足球竞猜app软件网络世界改变IT //m.banksfrench.com. 念头美国 周一,03 Aug 2020 07:24:29 -0700 周一,03 Aug 2020 07:24:29 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png. 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com. 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com. 796. 288 思科的2960-XR交换机线:实惠,低利用的选项 2018年12月17日星期一07:32:00 -0800 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

As we head towards the end of the year and end of our budgets, my engineers are reminding everyone that the Cisco 2960-XR family is an affordable and under-utilized option compared to other switch siblings in the Cisco 2960 family.

The 2960-XR Series switches provide easy device onboarding, configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting. These fully managed switches can provide advanced Layer 2 and Layer 3 features, as well as optional Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+) power. The switches deliver enhanced application visibility, network reliability, and network resiliency that continues to make it a great networking choice.

Since the 2960-XR switches are part of the 2960-X family, users will be familiar with the switches port counts and types, the identical levels of PoE+, and the identical stacking module/capability. But be sure to read on, as I have more to say about stacking.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3328856/ciscos-2960-xr-switch-line-an-avordable-under-utileized-option.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 网络交换机 思科系统 网络
中国关税导致新的数据中心设备价格增加2020欧洲杯预赛 Tue, 06 Nov 2018 06:05:00 -0800 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

As if the end of the year doesn’t present enough challenges for IT professionals, now there is the added concern coming from the Trump administration regarding the tariffs that were imposed on China back on Sept. 24.

Companies including Cisco, Dell, HPE, and Juniper Networks all called for networking and server equipment to be dropped from the tariff regulations, but they were unable to persuade the U.S. government to do that.

“By raising the cost of networking products, the proposed duties would impede the development and adoption of cloud-based services and infrastructure,” the group told trade regulators before the tariff was imposed, according to Reuters.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3318617/tariffs-on-china-cause-data-center-equipment-prices-to-increase.html#tk.rss_switchitup 硬件 2020欧洲杯预赛 网络设备 网络交换机 服务器
基础设施生命周期成本:伊拉德和TPM如何省钱 2018年10月12日星期五08:36:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

I was recently reading some responses to a question posted on the Spiceworks community forum that asked, “How do you dispose of old hard drives?" While there were some typically humorous responses, such as use them as target practice, smash them with a hammer, or drill a hole through them, I assume those comments were in jest. If not, those respondents are missing out on a great opportunity to get money back for their used equipment.

It also reminds me of the need for safe, secure IT asset disposition (ITAD) services. It’s imperative to find an ITAD provider that offers data sanitization and destruction services that protect your company’s data integrity and privacy, handles your gear in an environmentally responsible way, and can also save your company money.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3312798/infrastructure-life-cycle-costs-how-itad-and-tpm-can-save-you-money.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 硬件 资产管理 基础设施 网络管理
采用硬件生命周期的方式节约资金,保证网络的可靠性 星期四,2018年9月06日08:07:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

High-quality, reliable network hardware and data center cabling are requirements for a high-performing technology infrastructure and for a successful IT team that helps drive more business. It’s the life cycle for your network.

However, in these days of shrinking budgets and rising demands, CIOs, IT professionals and buyers are being pressured to do more while reducing costs. How can this be done?

Having the right approach when it comes to network hardware and data-center cabling is a powerful way to enable your IT organization to do a lot more while optimizing your budget.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3301869/hardware-life-cycle-akcoaches-to-save-money-ensure-network-relibility.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 2020欧洲杯预赛 硬件 网络管理
当涉及到IP桌面电话时,二级市场是一条出路 星期三,2018年8月15日07:32:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

As I sit at my desk and stare at the phone in front of me, I think back to a time when “experts” predicted desk phones would no longer be needed.

Well, those experts were certainly wrong. Instead, we have several options in desk phones — so many, in fact, that you may feel you need directory assistance just to get started. You're left wondering if you should go with an old favorite or try a newer model. And you're likely concerned about Cisco's announced end-of-sale and end-of-life dates for the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7945, 7965, 7975, and 7916. Are they still a good value, and will they still be available in the secondary market?

