首席执行官亚历山德罗斯·马里诺斯(Alexandros Marinos)表示,该公司已经工作了三年,以使主流容器对嵌入式工作负载(如物联网应用)的开发人员具有吸引力。该公司称之为“工业互联网”。
树脂。IOoffers a development and deployment framework based upon Linux and containers (Docker) that is designed to facilitate control of the on-device environment, provision devices on the network, and manage of what the company calls a "fleet" of systems. These tools also make it possible to automate operations of "the fleet" and keep it secure through the use of encrypted communications to/from devices in "the fleet" that deploys two-factor authentication.
因为树脂。IOhas built its computing platform on Linux and containers, it is hoped that enterprises and suppliers just entering the IoT market will be comfortable and productive quickly.
首先,我认为是树脂。IO's work is important and worthy of some attention. IoT applications represent distributed computing and might also be thought of as important to the future of clustering, technical computing and parallel processing.
在这一点上,树脂。IOrefers to an interesting article, "10个神奇的树莓派集群,展示了用足球竞猜app软件于支持复杂工作负载的Raspberry PI设备的例子。简报结束后,我下载并阅读了这篇文章。如果您对集群、高性能计算、并行处理等感兴趣,那么值得花时间阅读本文。
Gibbs的文章探讨了一些案例,在这些案例中,研究人员、学者和其他IT专业人员一起利用许多小Raspberry PI系统的能力来创建强大到足以“拉他们的工作量”的集群。这让我想起了20世纪80年代初我在Digital Equipment(现在是HPE的一部分)工作时,我的客户所做的事情。
树脂。IO's work appears in support of today's industry moves to deploy many complex applications in a simpler way. While the company is focused on IoT today, the same techniques could be used for other types of workloads.