
Network analytics will redefine IT's abilities to handle the complexities of today's enterprise access networks.

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The way we manage and monitor networks is morphing.


Before IT was forever changed by the arrival of mobile devices, virtualization and cloud apps, fixing network problems was relatively simple because users plugged into the network from one location to access local applications and resources.

But with the proliferation of diverse wireless clients – a range of hardware using different versions of different operating systems (the permutations can quickly scale into the thousands) – and the use of applications and services that are often not under IT’s control, getting to the heart of individual user and systemic client network problems has become the new nightmare.

This is particularly acute in the access network. Just think about a single user connecting to the network. The first leg in the journey is contending for Wi-Fi access, where various problems can scuttle or degrade the effort. Next the user must authenticate to the network, obtain an IP address and resolve DHCP requests, all of which can be problematic. And finally, they access applications locally or traverse a wide area link to the cloud, introducing still more opportunities for things to go south.

A hiccup with any individual step can result in service disruption and poor performance, but the user just chalks it up as a problem with “the network” (and probably as “a problem with IT”).


Because that’s the reality in any IT shop today: boatloads of discrete vendor tools to troubleshoot individual products in specific parts of the network.

That model is no longer tenable due to the amount of data that must be gathered and correlated and analyzed to optimize performance. Blimey, everyone on the team needs to be a data scientist.



Not exclusive to any single vendor, the new class of solutions focused on this approach has been coined “user performance management” (UPM). Although still in their infancy, UPM platforms promise to fundamentally alter the traditional reactive workflows of IT.

Think Netflix for networks


Now try applying this analytics concept to enterprise access networks.

The network analytics platforms collect wired packets, device data, wireless metrics, applications and WAN data, and crunch all this data concurrently to understand important patterns and trends impacting user network performance from virtually any vantage point.


这些系统是独特的,以帮助它更加积极,通过学习网络的不同部分如何工作(或不工作)。然后,他们建议,Ala Netflix,它该怎么做,提供网络管理员的配置建议列表,用于修复在整个基础架构中影响用户性能的特定客户事件或系统基础架构问题。

Most infrastructure vendors, especially those that have Wi-Fi products, are beginning to have an early version of network analytics. Advanced analytics approaches now coming to market from new upstarts are among the most sophisticated vendor-neutral systems in this space. With highly scalable cloud-based platforms designed to crunch massive volumes of data and correlating it across different dimensions, these new solutions figure out what’s actually going on. In turn, remediation recommendations can be automated and surfaced, often times, before network staff even realize there is a problem.


Answering such questions proactively with a new generation of network analytics technology is the holy grail for enterprise network staff and represents a major leap in transforming network operations from a cost to a profit center.

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