足球竞猜app软件网络世界计算机迷 //m.banksfrench.com en - us Sat, 11 Apr 2020 21:24:03 -0700 Sat, 11 Apr 2020 21:24:03 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png. 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 重力扫描,保证WordPress网站的安全 2017年5月24日星期三13:34:00 -0700 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

If your website, in common with roughly 25% of all websites, is running WordPress then it's pretty much certain that it's being constantly attacked. WordPress is to hackers what raw meat is to jackals because unless sites are assiduously maintained, they quickly become vulnerable to a huge number of exploits.

The root cause of this vulnerability is WordPress' ecosystem of complex core software augmented by thousands of third party developers whose themes and plugins are often buggy and not quickly (or often, never) updated to fend off known security problems. Add to that many site owners being slow to update their core WordPress installation and you have an enormous and easily discovered collection of irresistible hacking targets.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3198426/gravityscan-keeping-wordpress-sites-safe.html#tk.rss_gearhead 安全
10个杀手覆盆子PI项目 星期三,2017年5月24日12:23:00 -0700 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯 <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >多产的开发者覆盆子π< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100723572 " src = " https://cms - images.idgesg.net/images/article/2017/05/intro_slide - 100723572 - large.jpg”data-thumb-src = " https://cms - images.idgesg.net/images/article/2017/05/intro_slide - 100723572 - small.jpg“alt = "介绍slide"/>

Image by Mark Gibbs

欢迎来到Killer Raspberry Pi Projects的第三集。我们< a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/article/3176091/10——杀手——覆盆子-π-项目-收集- 1. - html " > < / >和< a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/article/3186498/10 -更多-杀手覆盆子-π-项目-收集- 2. - html " > < / >第二集合是这样的打击,我们只需要产生另一个。树莓派有很多有趣的应用,很难挑选,但是,我们再次从糠中选出了小麦,为您带来十个更多的项目,它们体现了定义树莓派市场的创造力和热情。我们有由Alexa驱动的电子恐怖动画,由深度学习驱动的玩具汽车,几个展示项目,以及由Raspberry pi识别和监控的猫。简而言之,RPi的好处远比你能用棍子打到的多。

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3197889/10-more-killer-raspberry-pi-projects.html#tk.rss_gearhead 消费电子产品 树莓派、超声波和音乐 2017年5月19日星期五10:36 -0700 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

My son is a musician and he’s mentioned several times that he’d like to get an instrument called a  theremin. If you haven’t encountered this instrument before, it consists of an antenna that the theraminist (yes, that is a real word) waves their hand around. The device responds with a musical tone that’s dependent on how close the theraminist’s hand is to the antenna. How does it actually work? According to Wikipedia:

The theremin uses the heterodyne principle to generate an audio signal. The instrument's pitch circuitry includes two radio frequency oscillators set below 500 kHz to minimize radio interference. One oscillator operates at a fixed frequency. The frequency of the other oscillator is almost identical, and is controlled by the performer's distance from the pitch control antenna. /  The performer's hand acts as the grounded plate (the performer's body being the connection to ground) of a variable capacitor in an L-C (inductance-capacitance) circuit, which is part of the oscillator and determines its frequency.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3197483/raspberry-pi-ultrasonics-and-music.html#tk.rss_gearhead 硬件 你家的地下室是什么?打赌它不是一个大型机。 孙,2017年5月14日16:13:00 -0700 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

Over the years I've been tempted to buy all sorts of ridiculous things from sites such as Recycled Goods and eBay and, for various reasons such as lacking enough room (and spousal approval) to get a rotovap setup going in the kitchen, I've managed to restrict myself to a few small, reasonably sane acquisitions. Other people, for example, Connor Krukosky, not only laugh at temerity such as mine but go big with hardly a second thought.