Or maybe you're wondering if you should go with the Cisco 8800 Series models that came out a few years ago that were supposed to eventually replace the whole 7900 Series. Can you afford all the bells and whistles that go with the 8800 series?

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3297936/when-it-comes-to-ip-desk-phones-the-secondary-market-is-the-way-to-go.html#tk.rss_switchitup IP语音(VoIP) 硬件
想要实惠的SDN产品?检查二级市场 星期五,2018年6月29日03:00:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

Frankly (no pun intended), I have to admit that I’m growing increasingly frustrated with certain trends in networking.

For example, it’s not that I don’t like the dream or idea of software-defined networking (SDN) — it’s not that I don’t think it’s superior to the older way of setting up or monitoring a network. It’s just that I’m becoming increasingly concerned that small- to medium-size enterprises (SMEs) won’t be able to keep up. And the media that follows this trend isn’t really brining to light the extreme cost of some of these systems.

Pricewise, many of the product lines are intended for large networks. There's no way that a smaller company could even begin to afford them. For example, one trainer told me that a certain SDN product was scaled to start at 500 site deployments!!

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3284417/want-affordable-sdn-products-check-the-secondary-market.html#tk.rss_switchitup SDN 网络 硬件
您的硬件订单已准备就绪。你想要带有的电缆吗? 星期二,2018年6月5日07:11:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

In a previous blog post, 5 reasons to buy refurbished Cisco equipment, I talked about five facts to keep in mind as you consider how to proceed with your Cisco hardware solutions.

Well, my engineering group reminded me of something else to consider for any hardware solution, not just a Cisco solution.


It seems that cabling can be an afterthought. Sure, you just used a blended solution of new and pre-owned hardware, where each makes the most sense in your infrastructure and creates a unique and potentially game-changing opportunity to maximize value in your investments.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3278052/your-hardware-order-is-ready-do-you-want-cables-with-that.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 网络 硬件 2020欧洲杯预赛
思科的多字技术如何增加网络速度 2018年5月16日星期三06:20:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

If you remember, in a previous Switch IT Up blog post I referenced Wireless AC and Wave 2 — some of the things that we could expect and some of the problems we could run up against. Things like having enough bandwidth to our APs to support a 6.8 gig connection.

So, what can be done about that?

Well, in 2015, Cisco introduced its Catalyst Multigigabit Technology, along with a new group of products, that address that issue and allow users to get more than just that 1 gig speed that most people have in their closets or in their infrastructure. How can users leverage that and still use their preexisting infrastructure rather than having to rip everything out and replace it?

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3273110/how-ciscos-multigigabit-technology-can-increase-network-speeds.html#tk.rss_switchitup 硬件 网络 思科系统
购买翻新思科设备的5个理由 2018年4月26日星期四10:3900 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

It’s a pretty common scenario. You’re considering implementing Cisco hardware in your infrastructure, and you talk to a vendor who pushes a shiny, new, cutting-edge solution on you.

It’s impressive, this bleeding-edge solution — it has all sorts of bells and whistles (whether your business plan can make smart use of them or not) and it comes with a nice, healthy price tag.

So, you’re left with a really difficult question. Should you stretch your already thin budget with a solution that may actually be overkill for your needs? Or do you have options

5 things to consider when buying network hardware

Keep these five factors in mind as you consider how to proceed with your Cisco hardware solutions because that vendor who thinks you should buy new probably doesn’t want you to know them.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3269373/5-reasons-to-buy-refurnished-cisco -equplipn.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 硬件 网络 思科系统
思科4000系列路由器是否重新定义了路由器的传统角色? 星期二,2018年3月27日06:14:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

Last month it was Catalyst 9000 switches, and this month its routers. Yes, my project engineering staff have had a surprising amount of inquiries regarding routers.

Routers vital to enterprise networks

When looking at distribution for an enterprise network, well-planned routing is the key to success. Routers can be absolutely vital for networks, as they connect a large amount of worksites within one large, umbrella-like network. At the enterprise level, they provide redundant paths, connect ISPs, and can translate data between different media.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3265030/does-the-cisco-4000-router-series-redefine-the-traditional-role-of-routers.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 路由器 网络 思科系统
Cisco Catalyst 9300的请求是UP ......意图是什么? 2018年2月16日星期五08:37:00 -0800 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

My project engineering staff has been getting more and more information requests for Cisco’s new line of Catalyst 9000 switches, especially the 9300 switch. That has me wondering why.

