



Your customers want more than a just great product. They want a great experience. Businesses all around the world are embracing digital transformation to deliver new memorable, personalized experiences. Airbnb immerses guests into each host’s unique world. Experiential retail is bringing shoppers back into stores. Hospitals are reinventing themselves to create patient experiences that feel more like a “home away from home” to improve patient outcomes. While the digital era is disrupting business and creating new opportunities, it also brings with it challenges and rising expectations.

User Expectations are Growing


For IT, assuring a consistently great Wi-Fi experience has never been more challenging. Not only are there far more people, devices, and a plethora of diverse applications to support, but the rise in IoT is creating even more complexity.

The Gap Continues to Widen


第六代Wi-Fi,802.11ax也称为Wi-Fi 6,是一个关键的创新,有助于解决难以置信的用户期望,以满足伟大的Wi-Fi体验。802.11AX明显更快,针对拥挤的环境,如体育馆,机场,会议中心和大学,茂密的客户竞争网络带宽的拥挤环境。并且,这是IOT的理想技术。


Enabling the Experience Edge

Technology innovation is increasingly critical to create extraordinary digital experiences for employees, customers and guests—and to drive sustainable advantage for business. The network at the edge is at the heart of this transformation. It’s what connects people, devices and IoT to the digital world. As the foundation for digital experiences, the network must be secure, intelligent and always on.


802.11ax is Here

阿鲁巴正在介绍510系列,a new family of802.11ax,IoT-ready access points, with advanced WPA3 certified security, AI-powered Wi-Fi performance assurances, intelligent power monitoring, and integrated Zigbee and Bluetooth 5 radios. These innovations will address the need for greater performance in highly dense mobile environments and for the growing number of IoT deployments, while also improving battery life on client devices.

But Aruba isn’t stopping there. We are taking our innovations one step further with new enhancements to our AI-powered automation and assurance solution helping IT to realize the promise of the autonomous network.

AI-powered Automation and Assurance

阿鲁巴网居星是一个自动化和保证solution that combines AI and crowdsourcing to deliver a powerful solution that continuously monitors and troubleshoots the network and delivers predictive, actionable intelligence to improve network performance and the user experience. By leveraging crowdsourcing from hundreds of thousands of AP installations, NetInsight consistently expands and optimizes its prescriptive insights so that customers can benefit from the anonymous learnings of peer network installations.



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NetInsight还可以帮助组织降低carbon footprint and save energy costs. Think about an office where most people work during the day, say 8am to 6pm. But the APs are powered all night long, even when no one is using them. NetInsight works in concert with our new 802.11ax APs to learn the typical usage patterns in an environment, such as an office, a university campus or a shopping mall, and then automatically powers down the APs when they are not being utilized. We call this capability Green AP and we’re excited to see how our customers maximize their energy savings and advance environmental sustainability.


Secure, autonomous network operations requires an AI solution built on a foundation of real-world expertise, robust, diverse and representative data to power the algorithms that deliver intelligent, actionable insights to improve performance, security and the user experience.阿鲁巴有一个独特的优势在许多竞争对手创建安全自治网络中,包括16年的Wi-Fi专业知识,并从我们的客户在世界各地的网络中以及数百万安装的AP中拥有了学习和最佳实践。

