足球竞猜app软件网络世界分析师Zeus Kerravala //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 星期一,2020年7月27日11:00:00 -0700 星期一,2020年7月27日11:00:00 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 如何定制SASE到企业 星期一,2020年7月27日8点25分00秒-0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala <本文> <节课=“页面”>


根据Gartner,这创造了术语定义,SASE呼吁保障在建作为网络的一部分,并作为云服务交付,但可能不适合所有企业面临的情况 <一边类= “fakesidebar”> <强> READ约SD-WAN 如何选购SD-WAN技术:关键问题选择供应商时要考虑• How to pick an off-site data-backup method •  SD-Branch: What it is and why you’ll need itWhat are the options for security SD-WAN?

Depending on their needs, it may make more sense to have SASE delivered as a managed service package or even in an architecture that includes privately owned security infrastructure that is managed from the cloud – alternatives that can achieve the same goals.

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SD-WAN提高虫害控制公司的网络性能 2020年7月13日星期一03:30:00 -0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala <文章> <节类=“网页”>




最近ZK研究性学习中发现的规定的COVID-19大流行的受访者58%已取得网络更加重要。从历史上看,大公司有多个位置需要强大的网络技术,以降低成本和停机,简化管理,并改善用户体验。现在,企业需要将公司网络连接到远程工作人员无论在家里还是在外地。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3566074/sd-wan-boosts-pest-control-companys-network-performance.html 的Wi-Fi 6E:当它的未来,什么是好的 周三,2020年6月24日14时44分○○秒-0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala <文章> <节类= “页”>

该弹簧the FCC opened up a new swath of unlicensed wireless spectrum in the 6GHz band that’s intended for use with Wi-Fi and can provide lower latency and faster data rates. The new spectrum also has a shorter range and supports more channels than bands that were already dedicated to Wi-Fi, making it suitable for deployment in high-density areas like stadiums.

To further understand what Wi-Fi 6E is and how it differs from Wi-Fi 6, I recently talked with Perry Correll, director of product management for networking solutions vendor Extreme Networks.

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作为工作在家里的增加,所以做VoIP和统一通信的攻击 周四,2020年6月18日14:38:00 -0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala

Businesses use on-prem and cloud-based unified communications (UC) to connect distributed workforces but often don’t realize the security threats hidden within popular UC services, but they should, and they should address them.

There has been a sharp rise in eMeetings, Voice over IP (VoIP) and other UC capabilities as companies shift to a work-from-home (WFH) model because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Don’t expect this trend to abate any time soon as 93% of CXOs that responded to a ZK Research study say they see a permanent 30% uplift in the number of remote employees.

Survey respondents say maintaining productivity is the top challenge when shifting users to WFH, highlighting the importance of collaboration tools. The right ones can make the transition seamless. For example, VoIP enables workers to maintain the same phone number at home as they do in the office. They can also connect using a desk phone, mobile phone or software client on a computer, which makes the shift nearly frictionless.

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BrandPost:SD-广域网的变形方法从物理站点到背包,轮船和火车 星期二2020 03:00:00 -0700 5月12日 品牌发布 品牌发布

Imagine an emergency scenario where a first responder can treat or monitor an injured person in a remote location with guidance from a doctor via real-time video. The first responder is equipped with a backpack that not only contains essential medical supplies, but also a ruggedized laptop and a solid state software-defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) appliance that provides dual LTE connectivity to a 4G network.

This innovation known as backpack-as-a-service is possible thanks to SD-WANs, which now have many emerging use cases beyond just connecting branch offices, warehouses, and retail locations. SD-WANs are built for mobile environments to prioritize critical and real-time applications, such as video telemedicine.

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流感大流行揭示了更好的远程医疗的需要 周一年,2020年十八点56分00秒-0700 5月11日 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala

The global pandemic is creating a new normal where every aspect of the way we work, live, learn, and play is changed, and one of the industries that will undergo the greatest transformation is healthcare.

Doctors may never go back to pre-COVID-19 days when routine face-to-face consultations were the norm. The coronavirus opened the floodgates and put existing networking technologies to a test. While many service providers passed with flying colors by handling spikes in network traffic, COVID-19 revealed connectivity shortcomings that must be addressed going forward.

Telehealth is the way of the future

The current healthcare model of having to get in a car, drive across town, sit in a waiting room to see someone is archaic. Over the past few years, I have interviewed many healthcare professionals about telehealth, which was starting to see some usage, although it was the exception, not the norm.  COVID-19 accelerated something that was a “good idea” into actual deployments although there is more work to be done.

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NVIDIA咄咄逼人的采购可能预示着开放式网络时代 星期二,2020年5月5日15:20:00 -0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala

NVIDIA’s plans to acquire Cumulus Networks, a pioneer of using open source for networking, is a sign that open networking is finally ready for a big leap forward.

Open networking has been tightly coupled with software-defined networking (SDN) because the combination promises to make networks significantly more agile, open and easier to customize to specific needs. Cumulus has been working on it for years, and NVIDIA started pushing into it when it acquired Mellanox last week.

The question the Cumulus acquisition raises is “why now”? The concept of open networking has been hotly debated since SDN came into prominence. The concept is sound, and open systems will disrupt the network industry much as it did the compute space. Yet while Linux and open source are wildly successful in the compute industry, open source has yet to take off in networking outside of webscale networks and a handful of large organizations.

