足球竞猜app软件网络世界的丹·库斯涅茨基 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年4月23日星期四16:23:59 -0700 2020年4月23日星期四16:23:59 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 什么是数据结构,为什么要关心它? 07:44:00 -0700 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky 数据结构的概念正在行业中出现,它是一种合理的方式,可以将许多数据源、许多数据存储库和新需求连接在一起。你应该关心吗?https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3226393/what-is-a-data-fabric-and-why-should-you-care.html Sumo Logic希望让各种规模的公司都能使用机器数据分析 07:50:00 -0700 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky <本文> <节课=“页面”>




在挑战所有组织面对的就是自己IT基础设施越来越复杂,有许多移动部件。这些部分的每被产生大量操作和机器数据的。这些数据的分析可以是非常具有挑战性,因为它是存储在许多地方,并保存在许多不同的格式。相扑Logic的想法是统一两者的存储和提供平等地获得使预测分析更加容易。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3200028/sumo-logic-wants-to-make-machine-data-analysis-available-to-companies-of-all-sizes.html 最近的HP Officejet 8715固件更新有什么秘密? 星期二,2017年05:00:00 -0700 5月30日 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

Jumping in the wayback machine and going back to 2015, we all can remember that HP issued a printer firmware update that locked printers into only using HP ink cartridges. This meant that printers would sense the use of recycled cartridges or third party cartridges and would present an error and stop working.

When asked, HP offered this comment:

HP is constantly improving security for its products and customers. Beginning in late 2015, HP implemented updates to the firmware related to the security chip in HP OfficeJet, OfficeJet Pro and OfficeJet Pro X printers that maintains secure communications between the cartridge and the printer. The purpose of this update is to protect HP’s innovations and intellectual property. These printers will continue to work with refilled or remanufactured cartridges with an Original HP security chip. Other cartridges may not function. In many cases this functionality was installed in the HP printer and in some cases it has been implemented as part of an update to the printer’s firmware.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3198666/what-secrets-does-the-recent-hp-officejet-8715-firmware-update-hold.html Veeam的目标是使用可用性套件v10实现持续可用性 2017年5月19日星期五10:39:00 -0700 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

Veeam Software has been busy at its VeeamON user conference in New Orleans this week. During the event, the company talked about how it supports the "always on enterprise" and how it is helping enterprises support the transition to supporting the "digital life."

The company's new Veeam Availability Suite v10 is designed to, in the company's words, "provide non-stop business continuity, digital transformation agility and analytics and visibility."

Veeam Availability Suite v10

Here's what the company has to say about this new version of its software:

This platform protects:

  • Physical servers and Network Attached Storage (NAS).
  • Tier-1 applications and mission-critical workloads with NEW Veeam CDP (continuous data protection), bringing recovery SLAs of seconds using continuous replication to the private or managed cloud.
  • Native object storage support, freeing up costly primary backup storage with policy-driven automated data management to reduce long-term retention and compliance costs. This includes broad cloud object storage support with Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, Microsoft Azure Blob and any S3/Swift compatible storage.

The company goes on to describe what's new:

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能否成为企业的自动化平台?红帽是这么想的 2017年5月3日星期三10:45:00 -0700 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

Red Hat presented a vision during today's keynote address at the Red Hat Summit that it believes Ansible can and will be the foundation for enterprise-wide automation. Red Hat, by the way, recently acquired Ansible.

Although the vision appears enticing at first glance, the broad statements about unifying the enterprise data center under Ansible really don't ring true.

What is Ansible?

Ansible describes its technology in the following way:

Ansible is the most popular open source automation tool on GitHub today with more than a quarter million downloads per month. With over 2,400 contributors submitting new modules all the time, rest assured that what you are automating is covered in Ansible already, or will be very soon."
Ansible was founded to provide a new way to think about managing systems and applications that better fit this new world. Historically, management vendors and home-grown scripting solutions were created to manage stacks of software on servers. In contrast, Ansible was created to orchestrate multi-tier applications across clouds. From configuration to deployment to zero-downtime rolling upgrades, Ansible is a single framework that can fully automate today’s modern enteprise apps.
Simple, agentless & powerful. Ansible’s simple, YAML-based automation syntax is quick to learn and easy for the entire organization to adopt. By utilizing SSH (on Linux/Unix) or WinRM & PowerShell (on Windows), Ansible doesn’t require an agent to do its magic. And Ansible does so much more than configuration management… Ansible can deploy apps and orchestrate complex tasks that other systems have a hard time doing.