Cisco touts the Catalyst 9300 Series as the next generation of the industry's most widely deployed stackable switching platform that’s built for security, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing. It’s part of a line of network switches that form the foundation for Cisco's Software-Defined Access, its leading enterprise architecture.

One reason for the increased interest could be Cisco’s recently announced new intent-based networking system. Cisco believes that by adopting an intent-based approach, networks will be able to deliver a solution that introduces an onslaught of applications and devices that provide greater efficiency and address new security threats.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3254181/requests-for-cisco-catalyst-9300-are-up-whats-the-intent.html#tk.rss_switchitup 网络交换机 网络 基础设施 思科系统
思科的移动快捷适合你吗? 2018年1月10日星期三06:49:00 -0800 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

One of the hottest topics on the minds of our customers for 2018 continues to be their wireless infrastructure. As WLAN 802.11ac wave 2 devices becoming mainstream, Cisco has placed a stake in the ground claiming to be the “value leader.”

Cisco's solution to accomplish this is Mobility Express, designed to help companies easily set up wireless LAN (WLAN) networks. What exactly is Mobility Express? And is it right for you?

What is Mobility Express?

Mobility Express is the ability to use an access point (AP) as a controller. That means a lightweight network without a controller box. Instead one of the APs on the network acts as the controller. Here is how Cisco describes it:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3245777/is-ciscos-mobility-express-right-for-you.html#tk.rss_switchitup 移动 无线网络 w 网络 思科系统
第二波能应付向我们袭来的无线海啸吗? 星期一,2017年11月6日08:52:00 -0800 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

There seems to be a shift in our industry from wireless 802.11n  to 802.11ac, as we have seen large leaps forward in bandwidth and client-saturation handling. With more wireless options in use in the workplace, widespread connectivity continues to rise and wireless requirements are becoming greater and greater.

Now, with Wave 2 becoming more common, is 802.11ac really able to handle the tsunami-like wave of wireless internet requests to meet this growing demand?

There's only one way to find out. We need to step out of the comfort zone provided by past wireless technologies and expand the idea of what wireless is capable of providing to meet these demands.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3236192/can-wave-2-handle-the-wireless-tsunami-heading-toward-us.html#tk.rss_switchitup 移动 无线网络 网络
国王死了?!哎呀,不! 星期一,2017年10月2日07:32:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

It’s been about a year and a half since I asked the question in this blog, “Is the Cisco 6500 Series invincible?” I believe enough time has passed and that I should revisit that question — especially since people in the industry have been talking, tweeting and writing about the demise of the venerable Catalyst 6500 chassis family for years. 

But don’t worry, the King is not dead because Cisco is having none of that! 

+ Also on Network World: 4 resources to find free Cisco skills and certification labs +

Aside from being a major revenue stream for Cisco, the 6500 chassis family remains a solid platform that the company has made extensible by creating the Catalyst 6800 family. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3229946/the-cisco-6500-series-is-dead-heck-no.html#tk.rss_switchitup 网络交换机 网络 硬件 思科系统
思科6500系列是无敌的吗? 星期二,2016年3月29日13:02:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

The Cisco 6500 Series has proven itself time and time again to be a mainstay in the networking industry. Cisco has done a commendable job with continued enhancements to ensure that the industry’s golden child maintains relevance. If this is the case, why do IT professionals still fear its supposedly impending obsolescence and feel pressure to upgrade to newer models? Let’s just say rumors of its demise are greatly exaggerated.

As the industry moves toward 10/40Gig and higher, the need for bandwidth and port density only increases. Software-defined networking (SDN), while certainly worthy of consideration, may not be the best option for all organizations just yet. However, the need for high-speed switching connectivity and robust services remains a concern for the here and now. Enter: The Cisco 6500 Series.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3049220/is-the-cisco-6500-series-invincible.html#tk.rss_switchitup 网络交换机 思科系统 网络
可穿戴物品值得企业的网络安全风险吗? 2015年10月22日星期四12:16:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

The Internet of Things and wearable technology are becoming more integrated into our everyday lives. If you haven't already, now is the time to begin planning for their security implications in the enterprise. 

