How networking pros can help make better IT buying decisions

Knowing how smart buying teams make good choices adds to the value IT pros bring to the task of purchasing new hardware, software, and services.

IDG Tech Spotlight  >  IT Leadership [ September 2020 / Network World ]


So what can IT pros do to improve things and ensure successful purchases when they're members of buying teams? Plenty, according to Gartner.



The rate of landing high-quality deals is startlingly low, just 27% on average, according to Hank Barnes, who did the research. And nearly 40% of those polled registered "high regret" with the decisions they made.

Barnes spends most of his time advising vendors on how to improve the way they sell and market their enterprise products, but what he's discovered reveals a lot about how purchasing teams work and what IT pros might do to improve their winning percentage.

Define success


The task, for example, might be updating network infrastructure to support edge computing at regional sites. The technical goal would be having IoT devices report with no latency. The business goal might be supporting revenue growth by 10% as a result of the update. The question to ask is, "What would that mean in practical terms?" Perhaps the answer is optimizing 25 sites per month for the next six months. That means having a migration plans in place by a certain day to do cutovers on time. "Effectively it’s reverse-engineering the project plan," Barnes says.

As part of what he calls the pre-mortem, teams should also define failure. For example, what if they make a good purchase but no one adopts it? Think ahead to user training so the purchase has buy-in.

Tip for IT pros:清楚地了解购买的原因,并确保团队其他成员理解。在整个过程中,保持目标的焦点,忽略可能出现的次要问题。

Team size matters


The more of these functional groups that are involved, the fewer the delays in the buying process, Barnes says.

Tip for IT pros:当你在一个团购委员会里选址的时候,想想购买会影响到哪些用户,并促使这些用户的代表提供意见。


购买团队必然也有偶尔的合适的婚姻对象cipants – executives overseeing the project from a distance, power users and the like – who Barnes calls drop-in decision makers. By authority of their positions in the corporate hierarchy or force of personality, they can sway the direction the team takes.

Because they don't attend all the meetings, they aren't there to hear all the factors considered in making recommendations. As a result they may unduly reject recommendations out of hand based on personal preference, Barnes says.

Tip for IT pros:准备自临时参与者上次参加会议以来团队所做的总结,并向他们简要介绍情况,使他们了解最新情况。

"I call it how-we-got-here guidance," Barnes says. That way, their recommendations will be better informed and less likely to lead to bad decisions. Also, IT pros can help by evaluating how occasional participants' suggestions are likely to affect business outcomes, which can rein in any recommendations that are off-point.

If possible, it's best if occasional participants are kept to a minimum, Barnes' survey found. The best success rate was 52%, and that was for buying groups with three to five active participants and zero occasional participants. The worst performing groups were those with one or two active participants and more than one occasional participant.

Consult outside sources

Buying teams that use outside resources to inform their decisions wind up making more high-quality deals, Barnes found. For those that rely only on information supplied by vendors, the rate is 20%. The more different perspectives brought to bear on a purchase, the more potential issues come to light and can be addressed. "That's the power of diversity," Barnes says. "When I go into buying with a very narrow perspective, biases can really get in the way, and independent validation helps me fight that."

Tip for IT pros:拜访外部消息来源,包括独立测试和审查、分析师和同行。IT专业人士反过来可以通过向公共评论网站提供他们对特定产品的体验来帮助他们的同行。


Security concerns account for the biggest delays in making IT buying decisions, yet, unbelievable as it sounds, only 29% of those who cite security as a delay factor bother to involve security, risk and compliance pros on their purchasing teams.



Tip for IT pros:Make sure your security colleagues are drawn in to help evaluate potential purchases, and do it early. The later in the process that security teams are consulted, the more the entire process will be slowed down.



Team members should rank the importance of their varying tasks and assign the appropriate resources to them.

Tip for IT pros:征集足够的有相关领域知识的相关方来考虑采购的具体方面并进行汇报。这种授权责任减轻了个人的负担,同时也扩大了项目的知识面。

Working on an IT purchasing team is a weighty responsibility and a significant time commitment. The primary strength of IT pros' involvement is their technical expertise, but they can expand their contribution by helping the team function with more clarity, focus and efficiency to produce better outcomes.

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