Snapshot analysis: Third parties must be involved

While an interesting thought, Ansible, or for that matter any X86-based management and automation platform isn't sufficient to take on the role of enterprise-wide automation and management platform. In a traditional enterprise data center, there are just too many non-X86 platforms and solutions.

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为什么大型机仍然在企业数据中心?2020欧洲杯预赛 2017年4月26日星期三11:54:00 -0700 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

In the recent past, I've had the opportunity to speak with representatives of Cobol-IT, Compuware, Heirloom Computing, TmaxSoft and a few others who have targeted enterprises still using mainframes.

A few of them, such as Compuware, are focused on adding rapid application development and deployment (aka DevOps) to the mainframe, making the environment seem relevant today.

+ Also on Network World: Why banks love mainframes +

Most of the others, however, are focused on convincing enterprises that it is finally time for them to abandon the mainframe and move those workloads to industry-standard x86 systems running Windows or Linux or, perhaps, to midrange Unix systems.

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一台PC可以支持多个用户吗?一些供应商说可以 星期二,2017年2月28日9点02分00秒-0800 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

We have all watched a major cultural shift in the world of IT, from optimizing the use of the computer to optimizing the use of the developer and user.

This move makes a great deal of sense. At one time, the computer, its memory and its storage were the biggest costs of supporting an IT solution. Over time, that changed. The drastic improvement in processing power and memory capacity, combined with amazing decreases in system and component prices, changed the ratio so that people, communications and power were all more costly than the machines and their components themselves.

These factors, along with users' desire for graphical user interfaces, changed the world of IT. It is not really clear, however, if all of the changes were beneficial.

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无服务器计算——新思想还是旧思想的新实现? 08:57:00 -0800 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

My clients have started asking questions about a new industry catch phrase that they've started to hear coming from suppliers of cloud-based computing services. The phrase is "serverless" computing. They've also run into a related phrase, "Function as a Service." Is this really a new idea or a new implementation of an older one?

In short, there is little new under the sun in the world of IT and this can be seen as yet another take at supporting a microservice in the context of a cloud computing service.

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树脂。IO让Linux和容器为物联网工作 2017年1月24日星期二12:15:00 -0800 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

Resin.IO is working to make the use of containers and microservices useful tools to developers of Linux-based Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

CEO Alexandros Marinos said the company has been working for three years to make mainstream containers attractive to developers of embedded workloads, such as those found in IoT applications. The company calls this the "Industrial Internet."

What Resin.IO offers

Resin.IO offers a development and deployment framework based upon Linux and containers (Docker) that is designed to facilitate control of the on-device environment, provision devices on the network, and manage of what the company calls a "fleet" of systems. These tools also make it possible to automate operations of "the fleet" and keep it secure through the use of encrypted communications to/from devices in "the fleet" that deploys two-factor authentication.

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Compuware总测试为大型机Cobol开发带来了单元测试 2017年1月5日星期四11:11:00 -0800 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

Compuware, a supplier known for its focus on making mainframes a home for today's applications, not a hospice, recently announced an enhancement to its Total Test agile development tool. The goal is to provide DevOps tools to the mainframe world.

Compuware Total Test

Here's what Compuware has to say about Total Test:

  • The world’s largest enterprises run their business on Cobol—but can’t nimbly update that code in response to changing business needs due to quality concerns, antiquated processes and loss of application expertise.
  • Compuware is addressing this critical issue with the first fully automated mainframe unit testing solution that empowers in-house, outsourced, expert and novice developers alike to immediately validate code changes.
  • This Java-like unit testing effectively eliminates the notion of Cobol as “legacy” code that can’t be updated with the same speed and confidence as other code—providing large enterprises with unprecedented agility.
  • The release of Topaz for Total Test underscores Compuware’s leadership of a mainframe renaissance encompassing agile, DevOps, continuous delivery and the generational shift in platform stewardship.