According to research firm IHS Technology, more than 200 million wearables will be in use by 2018. That's 200 million more chances of a security issue within your organization. If that number doesn't startle you, Gartner further predicts that 30% of these devices will be invisible to the eye. Devices like smart contact lenses and smart jewelry will be making their way into your workplace. Will you be ready to keep them secure even if you can't see them?

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2996539/are-wearbes-worth-the-cybersecurity-risk-in-the-enterprise.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 物联网 安全 BYOD
软件定义网络:趋势还是技术运动? 星期二,08年9月8日11:48:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

Software-defined networking (SDN), and what it means for the industry, is continually changing. According to TechTarget, "The goal of SDN is to allow network engineers and administrators to respond quickly to changing business requirements." SDN provides the capabilities to shape traffic from a centralized console, bypassing the need to configure individual switches. This allows services to be delivered where they are needed, when they are needed – with less room for human error.

By definition, SDN seems like a no-brainer. It makes perfect sense for organizations to strive to quickly adapt to changing business requirements, so why not implement SDN tomorrow? Not so fast. We keep hearing about it, and more companies are working to gain a foothold in the SDN space, but is it right for the enterprise network right now? It depends. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2981667/software-defined-networking-trend-or-technology-movement.html#tk.rss_switchitup 思科系统 SDN
你的网络能适应物联网吗? 星期二,2015年8月4日12:38:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

It seems like we can't go a day without hearing about the hottest new connected device or the latest smart [fill in the blank] technology. The much-discussed Internet of Things (IoT), and the varied devices that comprise it, could be considered the biggest trend in the industry today. We are in the midst of an exciting era of technology. And who doesn't love a cool gadget? I'm sure many of us are looking forward to the day when it's common practice for our fridge to tell us we're out of milk, and when we can lock our doors remotely if we accidentally forget. Our kids will definitely be thrilled about the gamified toothbrush that controls the movements of video game characters. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2956580/will-your-network-be-ready-for-the-internet-of-things.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 思科系统 物联网
无线网络冠的战斗正在加热 2015年6月30日星期二13:00:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

The IT world has been buzzing recently with partnerships and acquisitions on the wireless networking front. HP announced its decision to acquire Aruba Networks and will reportedly focus its efforts on new software that allows customers to manage entire networks with a single app. We also learned about the newly formed partnership between Juniper Networks and Ruckus Wireless, demonstrating Juniper's continued effort to become a real player in the wireless space. All interesting revelations, but will these changes pose a real threat to Cisco, the reigning networking champ?

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2942270/the-battle-for-the-wireless-networking-crown-is-heating-up.html#tk.rss_switchitup 思科系统 无线网络
更大、更好、更快:802.11ac的Wave 2有哪些功能? 2015年5月20日星期三13:03:00 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski.

"Bigger, better, faster" is a mantra with which many of us are now familiar. Even if it isn't something we have printed on a t-shirt, it can be how we strive to live without often realizing it. Improvement is a part of life. You don't have to look hard to see examples of certain things that have already realized their great potential for improvement. But what about things we take for granted, like wireless?  

Wireless is all around us, but it's something we take for granted. Sometimes it’s harder to find a business or public location without Wi-Fi than it is to find one with it. So can wireless actually advance? 

Whether it's in the boardroom or the living room, we have expectations of buttery-smooth audio and video. As the number of wireless devices grows at a profound rate, how can we shore up the wireless network to provide service to all that’s connected? Wireless AC may be the light at the end of the tunnel. With Wave 1 speeds of 1.3Gbps (your mileage may vary) we're offered a chance to handle the larger amount of requests constantly bombarding our access points (APs). Still, the struggle in dense environments continues. Enter Wave 2. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2924863/bigger-better-faster-what-does-wave-2-of-802-11ac-have-in-store.html#tk.rss_switchitup 思科系统 无线网络
思科准备生产新的CTR路由器 2013年6月7日星期五12:57:38 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. <文章> <章节类=“页面”>