A couple of years ago, at the age of 18, Krukosky who has what we'll call "a passion" for collecting and restoring vintage computers, spotted a posting on a mailing list announcing that an decade-old IBM Z890 mainframe was being sold by Rutgers University and the bidding was at a measly $100. Krukosky was immediately interested and bid, winning the beast for the handsome sum of $237.39.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3196516/whats-in-your-homes-basement-bet-its-not-a-mainframe.html#tk.rss_gearhead 硬件
10个杀手覆盆子PI项目(集合2) 星期一,2017年4月3日07:43:00 -0700 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯 < item class="slide">< item class="slide">
Killer Raspberry Pi Projects
< p类= >“slideCredit”形象的< a href = " https://www.flickr.com/photos/120586634@N05/24037216652 " rel =“nofollow”=“平等”类=“slideCreditLink”目标> <跨类=“slideCreditText”>加雷斯Halfacree / flickr


//m.banksfrench.com/article/3186498/10-more-killer-raspberry-pi-projects-collection-2.html#tk.rss_gearhead. 个人电脑 移动 覆盆子π PodPi让STEM教育变得激动人心! 星期三,2017年3月29日19:15:00 -0700 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

When I was a kid, the way science was taught was, on the whole, pretty boring … well, except for chemistry where the class chemistry wiz would “accidentally” blow things up or make horrible smells every now and then. Science was a class to get through with gritted teeth and even today, getting kids interested in STEM education (Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics) is still difficult. The problem is how to make topics that appear dry and complicated into something kids can get excited about. 

Five years ago, Stéphane Côme, the founder, chairman, and chief technology officer of LCS Technologies, a consulting firm specializing in Oracle database wrangling, decided that he wanted to give back to the community and that his focus should be on inspiring children to get involved with computers and software. Côme told me he started off by establishing a Meetup group to teach children and their parents through hands-on technology projects:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3186438/podpi-makes-stem-education-exciting.html#tk.rss_gearhead 家科技 Gearhead工具箱:覆盆子PI工具 2017年3月25日星期六17:30:00 -0700 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

I opened the Gearhead Toolbox to see what I hadn’t covered and, wow, there’s a lot in here so, today, let’s pick out a few Raspberry Pi-oriented goodies …

screen shot 2017 03 25 at 4.36.56 pm Mark Gibbs

Tonido Personal Cloud Server: Create a Pi cloud

Tonido Server is one of those gems that’s been around for a long time but doesn't seems to have got the love it deserves. Using this feature rich system you can build your own personal cloud service running on various Linux distributions including Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSUSE, as well as macOS, iOS, Android, Windows, and Windows Phone, and on multiple architectures including x86, PowerPC, MIPS, and, for your Raspberry Pi pleasure, ARM.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3184893/the-gearhead-toolbox-raspberry-pi-tools.html#tk.rss_gearhead 物联网
齿轮头工具箱:仪表板和可视化 2017年3月24日星期五17:25:00 -0700 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

In this issue of the Gearhead Toolbox I’m covering dashboards and visualizations. There are an incredible number of products and services in this domain and today I've chosen three particularly interesting projects ...

screen shot 2017 03 24 at 11.34.29 am Mark Gibbs

Cachet: A Status Page System

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3184888/the-gearhead-toolbox-dashboards-and-visualizations.html#tk.rss_gearhead 软件开发
齿轮头工具箱,第二个开口。图表和量规工具。 太阳,2017年3月19日16:13:00 -0700 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯


Web-based information displays such as dashboards, have become a popular way to present summaries of complex data and in this issue of the Gearhead Toolbox I have two killer JavaScript libraries for creating and editing diagrams, and another equally great library for creating gauge displays. Enjoy ...

screen shot 2017 03 19 at 12.45.13 pm Mark Gibbs


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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3182376/the-gearhead-toolbox-second-opening-tools-for-diagrams-and-gauges.html#tk.rss_gearhead 开源
齿轮头工具箱,第一次打开,看!静态网站! 2017年3月11日星期六17:04:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

Welcome to the first opening of The Gearhead Toolbox. There are so many really amazing tools and services appearing these days I’m going to start regularly posting a selection from the Toolbox to make sure you know what’s hot. In this, the first installment, we focus on static web site generators and hosting.

StaticGen, choosing a static web site generator

There are lots of web publishing frameworks and a design that’s become extremely popular is static web sites. The rationale for sites built this way is that they are simple to host (there’s little or no server side configuration required) and compared to products like WordPress they present no attack surface making it trivially easy to secure your content from hackers. On top of that, without the overhead of running databases and tons of supporting backend code, static web sites are really fast so you’ll get better SEO ratings!

