Private 5G: Its use in enterprises faces challenges

AWS,Cisco和HPE提供的服务提供了私人5G前进,但企业仍然必须与该技术的成本,设备限制以及诸如Wi-Fi 6之类的既定替代方案的竞争抗衡。

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Interest in deploying a private5G企业之间的网络正在增长,但是主流部署面临许多障碍,包括来自不太复杂且无线无线选项的竞争,例如2020欧洲杯c组

Private 5G对于某些企业,尤其是工业,汽车和能源领域,可能会改变游戏规则。研究公司Gartner表示,私人5G网络可以保证下一代用例所需的吞吐量和延迟水平。但这仍然是在私人5G游戏的早期。它可能需要十年的时间才能搁置,因为5G覆盖范围需要扩展,并且5G订阅计划的成本和能力的设备需要下降。


展望未来,由于中型频谱的开放和提供者的增长,这项技术将成为企业的更切实选择,HPE Aruba的无线创新副总裁Stuart Strickland说。

“Until recently, whenever we have had a customer with a use case that appears to require a private cellular deployment, we’ve gone through a process of working with them and some mobile network operator who would donate spectrum. And every single time, the whole thing has fallen apart at some point, usually late stage, because the cellular operator lost interest and decided that they didn’t want to share their spectrum after all,” Strickland said. “So it was really hard for enterprises to simply test the water and try out a deployment of a private cellular network to see whether or not it met their requirements.”

但这在过去的18个月在美国发生了变化,这要归功于一些中频中的5G频谱that can be licensed by enterprises or others that are not public network licensees globally.

As a result, enterprises can now evaluate the technology on their own, independent of operator collaboration, Strickland said.

在美国,联邦通信委员会于去年在10MHz街区拍卖的3.45GHz至3.55GHz范围开始提供100MHz的频谱。A新的拍卖is expected this July. This spectrum公民宽带无线电服务(CBRS),FCC已指定在三层用户中共享的光谱频段从3.5GHz到3.7GHz:现有用户,优先许可人和普遍授权,这些频段已获得轻松许可。

Cisco Systems的Mobility和IoT Business Group首席技术官Ian Campbell表示,开放供私人使用的频谱无疑是企业客户考虑使用5G的驱动因素之一。“这个想法是,现在可以将5G视为与Wi-Fi和有线网络等其他技术一起的可靠连接选项。”



Cisco, for example, plans to use system integrators, service providers, and channel partners to deliver itssubscription-based, private-5G managed service, which it says will integrate with Wi-Fi networks and reduce up-front costs. Cisco will provide its mobile-core technology and IoT portfolio, including Cisco IoT Control Center and Cisco P5G Packet Core, as well as IoT sensors and gateways, device-management software, and monitoring tools.

“我们认为5G是企业可以用来解决某些用例的另一种工具,并且在有意义的情况下将具有某些目的。例如,客户可能希望将5G用作替代访问点,以分割网络并带来额外的容量或支持特定应用程序。” Cisco的Campbell说。“在其他情况下,某些连接更遥远,Wi-Fi网络无法处理。”

For its part, HPE plans to offer私人5G设备与其Aruba Wi-Fi装备集成,可通过其付费服务获得HPE Greenlake云。HPE的服务将从第三方供应商那里使用5G无线电访问网络(RAN)设备来访问客户网站。

“Ultimately we think customers will want something that looks a lot like their wired and wireless networks today, but they can manage everything from the same dashboard, and that’s what we are looking to move toward,” HPE’s Strickland said. “Administrators shouldn’t have to develop a whole new set of tools and a whole new skill set in order to run a parallel cellular network.”

“我们正在学习如何使Wi-Fi和蜂窝网络一起工作,以及如何将管理系统集成在一起,以使我们的客户更容易。因此,对我们来说,这仍然是一个实验阶段。” Strickland说。

Another big player gearing up for private 5G is AWS, which previewed its AWS Private 5G managed service in November 2021. With the AWS service, customers would specify where they want to build a mobile network and its capacity, and AWS would deliver and maintain the small-cell radio units, servers, 5G-core and RAN software, and SIM cards, according to AWS.


