足球竞猜app软件网络世界的弗雷德里克·保罗 //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 2020年4月13日星期一23:17:40 -0700 2020年4月13日星期一23:17:40 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 6年高科技发展,革命和激进变革 2019年9月5日星期四03:00:00 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

Exactly six years ago today—Sept. 5, 2013—Network World published my very first TechWatch blog post. It addressed the introduction of Samsung's Galaxy Gear and the problem with smartwatches.

Since then, I’ve written hundreds of blog posts on a dizzying array of technology topics, ranging from net neutrality to phablets to cloud computing to big data to the internet of things (IoT)—and many, many more. It’s been a great ride, and I will be forever grateful to my amazing editors at Network World and everyone who’s taken the time to read my work. But all good things must come to an end, and this will be my last TechWatch post for Network World.

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蓝牙发现在物联网产业的互联网作用 2019年8月30日星期五06:56:00 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

Like most people, I think of Bluetooth as a useful but consumer-oriented technology that lets me make easy wireless connections from my smartphone to various headsets, portable speakers, automobile, and other devices. And, of course, billions of people rely on Bluetooth for exactly those capabilities. But according to Chuck Sabin, senior director of market development for the Bluetooth SIG, the technology is growing into a key role in the industrial internet of things (IIoT).

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5大物联网安全隐患 2019年8月25日星期日21:00:00 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

Even though Brother International is a supplier of many  IT products, from machine tools to head-mounted displays to industrial sewing machines, it’s best known for printers. And in today’s world, those printers are no longer stand-alone devices, but components of the internet of things.

That’s why I was interested in this list from Robert Burnett, Brother’s director, B2B product & solution – basically, the company’s point man for large customer implementations. Not surprisingly, Burnett focuses on IoT security mistakes related to printers and also shares Brother’s recommendations for dealing with the top five.

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不要担心你的影子。影子物联网更糟糕。 2019年8月22日星期四08:21:00 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


这可能是真的,但它不是故事的全部。正如我一直认为,影子IT可能会增加风险,但它也可以降低成本,提高生产力和加速创新。That’s why users are often so eager to circumvent what they see as slow and conservative IT departments by adopting increasingly powerful and affordable consumer and cloud-based alternatives, with or without the blessing of the powers that be. Just as important, there’s plenty of evidence of that enlightened IT departments should work to leverage those new approaches to serve their internal customers in a more agile manner.

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物联网在扩大无人机使用方面的作用 2019年7月25日星期四09:11 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗 <文章> <节类= “页”>

作为忠实读者 TechWatch (love you, Mom) may know, the rollout of many companies’ ambitious drone delivery services has not gone as quickly as promised. Despite recent signs of progress in Australia and the United States—not to mention clever ideas for burger deliveries to cars stuck in traffic—drone delivery remains a long way from becoming a viable option in the vast majority of use cases. And the problem affects many areas of drone usage, not just the heavily hyped drone delivery applications.

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如何宝马的苹果CarPlay新的年费可以定义物联网 周三,2019年7月24日11:06:00 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗 <文章> <节类= “网页”>

苹果称之为CarPlay“最终副驾驶“。宝马调用它方便地使用你的iPhone,而在你的车采用了“智能,快捷的方式。... You can control your iPhone and use apps with the touchscreen display, the iDrive Controller or voice commands.”

However you describe it, though, Apple’s CarPlay system suddenly finds itself in the center of what could be a defining conversation about the future of the internet of things (IoT).

You see, the German luxury carmaker’s plans to charge $80 a year to access CarPlay have suddenly become the talk of the internet, from tech blogs to car sites. The hue and cry makes CarPlay the perfect illustration of the promise—and the pitfalls—of the IoT.