预计互联网将经过1.4 zettabytes的年增长率。换句话说,一个人在一个人中比整个互联网都有更多的电子流量从1984年到2012年。

但是,消费者可能会惊慌失措,我们的目前的基础设施如何支持这种扩展,因此,思科是在问题之上。基于圣何塞的网络硬件制造商认识到新技术必须建立,以帮助我们达到 - 并管理 - 这种连接用户的高原。

要全面阅读本文,请单击此处 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2224760/cisco-preparing-to-manufacture-new-ctr-routers.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 思科系统 网络 路由器 思科交换机提供迄今为止最高的性能 2013年5月10日星期五11:10:27 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. 思科再一次证明,当谈到创新和竞争优势时,它已经抓住了脉搏,作为网络设备供应商最近公布了其最新的存储区域网络解决方案,the Cisco MDS 9710 Multilayered Director Switch. "这台思科交换机是最新和最通用的顶级董事级存储交换机,到目前为止。

它有什么好处?被吹捧为具有比其他竞争系统更高的性能、可伸缩性和可靠性的能力,新的总监级SAN交换机提供业界任何存储总监三倍的带宽。由于企业对数据存储系统的需求不断增加,可伸缩性是该产品的主要优点。根据IDC 2012年3月的一项估计,到2015年,数据存储需求将以每年61.4%的复合增长率增长。

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2224616/cisco-maintains-edge-as-director-switches-deliver-highest-performance-to-date.html#tk.rss_switchitup 思科系统 网络 思科的动作表明了哲学的未来班次的清晰迹象 2013年1月30日星期三10:05:50 -0800 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. 思科是一个一直被信息技术世界以及一般商业人士关注的公司。对于那些关注的人来说,思科在2013年一直在忙着做一些调整。


Videoscape: Video Walls at CES


//m.banksfrench.com/article/2223950/cisco-s-moves-show-clear-signs-of-future-shivel-in-philosophy.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 思科系统 2020欧洲杯预赛 贝尔金
思考灾难恢复策略的另一个原因 Tue, 27 Nov 2012 08:44:46 -0800 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. <文章>

肯定,他们称之为桑迪的风暴是我们的,但它真的是吗?不是很多人。 When you think of Sandy, perhaps a friend comes to mind. Maybe that young lady from summers at the lake when you were a kid, or the state of your shoes after walking the beach. Looking for the meaning behind the name I discovered it meant "defender of men, or mankind." Perhaps now we can append to that "destroyer of worlds."

No matter what Sandy meant to you before, now it likely brings to mind the storm that ravaged parts of the world. By now most of us have seen the pictures from different parts of the U.S., especially coming from NYC. (thoughts and well wishes to all affected by the tragedy)

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2223565/yet-another-reason-to-think-about-disaster-recovery-strategy.html#tk.rss_switchitup 思科系统 灾难恢复
思考灾难恢复策略的另一个原因 Tue, 27 Nov 2012 08:44:00 -0800 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. <文章>

肯定,他们称之为桑迪的风暴是我们的,但是吗?不是很多人。 When you think of Sandy, perhaps a friend comes to mind. Maybe that young lady from summers at the lake when you were a kid, or the state of your shoes after walking the beach. Looking for the meaning behind the name I discovered it meant "defender of men, or mankind". Perhaps now we can append to that "destroyer of worlds".

No matter what Sandy meant to you before, now it likely brings to mind the storm that ravaged parts of the world. By now most of us have seen the pictures from different parts of the US, especially coming from NYC. (thoughts and well wishes to all affected by this tragedy)

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2223564/yet-another-reason-to-think-about-disaster-recovery-strategy.html#tk.rss_switchitup 思科系统 灾难恢复
你知道你用过的思科是从哪里来的吗? 星期一,2012年8月13日16:00:28 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. <文章>

您可能已经看到了关于ubiquiti networks,Inc。的最新消息,与假冒无线齿轮。The company saw their stock plummet on Friday as a result, and they’re currently doing damage control.

