝恩资本风险投资公司和风险投资公司卡梅尔带领$ 14M。
焦点:这家公司是家开源Redis的内存数据库管理平台项目,但也提供了Redis的企业市场,并索赔7000个多企业客户,包括戴尔,TD银行和斯台普斯。快速和用于支持集装箱和各种应用流行的NoSQL技术,Redis的可同时作为内部部署软件,并在私有,公共和混合配置的云服务。该公司办成了一个相当政变在2015年,当它聘请Redis的创造者萨尔瓦托雷圣菲利波,who previously shepherded the project at VMware and Pivotal, to oversee Redis development going forward. Redis Labs even holds an annualRedisConf事件该技术的用户。
Funding:$ 24M到今天为止,包括$ 16M 11月份第二轮融资为首的OpenView Venture Partners公司
焦点:提供AI供电日志分析平台,提供开放源码ELK Stack记录软件作为一个企业级的云服务。该服务,从喜欢到产品替代Splunk和相扑逻辑,收集来自机和应用程序数据,并能帮助客户找到和分析,他们通过机器学习动力的认知见解技术真正需要的数据。新的Live尾功能允许在实时查看日志。在Logz.io的客户是美国有线电视新闻网,英国航空公司,EA和埃森哲。's Cognitive Insights technology uses machine learning to correlate information in log messages with discussions that humans are having on the web about specific topics to determine which log lines are meaningful for a given user at any certain point in time
Funding:$ 2,300万,包括在系列B $ 1600万资金到位,西数投资,三星风险,岩浆Ventures和高通风险导致
焦点:从KVM管理程序的创建者,该公司提供了一个“简易替换为Apache Cassandra的” NoSQL数据库,它拥有10倍的有吞吐量和存储容量和性能方面,挑战Redis的。Arista网络和IBM都已经开源ScyllaDB上被咬的服装之一。如足球竞猜app软件贡献者奔凯派什最近写,the open source and proprietary database software markets have become increasingly crowded of late, but ScyllaDB (once called Cloudius Systems) has done well to differentiate itself: “The dual promises of larger scale and resource impacts that it resolves is a compelling proposition.” The company last year held what it referred to as its “first annual” Scylla Summit, so ScyllaDB must be planning for its technology to stick around.
总部:San Francisco
Funding:进球在系列A $ 4.1M十二月资助在一轮由顶点的合资企业
焦点:ZEPL来自背后的团队阿帕奇齐柏林open-source notebook for big data analytics visualization and is one of numerous companies that sees business intelligence and analytics software vendor Tableau as being vulnerable despite — or because of — its size (market capitalization of $4.1B). ZEPL aims to help enterprises eliminate data analytics silos by providing data scientists, business analysts and others with tools that share a common interface and that support modern frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra and MongoDB.