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故障排除远程员工体验在COVID-19的时代必须的 星期二,2020年4月21日14时44分○○秒-0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a massive wave in remote working, and this is causing some new pains for organizations, particularly network operations.

Since shelter-in-place orders were given, I’ve talked to about 50 IT and business leaders to discuss their priorities, and here are the top four:

  • Minimize disruption of employees
  • Maintain the highest levels of customer service
  • Minimize the impact to supply chain
  • Continue with 100% of business operations

Three out of four of these are directly affected by network performance. Employees working from home are collaborating over video to approximate an in-person experience, and the majority of tools they use are cloud-based. Organizations are also shifting their contact-center workers to cloud solutions to keep customer service high.

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知道SASE云机联网的好处 孙,2020年3月29日21点05分00秒-0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala <文章> <节类=“网页”>




嗯,我绝对同意。  The manifesto that Cato was founded on was the vision of converging network transport and network security and delivering it as a cloud service. The argument as to why you need SASE is topological in nature because traffic patterns have changed. Network traffic used to be inward bound because people sat at their desks, using corporate workstations and connecting to enterprise applications that resided in the company data centers.

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SD-WAN和AIOps的撞在了一起 星期二,2020年3月24日21:00:00 -0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala

Software-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN) and AIOps are both red-hot technologies. SD-WANs increase application availability, reduce costs and in some cases improve performance. AIOps infuses machine learning into IT operations to increase the level of automation. This reduces errors and enables businesses to make changes at digital speeds. Most think of these as separate technologies, but the two are on a collision course and will give rise to what I'm calling the AI-WAN. 

SD-WAN not a panacea for all network woes

SD-WAN is the biggest leap forward in networking since… well, the actual WAN. But many solutions still rely on manual configurations. SD-WANs certainly increase application resiliency, lower telecommunications costs, and often increase application performance, but they are more complicated than traditional WANs. Initial setup can be a challenge, but the bigger issue is ongoing operations. Manually tweaking and tuning the network to adapt to business changes can be time consuming and error-prone. A solution is needed to bring better automation to SD-WANs.

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BrandPost:为什么SD-广域网需要人工智能 星期二,2020年3月17日03:00:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

A modern car’s parallel park assist feature is a great invention that saves time, but it can’t make intelligent decisions about where to park or take into account no parking zones and street cleaning days. A driver still needs to be present. That is, until fully autonomous vehicles become a reality. Self-driving cars will rely on understanding road rules and use artificial intelligence (AI) to make decisions without drivers. Data will be constantly fed into the automobile, so as conditions change, so too will the AI-based decisions. 

The same is true for self-driving networks. An AI-powered software-defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) knows all the rules and can adapt to changes based on business intent. SD-WANs are paving the way for the convergence of networking, security, and AI to help businesses address growing data challenges as they migrate to the cloud. Simply put, next-generation cloud-based apps require smarter networks that just work.

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随着网络的发展,企业需要重新考虑安全性 孙,2020年3月15日21:00:00 -0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala <本文> <节课= “页面”>

数字创新扰乱企业。数据和应用程序在新的商业模式的枢纽,数据需要以越来越高的速度在扩展型网络旅游没有中断。要做到这一点,组织根本上采用多重云环境,建立超大规模的数据中心,重新装备自己的校园,并为他们的下一代分支机构设计新的连接系统重新设计他们的网络。2020欧洲杯预赛网络比以往任何时候都更加灵活和软件驱动的速度更快。他们也越来越难以保证。要了解所面临的挑战,以及安全需求的变化,我最近曾与约翰·麦迪森,厂商的网络安全产品执行副总裁Fortinet公司。 To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3531929/as-the-network-evolves-enterprises-need-to-rethink-security.html 数字化改造的下一波需要更好的安全性,自动化 周三,2020年3月11日21:00:00 -0700 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala <本文> <节课=“页面”>


从应用交付厂商F5 Networks公司的最新报告发现企业正在进入通过自动化他们的网络的多个部分数字化改造的第二阶段。根据对近2600高层领导全球,来自不同行业,公司规模和角色-的的2020 State of Application Services Report uncovered five key trends shaping the application landscape.

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BrandPost:2020年将成为事后诸葛亮为SD-WAN一年 星期二,2020年3月10日06:00:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <文章> <节类=“页”>


SD-WAN的目的是要解决从物理设备的流量管理的问题,以使基于软件的从云供应。许多初始SD-WAN的部署被取代昂贵的多协议标签交换的愿望(MPLS)燃料。公司曾希望它可以神奇地解决所有的网络问题。但在实践中,基本的SD-WAN解决方案这一承诺远远不及。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3531315/2020-will-be-a-year-of-hindsight-for-sd-wan.html 从思科的年度互联网报告要点总结 周三,2020年3月4日4点49分00秒-0800 分析师Zeus Kerravala 分析师Zeus Kerravala

By 2023, two-thirds of the world’s population will have Internet access—that’s 5.3 billion total Internet users, compared to 3.9 billion in 2018. The number of devices and connections will also skyrocket. There will be 3.6 networked devices per capita by 2023, whereas in 2018, there were 2.4 networked devices per capita.

These findings come from Cisco’s Annual Internet Report (2018 – 2023) (AIR) - previously known as Visual Network Index (VNI), which assesses the digital transformation across different business segments and their adoption of networking technologies, including fixed broadband, Wi-Fi, and mobile (3G, 4G, 5G). 

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