As a result of this innovation, enterprise IT organizations can now ease and accelerate the entire mainframe application lifecycle. Features include:

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红帽OpenStack平台10的目标是私有云 2016年12月16日星期五07:24:00 -0800 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky <本文> <节课=“页面”>




新的改进和更新的Red Hat的OpenStack平台10包括:

  • 阿通过一种更容易使用的图形用户界面(GUI)来驱动更流线型的用户体验,降低了复杂性的安装和管理。专为生产使用,红帽的OpenStack平台总监GUI提供了一些新的集成功能,如自动升级和更新(包括头孢),高级网络配置,高可用性,并通过马尼拉服务,部署文件共享使用的选项可从NetApp和红帽集成驱动Ceph的存储。
  • 通过引进使用红帽的OpenStack平台总监定制的服务和管理角色提高灵活性更大的可扩展性。云计算运营商现在能够在通过定制的OpenStack服务来运行和相互独立的缩放更细致的级别控制自己的OpenStack环境。这提供了更大的灵活性,部署服务,以满足不同的组织的独特的工作负载需求时。
  • 通过新的安全相关的增强功能,如大规模部署改进的高可用性(HA)大数据保证。打开。此外,可选的对象存储加密的和短暂的安全令牌提高安全性措施,并且由于盗窃的数据访问的风险更低。
  • ,用于通过新的数据平面开发工具包网络密集型工作负载改进的性能(DPDK)成分 vSwitch, and single-root input/output virtualization (SR-IOV), results in network performance that is comparable to bare metal. Additionally, network routing is now more flexible and faster, allowing customers to choose between centralized routing or distributed routing (DVR).
  • A new “ready state” hardware certification program, based on OpenStack Ironic. While Red Hat already supports certified hardware plug-ins for several OpenStack components, the new program is designed to expand the ecosystem of hardware options for automated bare-metal configuration. Dell EMC is the first Red Hat partner to be certified for Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10 ready-state, with several more coming soon.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10 also introduces distributed continuous integration (DCI) to key partners, such as Dell EMC, NEC, and Rackspace. This collaborative approach to testing can help partners more effectively prepare for new Red Hat OpenStack Platform releases, and provide customers with greater stability and higher quality cloud solutions that have been tested many times over with their uniquely integrated cloud system than previously offered.

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戴尔慧智5060:瘦客户机知识工作者 2016年12月1日星期四04:30:00 -0800 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky <文章> <节类= “网页”>

戴尔刚刚发布,这显然是旨在解决那些繁重的计算,图形和虚拟接入/ VDI计算环境中工作的安全性要求的需求的瘦客户端系统。Wyse的5060配备了AMD 2.4GHz的四核处理器,支持高达8GB的RAM和64GB闪存。该公司声称,该产品提供了



  • <强>广泛操作系统支持: Wyse的5060是可提供在OS中的选择,给顾客配置基于其具体要求瘦客户机的能力。在启动时,5060可与戴尔自己的Wyse ThinOS软件或装有Windows Embedded Standard(WES)7P购买。在2017年年初,升级到Windows 10物联网将可用于WES客户,而5060也将随后可与慧智ThinLinux

  • 创新的安全: Dell提供与所述的Wyse 5060瘦客户机多于一个的安全层。该装置包括与识别如果在安全存储的加密密钥,证书和口令的系统的完整性已被破坏的能力的嵌入式可信平台模块(TPM)芯片组。在软件层面,慧智ThinOS软件是一款超安全,病毒,减轻操作系统未公开的API。对于那些选择了基于Windows的瘦客户机,企业可以受益于安全与戴尔数据保护的附加层|威胁防御,对可执行的恶意软件的99%提供先进的威胁防护功能(基于戴尔自己的测试)

  • 可靠的连接:为了提供无缝 user experience and productivity demands of today’s knowledge worker, the thin client supports dual 4K (3840x2160) monitors and provides multiple connectivity options with six USB ports, two of which are USB 3.0 for high-speed peripherals, as well as two DisplayPort connectors, wired networking or wireless 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac.