AWS Private 5G承诺通过让企业在几天而不是几个月内采购,部署和扩展自己的5G移动网络,而不是几个月来,并且不必从多个第三方供应商那里获取,集成和维护硬件和软件,从而改变了这种情况。。

Private 5G delivery options vary

Ultimately, customers will have to evaluate how they want 5G delivered: via a truly private play or a semi-private variation of a managed service or a fully managed service from a carrier, experts say. “Customers can buy the parts and pieces from the likes of Ericsson, Nokia, Celona or via partners like Cisco/HPE/AWS.” said Brannon Holliger, practice lead, enterprise private wireless, with World Wide Technology.



5G in healthcare, retail, and logistics

How private 5G might grow in the enterprise depends largely on what applications customers plan to deploy.


“ 5G对低延迟应用程序特别有吸引力,例如工业控制,自动化和高带宽应用程序,例如视频,虚拟现实或大规模数据传输,”爱立信和网络产品解决方案副总裁Paul Challoner说。副主席Ongo联盟, an industry group promoting the adoption of LTE and 5G for the 3.5 GHz CBRS band.

Challoner说:“作为一个实践的例子,在爱立信在德克萨斯州的5G智能工厂中,我们正在使用5G网络在工厂的多个光谱频段上运行工厂,包括工厂中的CBR(ONGO)连接,以运行生产和构建自动化系统。”“工厂5G网络控制工厂地板上的自动驾驶汽车(AGV),AR/VR用于检查正在生产的收音机 - 我们使用5G来构建5G。在美国,大约有300,000个工厂可以从此类私人网络中受益。”

Youssef Abdelilah表示,为AGV和机器人提供动力的应用程序需要低潜伏期才能确切移动,提高效率和卸载数据处理。Abdelilah说,5G也适用于实时应用程序,包括4K和8K体育和娱乐的视频流以及Asvirtual Reality。

Stefan Pongratz说:“企业将拥有大量的[4G,LTE和5G]技术和建筑选择,以解决其连接需求,包括Wi-Fi,Lora,Lora,带有切片的移动网络以及正常的移动网络。”president at research firm Dell’Oro Group. Private 5G will serve both non-industrial and industrial use cases, Pongratz said. “And while the工业物联网在这个关头,商业案例可能会更具吸引力,对于非工业或类似Wi-Fi的情况也将有一个市场。”



诺尔说:“它比Wi-Fi 6更为成本,并且由于必须使用公共范围,因此您有干扰风险。”“您使用的设备将需要支持可用频率的支持,这可能很困难。您必须运行自己的5G单元格,或者从云提供商那里获得服务,这会提高成本,这只是一些挑战。”


In addition, at this point in time, most private 5G use cases can be addressed by a properly designed and properly segregated Wi-Fi network, Strickland said. “We haven’t run across anyone who says, ‘I’m going to build a new factory, and I don’t want Wi-Fi in it, I just want private cellular.’ That that kind of customer hasn’t come to us yet.”

Americant Tower的Abdelilah说,私人5G还出现了陡峭的学习曲线,因为切片和选择适合垂直行业且经济的建筑的困难。“充分了解经济学,不仅是硬件和软件的成本,而且总体部署,运营,总体所有权的总成本 - 目前是一个挑战。”

Securing a private 5G environment is another consideration.

Customers don’t want to have different security policy management systems and two different IT teams to manage the wireless and 5G environments, said Greg Dorai, vice president of product management for Cisco’s secure access group. “The technology to handle that isn’t here yet, but we are on a path to it.”

In the past, enterprises were expected to do a lot of the heavy lifting, but that didn’t work very well, Dorai said. “So, making private 5G [available] as a service, integrating all the components, and making it easy to deploy that service will be critical to its success.”

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