Network admins have reason to be concerned – clearly, the production, sale and distribution of counterfeit IT equipment isn’t slowing down. And while IT budgets continue to be downsized and companies are pressured to “do more with less,” you can easily expose your organization to counterfeit gear when searching for the cheaper prices.

So how can you buy cheaper gear without the risk of buying counterfeit? Used IT gear is a great solution, particularly for companies not always looking for the “latest and greatest” (read: the most expensive). But choose your vendors wisely – Amazon and eBay may not be the best way to go.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2222950/do-you-know-where-your-used-cisco-is-coming-from-.html#tk.rss_switchitup 思科系统 资产管理
7月,思科的过山车 2012年7月23日星期一10:04:37 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. 似乎,到目前为止,2012年7月有点像是思科过去几年的缩影。它在技术和为用户打开的潜在大门方面取得了巨大的飞跃,但在处理业务实践方面却后退了几步。看到这个网络巨头既让消费者兴奋又让他们烦恼,真是令人沮丧和不安。让我们来看看思科本月的一些亮点:

7月6日-对于整个路由器的混乱,很抱歉。大约在6月底,思科自动更新了Linksys EA3500和EA4500路由器的固件,并将它们放到基于云的管理服务上。没有人能代表所有用户发言,但许多人对这些更改感到厌烦。对一些人来说,问题是新固件让他们感到惊讶,“它提供了思科连接云的登录界面,而不是之前出现的基于lan的路由器管理界面。”这对许多用户来说肯定是一个意想不到的冲击。在思科的家庭社区论坛上,一位评论者甚至说:“我不想这样。云界面并不是每个人都想要的。不要再像一个公司那样做决定,你认为人们需要什么。”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2222817/cisco-s-roller-coaster-july.html#tk.rss_switchitup 思科系统 2020欧洲杯预赛 随着经济的不确定性,二手思科硬件的受欢迎程度会增加吗? 2012年7月12日星期一12:10:23 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. 这是一件我们都不希望我们去思考的事情…经济。现实是,对经济的担忧是真实的。有各种各样的观点。有些人认为一切都在好转。其他人则认为,我们正走向另一场比2008年更严重的衰退。

所以,很明显经济上有很多不确定性。< / p > < h3 >思科硬件,对经济转型的适应在这些经济环境中,企业自然会更加关注成本。那么,随着经济不确定性的延长或增加,人们会转而使用旧的思科硬件作为管理成本和降低支出的手段吗?

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2222711/with-ecomic-uncterainty-will-popularity-of-pre-owned-cisco-hardware-increase-.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 思科系统 网络 数据泄露 山中之王,还是潘中之闪电侠? 星期二,2012年6月12日09:47:46 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. <文章>

本周过去一周我们再次有幸才能忍受e3的令人敬畏,如果你喜欢我,那么你很不耐烦地等待着什么(微软,索尼,任天堂)今年必须提供。它并没有最终成为一个大块的展示,但有很多好东西。看看 xbox smartglass 如果你有机会!


以满载阅读本文,请单击此处 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2222568/king-of-the-hill --or-flash-in-the-pan-.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 思科系统 2020欧洲杯预赛 E3. 微软 任天堂 Cisco在Byod上:习惯它 2012年5月21日星期一09:31:47 -0700 Frank Kobuszewski. Frank Kobuszewski. 上周思科发布了一些新闻关于今日科技话题,BYOD。主要信息是:企业不再那么厌倦员工在工作场所使用个人设备,但安全仍是一个问题。


IT Hasn't Been Slow to Embrace BYOD, But…该报告还说,企业IT部门“对这一趋势反应迟缓”。这句话的措辞很微妙——因为我可以保证,IT员工已经欣然接受了这一趋势:与其他员工相比,他们带着自己的个人设备在工作和娱乐中工作的时间更长、频率更高。我说的不仅仅是智能手机,还有笔记本电脑、平板电脑、个人电脑、游戏机等等。然而,当IT部门的员工自带设备时,安全并不是主要的问题。理论上,他们已经知道潜在的安全威胁以及如何避免这些威胁。

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2222436/cisco-on-byod----dused-to -it.html#tk.rss_switchitup. 思科系统 安全 BYOD