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3179760/the-gearhead-toolbox-first-opening-and-look-static-web-sites.html#tk.rss_gearhead. 互联网
一个读者问:我如何创建一个自动博客? 2017年3月11日星期六10:34:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

Long time reader and old friend, Jim Sterne, recently wrote to me with a question:

Dear Gearhead,

I'd like to start publishing a newsletter about a specific area of interest, using the latest in feeds, bots, scrapers and content management organizers to make things as automated as possible but still being able to keep my eye on what gets posted, emailed, tweeted and projected directly into the corneas of avid, would-be readers.

What’s out there at the moment?

Many thanks,

Jim Sterne
One more publisher on the InterWebs

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3179682/A-Reader-asks-how-can-i-create-an-autoblog.html#tk.rss_gearhead. 软件
优步和糟糕、糟糕、不好、非常糟糕的一个月 星期六,2017年3月4日13:28:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

On February 19th, this year, Susan J. Fowler, a software engineer who left Uber (I don’t have to explain what Uber is, do I?) to work for Stripe (okay, I’ll outline what they are: Stripe has been described as “the PayPal of the mobile era”) blogged about her experience of working at Uber. She outlined a nightmarish corporate culture of poor management, backstabbing, dirty politics, and negligent human resources, along with apparently endemic and rampant sexual discrimination and harassment. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3176905/uber-and-the-tterrible-horlible-no-good-very-bad-month.html#tk.rss_gearhead. 它的领导
够了“网络”! 星期六,2017年3月4日13:07:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

Email is great; it’s transformed business, enabled geographically dispersed families and friends to stay in touch, redefined news distribution, transformed sales pipelines … the list of good stuff about email is endless. But, as many people have discovered to their cost, keeping control of your email account requires effort, effort like not using dumb, easy-to-guess passwords, and making sure your email hosting service is reliable and not, for example, Yahoo or AOL. And these issues aren’t anything like new, recent discoveries; we’ve all known for over a decade where the risks lie … well, all of us except, apparently, for the government.

I don’t know about you, but  during the 2016 election I was fairly surprised when the Democratic National Committee email system was hacked after which the email account of John Podesta, the DNC chairperson, was hacked. You’d have thought that the folks who manage IT for these people would have known the risks and done more to minimize exposure but when simple phishing and malware intrusions that should never of happened and which went undetected were successful, then you have to wonder where the disconnect lies.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3176887/enough-with-the-cyber.html#tk.rss_gearhead 安全
10个杀手级树莓派项目(集合1) 星期三,2017年3月1日11:05:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯 < p类= >“slideCredit”形象的< a href = " https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/NASA_Success.jpg " rel = =“平等”“nofollow”目标关于Raspberry Pi家族的单板计算机(除了设备本身),最值得注意的事情之一是他们激发了令人难以置信的创造力。学生,制造商,科学家,工程师,你能想到的,都在建造最令人惊叹的数字机器,在这第一轮中,我收集了一些著名和令人兴奋的例子,人们正在做什么。drop me a line,不要忘记在TwitterFacebook和注册我的通讯!

//m.banksfrench.com//m.banksfrench.com/article/3176091/10-killer-raspberry-pi-projects-collections-1.html#tk.rss_gearhead. 个人电脑 移动 覆盆子π 来认识一下RPi家族的最新成员:树莓派Zero W 星期三,2017年3月1日09:33:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

The Raspberry Pi Zero, priced at $5, has been, to say the least, a hit. Launched in November 2015, the Zero is a tiny (65mm by 30mm by 5mm) stripped-down but well-featured single board computer with a 1GHz ARM11 core, 512MB of RAM, mini-HDMI with 1080p60 output, and a 40-pin GPIO header that's pin compatible with the A+, B+, and 2B models. The problem with the Zero was connectivity; with only a single micro USB port you had to add a USB hub to connect keyboad, mouse, Wi-Fi dongle, and so on making the total cost far less attractive.