  • Easy manageability: Dell offers a full suite of on-premise, off-premise and auto management software options to deliver robust, enterprise-level manageability that can scale to tens of thousands of devices. Through the Wyse Device Manager, IT teams can streamline remote configuration and policy management of corporate and user-owned client devices—including thin and zero clients, iOS and Android devices—through a single, intuitive console.

Dell also said: "The Wyse 5060 thin client is compatible with all of the major virtualization software brokers, including Citrix XenDesktop, Microsoft RDS and VMware Horizon. VMware Blast Extreme remote protocol is also supported on the WES and ThinLinux-based versions."

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3145639/dell-wyse-5060-the-thin-client-for-knowledge-workers.html SUSE发布了SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 Service Pack 2 2016年11月16日星期三09:16:00 -0800 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

While I was off fighting viruses, SUSE released an update to its SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, a popular business Linux operating environment. The focus of this service pack appears to be accelerating network performance, enhancing support for SAP applications and HANA, improving support for IBM Power architecture systems and other important improvements.

What SUSE has to say about this release

  • Ten-fold increase in packet processing via software-defined networking (SDN) that combines Open vSwitch with the Data Plane Development Kit. This is a key enabler for telecom providers to efficiently implement virtual network functions. Added to SUSE Linux Enterprise’s broad hypervisor support, the integration of DPDK gives customers a complete virtualization solution for cloud and on-premise deployments.
  • More agile support for SAP applications to ease migration to S/4HANA, accelerate deployment of SAP applications, tune SAP HANA for performance, and create a more resilient and secure SAP environment with enhanced support for SAP HANA clusters, even on geographical levels.
  • Reduced downtime and improved I/O performance through persistent system memory applications using integrated Non-Volatile Dual In-line Memory Modules (NVDIMMs) that save data in seconds and make data immediately available on reboot.
  • Increased ability to implement cost-effective, high-performance data analytics on IBM Power Systems LC and OpenPOWER servers, including bare metal support.
  • Time- and resource-saving “skip service packs” functionality, which lets customers skip upgrades of prior service packs and jump straight to SP2 from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.
  • Ongoing FIPS 140-2 certification to meet strict security requirements of federal government, Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and financial industry customers.
  • Reduced downtime for large-memory IBM POWER-based systems via minimized memory initialization times for server restarts along with high availability and geo clustering support for IBM POWER.
  • Support for ARMv8-A, including enablement for the Raspberry Pi3, making SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 one of the first commercially available enterprise Linux platforms for this architecture.
  • Support for Intel’s scalable Omni-Path Architecture to deploy high-performance computing workloads.
  • Simplified access to the latest packages and technologies via SUSE Package Hub integration with SUSE Customer Center, helping customers seamlessly obtain modules and package updates.

Input from partners, including HPE, Intel and others, has enabled building NVDIMM capability as an integral component of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 platform, allowing customers to benefit from early adoption.

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MongoDB的3.4加速数字化改造的企业 周三,2016年11月2日10:32:00 -0700 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

MongoDB just released version 3.4 of its database product. The company states that this release targets enterprises wanting to conduct a "digital transformation."

What MongoDB appears to mean is that version of the software extends operational and analytical capabilities with the goal in mind of helping those enterprises select a single database for their "Next-Generation Applications."

Here's what MongoDB has to say about version 3.4

The latest version is a major advance that places MongoDB at the center of enterprises’ digital transformation initiatives. Organizations today are focused on delivering new classes of applications, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence, which have deep operational and analytical requirements. By further strengthening the product’s always-on operational and real-time analytics capabilities, MongoDB makes it easier for enterprises to consolidate their technology footprint and accelerate their digital transformation with a single database.

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容器:它的历史似乎在重复自己 2016年10月26日星期三12:04:00 -0700 丹Kusnetzky 丹Kusnetzky

Portworx, a data storage company for containers, released the results of its recently completed survey. Although I can't vouch for the survey instrument, the survey sample or the analysis of the data, the results were interesting and the study appeared to be constructed well.

Portworx's analysis of the survey data

This is what Portworx had to say about the results of its survey:

"The survey identified which business benefits IT professionals are seeking through the deployment of containers. Agility (75 percent) and reduced costs (53 percent) were the top benefits sought.

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