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Wi-Fi是物联网中最安全的 2019年7月24日星期三06:29:00 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

当谈到连接物联网(IoT)设备,有各种各样的网络可供选择,每个都有自己的一套功能,优势和劣势,和理想的用例。良好的老Wi-Fi通常被视为默认的网络选择,在很多地方都可以使用,但范围有限,并不特别适合物联网的实现。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3410563 / when-it-comes-to-the-iot-wi-fi-has-the-best-security。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3410563/when-it-comes-to-the-iot-wi-fi-has-the-best-security.html IDG内幕
智能城市提供窗口到企业物联网技术的演进 星期四,2019年7月18日8时17分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

Powering smart cities is one of the most ambitious use cases for the internet of things (IoT), combining a wide variety of IoT technologies to create coherent systems that span not just individual buildings or campuses but entire metropolises. As such, smart cities offer a window into the evolution of enterprise IoT technologies and implementations on the largest scale.

And that’s why I connected with Christophe Fourtet, CSO and co-founder of Sigfox, a French global network operator, to learn more about using wireless networks to connect large numbers of low-power objects, ranging from smartwatches to electricity meters. (And I have to admit I was intrigued by the 0G network moniker, which conjured visions of weightless IoT devices floating in space, or maybe OG-style old-school authenticity. That’s not at all what it’s about, of course.)

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所有的物联网专家要去哪里来的呢? 星期三,2019年6月26日8点41分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

如果物联网(IOT)将要履行其带来巨大的希望,这将智能,技能,训练有素的工人需要军团,让一切发生。And right now, it’s not entirely clear where those people are going to come from.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3404489/where-are-all-the-iot-experts-going-to-come-from.html IDG内幕
关于5G网络和设备的17个预测 2019年6月18日星期二07:37:00 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

“作为市场的后市场上5G开关,我们在某个时间真正重大的问题。没有上一代移动技术已带动经济增长的程度,5G承诺的潜力。它超越了人们连接到充分实现物联网(IOT)和第四次工业革命的互联网。” 的的的 2019年6月爱立信移动报告 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3403358/17-predictions-about-5g-networks-and-devices.html IDG内幕 物联网安全与隐私:这是一个比较大的问题? 2019年6月12日星期三02:30:00 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

如果您按照围绕物联网(IOT)的消息,您知道安全问题长期以来一直是物联网的消费者,企业和供应商的一个关键问题。Those issues are very real, but I’m becoming increasingly convinced that related but fundamentally different privacy vulnerabilities may well be an even bigger threat to the success of the IoT.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3401522/iot-security-vs-privacy-which-is-a-bigger-issue.html IDG内幕
6种方法使企业物联网成本有效 星期二,2019年6月11日五时十六分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

There’s little question that the internet of things (IoT) holds enormous potential for the enterprise, in everything from asset tracking to compliance.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3401082/6-ways-to-make-enterprise-iot-cost-effective.html IDG内幕
它的时候,物联网,以“优化的信任” 2019年6月3日星期一11:01 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


但是,在最近的文章中,“的如何对物联网将改变广告”(which you should definitely read), the always-insightful Stacy Higginbotham tossed in a line that I can’t stop thinking about: “It's crucial that the IoT optimizes for trust."

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大堵车项目可能是最酷/最蠢的物联网想法 星期三,2019六时34分00秒-0700 5月22日 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗

People love to eat in their cars. That’s why we invented the drive-in and the drive-thru.

But despite a fast-food outlet on the corner of every major intersection, it turns out we were only scratching the surface of this idea. Burger King is taking this concept to the next logical step with its new IoT-powered Traffic Jam Whopper project.

I have to admit, when I first heard about this, I thought it was a joke, but apparently the Traffic Jam Whopper project is totally real and has already passed a month-long test in Mexico City. While the company hasn’t specified a timeline, it plans to roll out the Traffic Jam Whopper project in Los Angeles (where else?) and other traffic-plagued megacities such as São Paulo and Shanghai.

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企业物联网:公司希望在这4个领域的解决方案 2019年5月21日星期二08:33:00 -0700 弗雷德里克·保罗 弗雷德里克·保罗 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


为了找到答案,我换了与罗布Mesirow电子邮件,在的PwC’s Connected Solutions, the firm’s new one-stop-shop of IoT solutions, who suggests that consumer adoption may not paint a true picture of the enterprise opportunities. If you remove the health trackers and the smart thermostats from the market, he suggested, there are very few connected devices left.

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