To answer this issue, the Raspberry Pi Foundation just released the latest member of the RPi family: The Raspberry Pi Zero W which adds 802.11n Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 support. It also includes the CSI camera connector that was added to the revised Raspberry Pi Zero board. All this for just $10.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3176104/meet-the-newest-member-of-the-rpi-family-the-raspberry-pi-zero-w.html#tk.rss_gearhead 个人电脑 移动 覆盆子π
犯罪预防、算法、人工智能和伦理 2017年2月25日星期六17:48:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

I just binge-listened to an outstanding podcast, LifeAfter, which, without giving too much away, is about artificial intelligence and its impact on people. Here's the show's synopsis:

When you die in the digital age, pieces of you live on forever. In your emails, your social media posts and uploads, in the texts and videos you’ve messaged, and for some – even in their secret online lives few even know about. But what if that digital existence took on a life of its own? Ross, a low level FBI employee, faces that very question as he starts spending his days online talking to his wife Charlie, who died 8 months ago…

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3174331/pre-crime-algorithms-artificial-intelligence-and-ethics.html#tk.rss_gearhead 大数据 分析
Gearhead树莓指数 2017年2月25日星期六12:40:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

I've been writing about the Raspberry Pi, the Internet of Things, and supporting technologies for some time and here, for all of you RPi aficionados, is my list of related Gearhead posts in reverse order. Enjoy ... and to get early warning of a new Gearhead post, sign up for my newsletter.

If you have any suggestions for Raspberry Pi topics that you'd like to see covered, drop me a line then follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3174268/the-gearhead-raspberry-pindex.html#tk.rss_gearhead 物联网
外星人吃了我的笔记本电脑 Tue, 21 Feb 2017 04:56:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

To misquote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the Apple Genius Bar, but that's just peanuts to space.

And out there, in the vast reaches of the cosmos, continuously streaming towards Earth are what are called cosmic rays which are  protons and atomic nuclei theorized to come from both supernovae explosions and probably the centers of galaxies. The earth is continuously bombarded by these alien particles which, in turn, collide with the atmosphere and generate a whole range of secondary particles including neutrons, muons, pions and alpha particles. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3172351/aliens-ate-my-laptop.html#tk.rss_gearhead 硬件 2020欧洲杯预赛
小企业安全的12个步骤 2017年2月20日星期一04:18:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯 < span style =" font - family:宋体;font - family:宋体;< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100709649 " src = " https://cms - images.idgesg.net/images/article/2017/02/1 -小-业务-安全- 100709649 - orig.jpg”data-thumb-src = " https://cms - images.idgesg.net/images/article/2017/02/1 -小-业务-安全- 100709649 - orig.jpg“alt = " 1小企业安全”data-license = "盖蒂图片社" / > < p类= " slideCredit " >图像<跨类= >“slideCreditText思想库< / span > < / p > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >如果你是一个小到中等规模的业务和你翅膀时,网络管理与安全就不是一个问题,如果你将有一场灾难,它只是一个问题的时候。为什么?因为恶意软件、事故和灾难都在伺机而动,让你的生活变得一团糟,让你花很多钱。现在我不会对你撒谎,与坏的东西绝缘并不便宜,但如果你认为安全和可靠性是昂贵的,那就尝试修复灾难。从长远来看,这里有12个步骤可以让你的企业更安全。你想好了吗?你准备了多少?


//m.banksfrench.com/article/3171657/12-steps-to-small-business-security.html#tk.rss_gearhead. 安全 小型企业
Netool网络端口配置分析仪-好的概念,需要改进 2017年2月18日星期六16:18:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

When you get involved in the actual wiring of networks, one of the things you find yourself checking over and over is whether Ethernet ports are actually live along with do they connect to DHCP, is the Internet visible, and so on. Typically you’ll grab your laptop, plug it in and run a few tests but while this works, you might describe it as “sub-optimal” because how often have you tried to do exactly this in a ceiling void? In a cramped comms cupboard? Somewhere in the bowels of a rack? In every one of those situations it’s just time consuming and annoying to have to fiddle around and juggle with your laptop. The Netool network port analyzer aims to be a better tool for doing exactly this.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3171069/netool-network-port-configuration-analyzer-good-concept-needs-polish.html#tk.rss_gearhead 硬件 2020欧洲杯预赛 联网
SkyBell HD,目前最好的视频门铃 2017年2月14日星期二14:26:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3168831/skybell-hd-the-best-video-doorbell-so-far.html#tk.rss_gearhead 硬件 消费电子产品 Nanoleaf Aurora:书呆子的智能照明 星期六,2017年2月4日19:15:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

