足球竞猜app软件网络世界黄金的网络洞察 //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 周五,2020年9月4日5时34分〇〇秒-0700 周五,2020年9月4日5时34分〇〇秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 真正的挑战实现5G:网络 星期二,2019年4月9日8点45分00秒-0700 杰克·金 杰克·金 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

每个人似乎都集中在主要的设备制造商是否可以出货5G-准备好手机。And indeed they are coming forward with devices (e.g., Samsung, Huawei) based on chip designs from major manufacturers (e.g., Qualcomm, Huawei, Intel).

But while many are focused on the device challenges (such as will Apple’s iPhones use Qualcomm or Intel modems, or design their own?) and the potentially billions of connected “things” expected in the next few years, the devices are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to 5G. The real “below the water line” challenges, the more than 80% of the challenges in making 5G real, are in updating and creating networks that can truly provide all of the variety of services and capabilities that we expect.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3387523/the-real-challenge-to-achieving-5g-the-networks.html#tk.rss_goldsnetworkinsights 5G 联网 硬件 移动
都需要新的计算工作负载的新芯片技术 周一,2018年12月17日13:00:00 -0800 杰克·金 杰克·金 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在未来两到三年内,我们将看到的新的复杂的处理器爆炸,不仅做通用计算我们通常看到今日(标量和矢量/绘图processing), but also do a significant amount of matrix and spatial data analysis (e.g., augmented reality/virtual reality, visual response systems, artificial intelligence/machine learning, specialized signal processing, communications, autonomous sensors, etc.).

In the past, we expected all newer-generation chips to add features/functions as they were being designed. But that approach is becoming problematic. As we scale Moore’s Law closer to the edge of physical possibility (from 10nm to 7, then 5), it becomes increasingly lengthy and costly to perfect the new processes. What was generally about 12 months between processing improvement steps now is closer to two years, and newer process factories can cost upwards of $10 billion or more.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3328848/new-chip-techniques-are-needed-for-the-new-computing-workloads.html#tk.rss_goldsnetworkinsights 硬件 2020欧洲杯预赛 人工智能
物联网的倡议大多数企业是在浪费金钱 星期一,2018年7月9日11:02:00 -0700 杰克·金 杰克·金 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

物联网(IOT)近期截获的关注更如穿戴,AR / VR耳机和基于传感器的产品设备使他们对市场的方式。不过关的,现成的面向消费者的设备并不总是企业需要什么。相反,大多数企业需要的不仅仅是所有的地方部署的东西更专业的方法。

作为一个结果,更专业的Enterprise(EOT)正成为几乎所有公司的计划的一个显著一部分,在未来三到5年。事实上,我们预计EOT成为未来两到三年是大多数机构的战略举措前3项。与作为组织正在进行的企业云和安全举措EOT意志伙伴有转变他们如何做生意,运行更加高效和用户响应操作。But research shows that for many companies currently deploying or planning deployments of EoT, it’s a waste of money.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3287094/most-enterprise-of-things-initiatives-are-a-waste-of-money.html#tk.rss_goldsnetworkinsights Analytics(分析) 企业架构 物联网
事情的企业的困扰缺乏安全的 周一,2018 10:43:00 -0700 5月14日 杰克·金 杰克·金 <文章> <节类= “页”>


使事情更迫切的是,越来越多的部署EOT设备,预计将在未来两到三年显著增加。(我估计会有一个企业比PC和手机客户端结合在三到四年多的“东西”。) 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3272828/the-enterprise-of-things-troubling-lack-of-security.html#tk.rss_goldsnetworkinsights 物联网 安全 如何加快物联网的部署:给每个设备的身份 周四,2017年10月12日2时30分〇〇秒-0700 杰克·金 杰克·金 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


实际上, companies that deploy “things” need to worry about security, manageability, longevity/availability and robustness — unlike consumers who generally don’t concern themselves with such things. I recently discussed what I see as a real lack of focus on IoT security from a device perspective. What I’d like to discuss now is the need make it easier to deploy and manage devices, especially those focused on enterprise deployments. This can be relatively easily accomplished by creating a unique unalterable identity for each device.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3232628/how-to-speed-up-iot-deployment-give-each-device-an-identity.html#tk.rss_goldsnetworkinsights 物联网 安全 基础设施
物联网可以从智能手机安全学习 星期二,2017年10月3日八时53分00秒-0700 杰克·金 杰克·金 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


据我估计,85%以上部署在现实世界当前物联网设备没有足够的security installed, and it’s likely that the vast majority of those will never be upgraded (or are not even capable of being upgraded). That means not only do current devices being installed pose a risk, but over the next one to two years, the vast majority of devices that will be deployed also pose a risk.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3229976/the-troubling-lack-of-focus-on-securing-the-iot.html#tk.rss_goldsnetworkinsights 物联网 安全