You’re going to put that in your office, aren’t you?” So quoth my beloved when I assembled and fired up the Nanoleaf Aurora lighting system in our living room. I understood her point. As lighting solutions go, the Nanoleaf Aurora isn’t exactly subtle in design and in operation as colors flow and change across the various panels it can be a little, well, dominating. That said, speaking as a card-carrying nerd, I love it! Check it out:

As you can see, the Nanoleaf Aurora could be part of the set of “Lost in Space”, so unless your house looks like something from the Jetsons, you may find you have a stylistic conflict (and possibly significant other conflict) to deal with. 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3165413/nanoleaf-aurora-smart-lighting-for-the-nerd-set.html#tk.rss_gearhead 家科技
乐视Le Pro 3 echo;Android智能手机绝对值得考虑 2017年2月4日星期六14:23:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

It takes a brave company to attempt to gain a serious foothold in the U.S. smartphone market given that the dominant players are so massive and entrenched but that apparently wasn't a concern of LeEco when the company launched its products at the end of 2016. And rather than just selling smartphones, LeEco’s market approach is to become a lifestyle brand and claims that:

LeEco seamlessly blends devices, content, applications and distribution in a first-of-its kind ecosystem. This innovative approach puts extraordinary experiences in the hands of millions of people all over the world.

Pretty ambitious stuff but perhaps not surprising as LeEco is notable for being aggressively innovative and their product lines include televisions (the company acquired U.S. television manufacturer Vizio last year), headphones, speakers, chargers, phone covers, and there’s the LeEco Super Bike (with built-in fingerprint sensor ID and a waterproof touchscreen Android display). But wait! There’s more! They’ve even showcased a high-tech, self-driving concept car. 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3165512/the-leeco-le-pro-3-ecophone-an-android-smartphone-definitely-worth-considering.html#tk.rss_gearhead 硬件
物联网通讯,第3部分:测试蚊子 2017年1月28日星期六15:05:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

So, in the last installment of this series on the messaging protocol MQTT, we installed the Mosquitto MQTT broker. Now we’ll test it which we’re going to do on the same machine that Mosquitto is running on. First, you’re going to need to install the Mosquitto client tools:

sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients

Now, let’s run Mosquitto from the command line:

root@deb-01:/home/mgibbs# mosquitto 1485602498: mosquitto version 1.3.4 (build date 2014-08-17 03:38:31+0000) starting 1485602498: Using default config. 1485602498: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883. 1485602498: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.

The Mosquitto broker is now listening on the standard MQTT port, 1883, for both IPv4 and IPv6 MQTT requests. Next, open a new terminal window and enter:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3162746/internet-of-things-messaging-part-3-testing-mosquitto.html#tk.rss_gearhead 物联网
物联网消息传递,第2部分:mosquito to MQTT代理 星期二,2017年1月24日11:52:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

MQTT is a messaging technology for machine-to-machine communication that’s lightweight and relatively simple to implement on pretty much any device. In my first post on MQTT I covered the basics and background of the protocol and threatened to follow up with a discussion of Mosquitto, a free, open source MQTT server (the MQTT developers no longer call them “brokers”) that’s one of the most widely used messaging platforms in the Internet of Things world. Being a man of my word, here goes …

The Mosquitto broker (apparently the Mosquito developers and MQTT developers do not see eye-to-eye on terminology) is part of the Eclipse IoT Working Group, “an industry collaboration of companies who invest and promote an open source community for IoT.” Mosquito currently supports MQTT versions 3.1 and 3.1.1 and support for the proposed MQTT v5, which introduces scalability and protocol improvements is under way.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3160055/internet-of-things-messaging-part-2-the-mosquitto-mqtt-broker.html#tk.rss_gearhead 物联网
Cluster HAT是构建树莓Pi Zero集群的最简单方法 2017年1月20日星期五13:24:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

I recently compiled a list of Raspberry Pi clusters and reader Alex Hortin wrote in to suggest I looked at a cluster framework for up to four Raspberry Pi Zeros called the Cluster HAT produced by 8086 Consultancy

In case you haven’t come across the term, the “HAT” part of Cluster HAT, means that the device implements the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s Hardware Attached on Top system for add-on hardware. The Foundation’s 2014 blog post announcing the standard explains:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3160028/cluster-hat-the-easiest-way-to-build-a-raspberry-pi-zero-cluster.html#tk.rss_gearhead 硬件
10个神奇的树莓派集群 星期四,2017年1月12日10:44:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯 <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >单板< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100703562 " src = " https://cms - images.idgesg.net/images/article/2017/01/intro - 100703562 - orig.jpg”data-thumb-src = " https://cms - images.idgesg.net/images/article/2017/01/intro - 100703562 - orig.jpg“alt = "介绍" / > < p类=“slideCredit”> <一个形象href = " http://gibbsuniversal.com/ " rel =“nofollow”目标=“平等”类=“slideCreditLink”> <跨类= >“slideCreditText”马克·吉布斯< / span > < / > < / p > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >的覆盆子π单板电脑改变了教育和家庭已经成为物联网的司机革命。这些电路板成本低,功能齐全,而且很容易买到。那么,当你把一堆树莓派木板绑在一起,你会得到什么?这是一个非常便宜和高性能的并行计算系统,它不仅在教育领域有价值,还可以解决一些有用的现实问题。

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3156748/10-amazing-raspberry-pi-clusters.html#tk.rss_gearhead 个人电脑 移动 覆盆子π
罗西模式语言,一种更好的挖掘数据的方法 星期二,2017年1月3日12:20:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

We’ve all been there: You’ve got tons of unstructured or semi-structured data to sift through and like any savvy nerd, you know that doing so handraulically is against all that is good and holy [queue “Mission Impossible” music]. Your problem, which you have to accept, is how to efficiently and effectively automate the extraction process. As an old hand on the digital ship you’ll probably turn to a tool you know well such as grep, that good ol’ workhorse that implements regular expressions. Say you want to find all of the IPv4 addresses in a text file. You might resort to using:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3154270/the-rosie-pattern-language-a-better-way-to-mine-your-data.html#tk.rss_gearhead 分析
PIXEL,最新的树莓派操作系统…x86 ! 2016年12月30日星期五13:50:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯

Apparently Santa thought that Raspberry Pi users deserved something special this Christmas because there, underneath the digital Christmas tree, was the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s x86 port of its Debian + PIXEL Linux desktop environment designed to run on pretty much any hardware even old, pensioned-off gear. Lovers of horrible backronyms might have rejoiced at the name PIXEL which is derived from “Pi Improved Xwindows Environment, Lightweight” but as clumsy as the name’s derivation might be, the PIXEL distro is way cool and a seriously good idea. 

pixel1 Mark Gibbs

PIXEL is a highly modified version of the LXDE X11 desktop environment on Debian “Jessie” and was originally released in September 2016 but only for Raspberry Pi boards. This Christmas release now allows you to run PIXEL on most X86 devices including many machines that are veritable antiques.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3153905/pixel-the-latest-raspberry-pi-os-for-x86.html#tk.rss_gearhead 软件开发 硬件 虚拟化
10个热门聊天机器人生成器 2016年12月23日星期五13:58:00 -0800 马克·吉布斯 马克·吉布斯 <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >的机器人< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100701156 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/12/chatbot -建筑-介绍- 100701156 - orig.jpg”data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/12/chatbot -建筑-介绍- 100701156 - orig.jpg“alt = " chatbot建筑商介绍" / > < p class = " slideCredit”>图像< a href = " https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File Repro_Smoking_Spaceman_Robot_ -_Ha_Ha_Toy_ -_Silver_ -_Front.jp”rel =“nofollow”=“平等”类=“slideCreditLink”目标> <跨类= >“slideCreditText”马克·吉布斯/ DJ Shin -维基百科< / span > < / > < / p > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >聊天机器人出现在Facebook上,Slack,消费者零售网站,你能想到的,它们变得非常容易建立,有一些系统,非常聪明。在低端,真正的智能不那么重要,聊天机器人正在成为非程序员可以轻松构建的项目,而在高端,我们还没有达到HAL 9000级别,使用机器学习和理解技术的聊天机器人正变得越来越强大。所以,如果你正在寻找新的、闪亮的方式与你的客户互动,或者你想在Slack上为你的员工增加灵活的支持,这一系列聊天机器人平台是你需要开始的。我们考虑了10个聊天机器人,从“一个下午就搞定”的快速、简单的结果,到需要计算机科学学位并提供令人印象深刻的结果的系统。让聊天机器人接管开始吧!


//m.banksfrench.com/article/3152839/article.html#tk.rss_gearhead. 软件 开源 协作